Bad News + Big God = Peace

My doctor’s office called last week to tell me I need an MRI on my stomach. A previous sonogram had revealed a large mass. While I’m not excited about this, I am delighted over the many ways God has encouraged me since I learned about it.


1st Comfort

After receiving my doctor’s report, I emailed some praying friends. My sister immediately prayed over the phone for me. Peace filled me. I’m convinced the prayers of God’s people have wrapped me in a blanket of supernatural calm.

2nd Comfort

My wonder-dog Max spurred the second source of comfort. Some days our 85-pound poodle, who suffers with chronic health challenges, lacks the energy to climb out of bed before mid-afternoon. My heart hurts when he wags his tail at me but can’t get up. But this week he played with the exuberance dogs his age should have.


I told a friend, who was laughing with me at my two dogs’s antics, that when Max feels good our whole family smiles. “Max has helped me appreciate 3 John 2,” I said.

The next morning, as I raised the kitchen shades to welcome the morning light, I received an unexpected hug from God. “Debbie, that verse was for you,” I sensed Him say.

I grabbed my Bible and read: “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” (3 John 2 NIV italics added).

No matter what the MRI says, God said He wants my best.

3rd Comfort

Weeks ago, when I’d agreed to be a guest speaker for a Sunday school class, I’d picked the subject I planned to address. But, in my sleep during the wee hours of the Sunday I was to speak, I sensed God nudging me to a different topic. In my semiconscious state I replied, if you want me to talk on that then wake me up in time to prepare and help me find my notes. It had been over a year since I’d spoken on that topic. The ink for our printer hadn’t arrived, so I needed to find my notes.

IMG_2591At six thirty I awoke. I started to go back to sleep but remembered my promise. Okay, I’ll get up. But what about the notes?

The first file I opened contained handouts for the talk in question. Wow! I had forgotten I’d even created them. And there were enough for the group. Now I was fully awake!

In less than a minute, I found my notes. Since I wasn’t sure I’d even kept a hard copy of the talk, I knew God was guiding me.

I scanned my notes. The opening story surprised me. I’d completely forgotten about discovering a suspicious lump at the age of 36 and my failed human efforts to secure peace. I marveled to think how much more peaceful I was feeling this time.

The point of my talk is Good News + Faith = Rest. Will I put my faith in what God says, or will I focus on bad news? God had given me good news in 3 John 2, by His grace I believed Him, and He’s given me rest.

I’m not sure if God reminded me of this talk for my audience’s sake or more for my sake. Either way, His leading reminded me His hand is on my life.

I don’t know what God has in store for me. I welcome your prayers! But today my heart is at rest. God loves me, and He loves and cares for your needs too.

Question: How can I pray for you?

Click here to comment.


Debbie W. Wilson


I’ll be at the Barnes & Noble in Cary, NC on April 28th, 2016 at 7 p.m. Please join me!

Click here to download some Good News.

Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#Soul survival, #TestimonyTuesday, #IntentialTuesday, #TuesTalk, #Tell it to me Tuesdays, #A Little R & R Wednesdays #w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention,  #LivefreeThursday#Thankful Thursdays, #Grace and Truth, #Word of God Speak, #Weekend Whispers, #Reflect linkup,  #Faith ‘n Friends


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  1. Ella

    Praying for look results and thanking you for sharing how you are being encouraged and given perfect peace.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ella!

  2. Gwen Young

    There is nothing like that “peace that passes all understanding”. God has this! I pray for your continued comfort in knowing he is in charge.
    I love you, friend!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Gwen, I know you know this first-hand. Thanks for your prayers! Miss you.

  3. Pam

    What a testimony you have shared, my friend, but I was shocked and saddened to hear the news that is current. The verse that came to mind relates to how we overcome….by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony….both seem to apply here and I rejoiced reading your testimony that goes before you in this. Thanks so much for sharing all of this! I will be adding my prayers to the many others. I do not have a specific prayer need at this moment, but I would be blessed by your praying as the Lord leads since I am aware He often goes before us and our knowledge to grant us the provision we need. I’ll be looking forward to the news of the report. Love and hugs, Pam

    • Debbie Wilson

      Pam, I love how you applied that verse to this. Thank you, my friend. May the Lord bless you as you follow Him in His leading.

