How to Be Christ-Centered Amid This Unrest

by | Jul 7, 2020 | Anger, Battles | 20 comments

Have you considered how practical it is to be Christ-centered? It changes how we perceive and respond to the pressure the world imposes on each of us. Sadly, many churches don’t look to Jesus or the Bible for wisdom. They cave to current fads. This contributed to the early racism in our country and hinders healing now. So when someone has the courage to speak truth it moves me.

I met Denita Thomas through Knowing God Ministries and felt an instant attraction. When I recently heard her speak online, I thought of you. You can find the link to her talk below. I asked her to distill her thoughts in a blog. Thank you, Denita, for sharing your heart and wisdom with us.

Christ-Centered Amid These Times of Unrest

I cannot help but think about how people may feel during these times of unrest. People tell me they’re CONSUMED with feelings of discouragement, confusion, anger, anxiety, fear and even guilt. I want to address some of these feelings because they are affecting my brothers and sisters in Christ.

People are CONSUMED with feelings of discouragement, confusion, #anger, #anxiety, fear and even guilt. Let's address these feelings because they are affecting my brothers and sisters in Christ. Share on X

I will say that yes, racism does exist in our nation and around the world. It is not as deeply rooted as it was decades ago, but there are pockets of racism today. We see anger expressed everywhere! People are venting! People are hitting the streets to protest…some peacefully, some not.

Those who have directly experienced racism may be angry. Some hear about it and empathize and get angry. Some people ASSUME racism in a situation (without seeking all the facts) and get angry! Racism is a sin. So, it is realistic to get upset about racism.

However, we need to know what kind of anger is acceptable. As Christians, the Holy Spirit in you will cause you to feel righteous anger and disdain for sin. But we cannot use anger as an excuse to sin or to excuse sin.

We cannot use #anger as an excuse to sin or to excuse sin. ~ Denita Thomas #hope Share on X

Christ-Centered and Worldly Responses

For instance, rioting, looting, physical and verbal abuse toward the police or those with differing views, and disobeying the law are all sinful. It is wrong to justify this behavior. Also, we must not hurt others when speaking out.

With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the ungodly do, for they are hopelessly confused. Their minds are full of darkness; they are far from the life God gives because they have shut their minds and hardened their hearts against him.  They do not care anymore about right and wrong and they have given themselves over to immoral ways. Their lives are filled with all kinds of impurity and greed” (Ephesians 4:17-19 NLT)

We must not do as the ungodly do. In 2 Corinthians 10:1, as Paul defended himself, he pleaded with the gentleness and kindness that Christ Himself would use.

Satan causes confusion. Some white people are wondering what they must do to show that they are not racist. “Should I kneel and apologize?” Some churches are instructing their white parishioners do this. “Should I show solidarity with Black Lives Matter?” Some churches are aligning with this group, despite their platform not aligning with biblical statutes. Confusion!

White Guilt

Sadly, some whites are consumed with guilt. They are hearing blanket statements like “white people are racists.” Activist groups make statements like “whites should downsize their homes and give them to a black or brown family.” Whites are scolded because of “white privilege.” They are made to feel that they need to do something by way of penance.

My white sisters and brothers, you owe nothing but to display the love of God to all.  Allow Jesus to guide your heart.  The Holy Spirit will reveal your heart, and Christ-centered people will discern your godly love.

Delving deeper into “white guilt,” it was on my heart that the guilt of the sins of past generations are impacting this generation. The impact of racism travels from generation to generation. But, isn’t it awesome that Jesus breaks the curse of past sins?

Have faith in the redemptive blood of Jesus! If you feel guilty because you yourself have committed a racist thought or action, Jesus forgives! Confess it, let it go, and walk in the grace of forgiveness.

Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.” (Hebrews 10:22 NLT)

God is moving on the earth and we, the Church, have a central role to play. Show the world that the people of God love differently from the world. Be blessed and keep a Christ-Centered focus! Jesus is sufficient.

