Do Good Pets Go to Heaven?

My dear cousin recently lost Ketu, her Tibetan Mastiff. Ketu was a gentle giant. In memory of her sweet dog, I am sharing what I wrote when we lost Corrie, our yellow lab.

Scripture says…

To be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:8 NASB).

The hope of a reunion with loved ones in the faith helps us say good-bye. But what solace do pet owners have?

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 presetPhoto by: Krista Mangulsone

The God of hope offers hope, joy, and peace for any situation, including saying good bye to a pet (Romans 15:13). This hope comes from trusting Him.

God loves the animal kingdom. He took time to create different personalities for each animal, not just each species. No two labs are alike even though the breed has similarities.

God gave people a choice whether to board Noah’s ark, but He compelled the animals He rescued onto the ark. The rainbow confirmed His covenant with all the creatures of the earth, not just humans (Gen. 9:10, 15, 17). God had compassion and spared wicked Nineveh in part because of its many animals (Jonah 4:11). He never forgets even one small sparrow who dies (Luke 12:6).

Death was not introduced until humans sinned. Adam and Eve’s sin brought a curse on all of the earth. Because people sinned, people need a Savior to receive eternal life. But one day God will restore all of creation. Until then, creation waits “in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God,” (Romans 8:18-21 NIV). Does that include our pets?

Better Than We Can Imagine

Heaven will be better than anything we can imagine.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
    and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
    for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT).

I can imagine our pets being able to communicate with us as the animals in Narnia or cartoon characters do with their thought balloons. After all, the serpent spoke to Eve, and Balaam’s donkey spoke to him. Scripture promises it will be better than I can imagine!

Whatever heaven is like, we won’t be disappointed. Share on X

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. And the one sitting on the throne said, ‘Look, I am making everything new!’” (Revelation 21:4-5 NLT).

I can’t find a verse that says my faithful lab will fly over the fields of heaven with restored youth to greet me, but I don’t see one that says she won’t. If seeing Corrie is still a desire of my heart when I get to heaven, then she will be there (Psalm 37:4). I do know God loves our pets more than we do. Since He does all things better than we can imagine, we can trust Him with their destinies.

Question: How has God comforted you in a loss?

Click here to comment. Then enjoy this awesome song, Endless Hallelujah.


Debbie W. Wilson

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  1. janis

    Isaiah 65:25 says, “The wolf and the lamb shall graze together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox; and dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall do no evil or harm in all My holy mountain, says the Lord.” That verse comes from a section that references the new heaven and new earth. Looks to me like animals will be present but will not harm us or each other! Sounds like heaven to me!

  2. Marilyn Couch

    I have no doubt! We’ll see our pets again! Delight yourself in
    the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!

  3. Kay Holland

    After my beautiful six year old Sheltie- Jasmine- lost her
    battle with lymphoma, I sought the Lord about whether I would see
    her in eternity. Of course, I had prayed for her resurrection, but
    many well-meaning theologians had caused some confusion on this
    somewhat controversial topic. As I walked up a steep hill in my
    neighborhood, missing my furry walking buddy, I cried out, “Lord please comfort my aching heart!” I looked up towards the clouds, and my eyes began to trace a distinct form. I promise this is not
    an exaggeration! It wasn’t a fuzzy, blur of a sheltie, but I traced every detail that formed an artistic replication of a regal Shetland Sheepdog, with one amazing difference! This dog had wings!!! I stood there for the longest time hoping someone else would come by to confirm this miracle in the sky! But of course our planet is in motion, and the angelic artwork was slowly erased. However, the memory of that answered prayer is forever etched on my heart! I am convinced that Jesus has preserved my Jasmine for eternity!

    “O Lord, you preserve both man and beast. How priceless is your
    unfailing love!” [Ps.36: 6b-7a]


    • debwilson

      What a beautiful story of God’s personal comfort. Wow. Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Valarie


    Thank you so much for sharing that beautiful story! My heart swelled up with hope, joy and comfort just reading it. I KNOW IT IS REAL! And, thank you Debbie for bringing our little pets into your ministry. They are so close to our hearts, as yours is to your heart! What a blessing!!!


