Be Careful What You Want

For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened (Romans 1:21 ESV).

downloadPhoto by: Milada Vigerova

Have you ever gotten what you wanted and been disappointed? The oil spill disaster of 2010 reminded me how craving stuff can backfire on us.

America has had a love affair with oil. Some argue we’ve sacrificed our own sons and daughters to fight to maintain access to this prized source of a comfortable lifestyle. But after the oil spill, our nation wished we could stop the gushing oil in the gulf and magically erase the damage.

Romans 1:18-32 says God revealed Himself to humanity through His creation. But many worshiped the created instead of the Creator. Doing so released a gush of oily lusts.

And God let them have what they wanted. Where did those cravings lead? To worse lusts. Eventually, they led to envy, murder, greed, and depravity.

When we seek satisfaction apart from God, we become emptier and baser. The broken lives of many of the rich and famous remind us that stuff never satisfies. Proverbs put it this way, “Never satisfied are the eyes of man” (Pro. 27:20 ESV).

God created us to enjoy Him. Substitutes for God are as satisfying as a diet of cola and cotton candy.

But those who desire God find satisfaction (Matt. 5:6).

Even simple experiences provide great pleasure to a contented heart. Share on X

God doesn’t force Himself on anyone. “The way, and the truth, and the life” invites us to come to Him and find our way and experience eternal life (Jn. 10:10).

Eternal life in the Bible speaks of a quality of life as well as a quantity of time. Share on X

The psalmist said, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). When we delight in God, He creates in us longings for Himself and the good gifts that truly satisfy.

God delights in satisfying us with good gifts. But He knows that anything, even good things, that replace Him in our hearts, will neither satisfy nor be what we imagined them to be.

Are your longings leading you to or away from what you really need? Share on X

May God make the psalmist’s prayer true for us, “Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you” (Psalm 73:25 ESV).

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Debbie W. Wilson

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Linking with: #LivefreeThursday


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  1. Ann

    I had never thought about eternal life as a quality of life as well as a quantity of time. I knew Jesus came to give an abundant life, I just never connected the two. Thanks for the connection with more of what Jesus did for me and us.

    Love ya!
    Ann Johnson

    • debwilson

      Thanks Ann for your comments and encouragement. It does help me to remember my eternal life began the moment I trusted Christ. I don’t have to wait until I die to begin enjoying it. Amazing!

  2. Hap

    Debbie, your thoughts about our love affair with oil strike a chord down here on the Gulf Coast. In our ever more risky pursuit of it and our foot-dragging to reduce our use of it, we seem to be working hard to ruin this old planet. I don’t think it is greed exactly, as some have called it, but it sure looks like bad stewardship of this earth that God provided for us.

  3. Julie Sunne

    Debbie, I appreciate your reminder to pursue Christ as our delight. Well said. It’s too easy to let stuff get in the way. Glad to be your neighbor at #livefreeThursday.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Juile. I think we all need to be reminded from time to time of the One who truly satisfies us.

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