  4. Susie Browne

    Powerful message: Good News + Faith = Rest
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Susie. You are a gifted prayer warrior.

  5. Billy Pierce

    Thanks Debbie. Your thoughts on this boost my faith. We are praying for another miracle this Thursday.
    Love you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Billy! I’ll take it. 🙂

  6. Joy

    Debbie, I’m blessed by your honest heart and encouraging words to others, even as you face this challenge. I’m praying for you. May you keep 3 John 2 tucked inside your heart!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Joy. God is good.

  7. Kim Henry

    Debbie- “When I am afraid,I will trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
    We are so blessed to have God,who walks with us and never lets us go through all these things life throws our way. My prayers are with you my friend. Please read John 16:33. Love, Kim

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Kim. And thanks for the wonderful words of hope.

  8. Maria

    So glad our God is a God of all comfort! His peace during this difficult time in your life is precious. Know that I’ll be praying for you! And may God continue to bless you and your ministry ~

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you so much, Maria! God bless you too, my friend.

  9. Sue Donaldson

    miraculous! (finding the notes I mean – you sound a little bit like me!) blessings on your day as you wait and wonder and be filled w/ God’s peace. next to you at Donna’s this am. in CA

    • Debbie Wilson

      Sue, I never know what mind set I was in the last time I filed something! Thanks so much.

  10. Rosanne Hodgens

    Hi Debbie, Want you to know that I am constantly praying for you and thinking about you. Love, Rosanne

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Rosanne. That means a lot to me!

  11. Crystal Storms

    Praying for you, friend, both for good results and that God continue to wrap you in His peace. God’s got this because God’s got you, Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Crystal!

  12. Sara Finley


    I hope the MRI you will be undergoing will be negative to any serious disease and helpful to the doctors who will be treating you. Earle & and I will be faithful to pray for you.

    Your sister in Christ,


    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you so much, Sara.

  13. Ann

    Debbie I am praying for you – for total healing, for peace that passes understanding and for God’s Presence to be with you every minute. I believe you’ll have a testimony of praise from this my wonderful friend.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. I appreciate your encouragement and prayers!

  14. Kristi Woods

    I love when we’re link-up neighbors because visiting you here, Debbie, is like a Sunday morning service. It’s worship with power. Praise God! I am praying for your healing and praising Him for every drop of reassurance He’s given. Please keep us posted. #testimonyTuesday

    • Debbie Wilson

      What sweet words, Kristi! Yes, praise Him!

  15. Beth

    Well, Debbie! I will have to add you to my prayer list! I hope you keep us informed of what the results are of the MRI. We all want to walk with you through this and support you with prayer and encouragement. I’m sure that the road you travel in your book is giving you a lot of insight to recall and meditate on now. Hugs to you, sister! Oh, and thanks for your sweet note that came in the mail the other day. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Beth. Feeling loved. 🙂

  16. Amy Carroll

    I’m adding my prayers to all who love you, my friend!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, dear Amy. I’m very thankful for you and all my dear friends in Christ.

  17. Brenda

    Dear Debbie, I am praying for you, physically and for the sweet peace that comes only from our Lord!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Brenda. That means a lot!

  18. Andy Lee

    Love, love, love how God is leading you. He is so good. As I’ve prayed I have a strong feeling that the tumor is benign. My prayers continue.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Andy. God is good. I’m so thankful for the body of believers He’s brought to battle this with me through prayer. Thank you again, my sister.

  19. Marilyn Couch

    Hey Debbie, so glad Jesus is your Best Friend Who will never
    leave you nor forsake you. He’s
    also your Great Physician Who
    rises with healing in His Wings.
    I can rest knowing He has you

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Marilyn!

  20. Maureen Clarke

    Hi Debbie. Greetings and prayers from England. Your words are such an encouragement and an inspiration to your readers. May God’s faithfulness continue to be your shield and rampart, your place of strength and rest in Him. Be lifted high in your spirits as you hold fast to the promise that He has you in the palm of His Hands and knows every step you will take. Maureen x

    • Debbie Wilson

      Maureen, thank you for your words of encouragement. God bless you, my friend.