If you feel #guilty because you yourself have committed a racist thought or action, Jesus forgives! #Confess it, let it go, and walk in the grace of forgiveness. Denita Thomas Share on X

Click here to hear Denita’s talk “In the Midst of Unrest.


Denita and her husband, Brian, are the founders of God 1st Bible Fellowship. She also serves on the Prayer Team of Knowing God Ministries. Denita has been married to Brian for 13 years. She has a BA in Biology from UNC-Chapel Hill. Currently, Denita is a stay-at-home mom and homeschooler of two kids, ages 9 and 11.

Comment here.

Sometimes I link with these great sites:

#InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory  #Recharge Wednesday, #WorthBeyondRubies #TuneinThursaday, #Dance with Jesus, #Grace&Truth,

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  1. Melissa Henderson

    What a blessing to read this message today! Thank you Denita and thank you Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, her talk really touched me. Thanks for reading. Jesus is the answer to our personal and national sin and pain.

    • Denita Thomas

      Melissa, I’m so glad this message is blessing people. Jesus IS sufficient!

  2. Anita Ojeda

    Thank you for sharing Denita’s words. Love is what God called us to, but it’s so easy to forget when our emotions are heightened!

    • Debbie Wilson

      It is easier to lash out in pain than to seek Christ and find healing and help. One leads to more pain and the other to hope. Thanks, Anita.

  3. Ann Musico

    Well said. If our focus is on Jesus and treating others as we would want to be treated, I don’t think we can go wrong.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen! Thanks, Ann!

  4. Berniece S Payne

    Yes if you have made a racial sin get Right with God about it. Confess it and walk in his grace. I’m Thankful for that we’re No longer slaves to Sin and generational curses. Christ broke all of that. Praise the Lord. Thank you for sharing my this.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes! Thank you, Berniece.

  5. Katherine Pasour

    This is such a timely message–one that I wish everyone could read. The scripture from Ephesians could be describing us in this time of strife. Their minds are full of darkness; they are far from the life God gives because they have shut their minds and hardened their hearts against him. They do not care anymore about right and wrong and they have given themselves over to immoral ways. (Ephe 4:18-19) Jesus is our only path from darkness into light. Thank you, Denita (and Debbie) for sharing this message.

    • Debbie Wilson

      That passage does describe our time, Katherine. May we walk in truth and pray for people’s eyes to be opened and come to the Truth.

  6. J.D. Wininger

    Thank you both for sharing this message. Christians, most especially, need to do more than read and consider this post, they need to act upon it. If we, as Christians, model a Christ-centered life, then some in the world will take notice. Prejudice as always existed in some form or another since man’s fall. It is when prejudice, in the form of stereotypes, continue to be taught in our homes and shown to exist in our lives, that it spawns racism. Many who are “racist” today, don’t even know why they are. Hatred is a learned response, but so is God’s love. Let us each endeavor to show that in our lives instead. God’s blessings Ms. Denita and Ms. Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, J.D. Knowing Christ transforms our hearts and heals both victims and agents of wrong.

    • Denita Thomas

      Thank you so much, J.D. Well stated. All ethnicities should be careful not to teach prejudices and stereotypes to our children. We must raise them to know God and to appreciate his diverse creation and how deep His love is for it. We are to model His love.

  7. Jeannie Waters

    Denita and Debbie, thank you for a biblical message and a conclusion that yields peace: “Show the world that the people of God love differently from the world. Be blessed and keep a Christ-Centered focus! Jesus is sufficient.” Amen!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, indeed! Thanks, Jeannie!

  8. Nancy E Head

    A wonderful word of true fellowship. Very refreshing in these times.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Nancy, I was encouraged by Denita’s words too. Thanks so much for reading.

  9. Mary Geisen

    Thank you for your message today, Denita! I appreciated reading your words about racism and your Christian perspective. Blessings on your weekend.

    • Denita Thomas

      Thank you so much, Mary. May God bless your weekend, also.

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