  5. Tracey Horton

    OK, Debbie, you know what a animal lover I am. I loved reading your blog about Corrie, especially how you ended it. I have always been taught that you have to have a soul to go to heaven, and animals don’t have souls. As much as I love my dogs, and you know I do, Im sure that when I get to heaven I will not be thinking about my dog. According to scripture there will be animals in heaven, just not the ones that we’ve had here on earth. After all how could heaven, be heaven with out animals. Thanks for sharing, I love seeing the different opinions. My girls Lexi and Laci (chocolate labs) may not make it to heaven, but Im sure there will be chocolate labs there that look and act just like them, even come running when I call their names. 🙂

  6. debwilson

    Tracey, I don’t know either, but I do believe they have souls. Souls are their personalities. They don’t have spirits like God breathed into Adam. That sets humans apart from the rest of the animal world. The point for me is, God is good, and I can trust Him to do what is best!

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Karen

    I had a cat who would get on the bed when I knelt to pray. She would position herself next to my folded hands. As I talked to my heavenly Father, she would begin to purr and continue purring until my prayer was ended. I always felt that she knew her Creator and that was why she purred as I prayed. She’s been gone so many years now (24) and I’ve had many cats in those years, but I still miss her most of all. Like you, I say, if seeing her in heaven would make me happy, she’ll be there. I understand that heaven will be all joy – oh, to be with the Lord! But to hold that old girl and have her lick my face again, wow…

    • Debbie Wilson

      Karen, we have friends that have two cats. One of them does the same thing when they pray together. Isn’t that interesting? If the rocks will praise Him, certainly our pets can too!

  8. Fuller

    Well, since in Revelation we see Jesus riding on a white horse (Rev. 19:11) , and we are told the “wolf shall lay down with the lamb” (Is. 11:6) – -and “the leopard and goat”, and “the calf and the lion and the yearling”! – – -I see no conflict at ALL in scripture with believing that ALL species of animals will be with us for eternity in Heaven. No conflict at all. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Fuller, we know is God does all things be better than we can imagine. What a wonderful place it will be!

  9. Brenda Flowers

    Thank you for sharing this message. So many people struggle with sadness and even anger at God at the time of the deaths of loved ones. The scriptures bring comfort and healing.

    I, like you, trust God’s Word. God has given me great peace when my Christian loved ones have died because I know they’re with Him. I, like you, believe there will be animals in heaven. Exciting times are ahead!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Exciting, indeed! Thank you, Brenda. God’s word is a great comfort. I’m so thankful He always provides what we need when we need it.

  10. Ann

    That is absolutely wonderful Debbie and very comforting for those of us who have lost loved ones – both the human and 4 legged variety.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. The promises of heaven are a great comfort.

  11. Hap

    Debbie, I remember Corey and Ketu. Great pets and wonderful memories. Thanks for this rememberance. Hap

    • Debbie Wilson

      Hap, you need to come and visit Max and Coco now! So good to hear from you.

  12. Toni Wilbarger

    My pastor always used to say that since heaven is a place of total joy, then God in His great love for us is fully capable of re-creating our pets for us once we get to heaven. I’ve always loved that observation and hope to see my beloved beagle Daisy one day.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Toni, I like your pastor’s reasoning. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Dawn Marie Wilson

    I love this, Debbie. The thing that brought me solace when my Parson’s Jack Russell, Bailey, died was knowing I had been a good steward of one of God’s little creatures. I think He notices how we care for our animals. There are passages in the scriptures that encourage humane treatment. And He gives us a great capacity to love and care for these little “furbabies.” We’re not to idolize them, but we can appreciate and love them as gifts from the Lord. I hope to see all of my pets in heaven, but wonder if they will scamper between my heavenly home and the dwelling places of others who have loved them.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Dawn, you said it so well. He gives us capacity to love them, and we are to care for them. I love the image of them scampering together between those who loved them!

  14. Mary Stephens

    I have never believed that our pets would go to heaven since they don’t have the ability to believe and be born of the Spirit of God as humans. However, your post is thought-provoking. While I have doubts as to them being in Heaven proper, I wonder if it might be possible that some of them would be in the new earth when it is made. But, even if they are not the same exact animals, if the Lord can give us good gifts in animals now, He will give us better ones when the creation is finally and fully healed of the curse.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Mary, I don’t think the Bible is clear one way or the other on this. But it is clear that God is more loving and kind than we are, and that He loves animals. So we can trust Him with our pets and with our futures. Blessings to you.

  15. Kelsey Flowers

    Corrie was such a sweet lab! Your reflection on this topic brings me a lot of comfort. My golden retriever Max passed away just a few months ago after being a part of my life for almost 15 years. Luke 12:6 is a real comfort to me too. If God never forgets one small sparrow, I know He remembers and cares for each of our loved pets, even more than we do if that is possible! Thank you for sharing this encouragement.

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