  21. Leah @ Love and Blues

    What an inspirational post. I love reading about the tender mercies of Heavenly Father, and to hear about them so soon after a bad event is humbling. It usually takes me a lot longer to recognize and be grateful for them in my own life!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Leah, God’s grace. Thanks, my friend.

  22. Laura

    Be healed and well and complete in the Name of Jesus Christ and by the Power of His Blood and His Stripes.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Laura! Amen!

  23. Susan

    Hi Debbie – how wonderful to hear about the peace that you feel right now, even among these circumstances! We are all praying for you each step of the way!
    Love, Susan

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Susan. I appreciate the prayers!

  24. Diane

    I just now read this and I have lifted you and your family up in prayer. I am thankful that God has given you His peace. I met you some years ago at an event at Providence Baptist Church and saw you active or two after that. I know Larry and he will probably remember me.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Diane!

  25. Horace Williams Jr

    I will continue in prayer for you Debbie as you getting everything checked out. I am encouraged as you speak about finding peace as these first three and half months have been littered with a myriad of health issues. So many questions , fears, and worries have run through my mind. My mother reminded me that I am in spiritual warfare. I said I know but sometimes I get tired. I know I cannot fight in my own strength but must rely on my Savior. I pray that there is nothing serious with you health. Please keep us updated as we continue to pray. Blessings.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Horace, may the Lord encourage and strengthen you too. Battles by nature are wearying, even when we win them. I believe going through them teach us how to stand. My husband was facing something recently and started to feel dread. Then he sensed the Lord speak say, “You’re a seasoned warrior now. You don’t have to be afraid.” I loved that. After God takes us through battles the enemy can remind us of our wounds, but God’s Spirit reminds us of His faithfulness.

  26. Lori McNiel

    We just found out that our 33 year old son has a tumor on his spine. Surgery is scheduled for next Thurs. Please pray for Paul. He belongs to the Lord and loves the Lord. God’s will be done in his life and give us courage during this test.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lori, May the words of Isaiah 57:18 be true for him: “I will heal him; I will lead him and restore comfort to him and to his mourners.” God wants to not only touch the one who is ill but comfort those who worry over him. Blessings!

  27. Brenda

    Sweet Debbie,
    I will be praying this is nothing to worry about. However, I loved and am encouraged by the way God and his love are giving you peace because
    You know who holds the future! I will anxiously be waiting to hear how God continues to work in this situation. I send lots of hugs, Brenda

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Brenda. It means so much to have my friends praying for me! Bless you!

  28. Carol

    Thankful for your peace & rest and the community of believers.

    I prayed for you this morning.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Carol. I appreciate your prayers.

  29. Carly

    Thanks for sharing. Your testimony of knowing God’s peace is so encouraging. He is bigger than any bad news we might face but it’s not always easy to keep our focus on that. Praying for you as you go for the tests for good results and that you continue to know God with you.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you so much, Carly!

  30. Michele Morin

    Somehow I am just now seeing this post, and am so thankful for your testimony of faith. I’ve been praying for you anyway as you promote your book, etc. so I’ll fold in prayers for healing, health and peace. Do keep us up to date!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Michele, that makes me smile to hear you’ve been praying for my book! Thank you for praying for my health. An opportunity to practice focusing on my big God. Because the Lord is my shepherd I have everything I need! That included those He’s raising up to pray for me. Blessings to you!

  31. Melinda VanRy

    Thank you for sharing this post, and the comforts you received. 🙂 I struggle with living in peace because I too easily forget the size of my God, and too often overlook the ways He speaks comfort to me. Lovely reminder.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melinda, it is easy to let the loud giants steal our focus. Phil. 4:6-8 have carried me many times. Blessings.

  32. Lori

    Oh Debbie, I love the sweetness and peacefulness of your spirit. Thank you for this encouragement. I pray for healing and wisdom of you and the doctors. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Lori! That’s just what I need.

  33. Carrie

    This was inspirational! I love how The Lord comforted you and guided you. Reminds me of how I didn’t allow worry to darken my last pregnancy when the ultrasound showed a suspicious spot on my child’s heart. I chose to Trust God completely. No abnormality when he was born! You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Carrie, thanks for sharing your experience. I’m so thankful your baby was healthy! Thank you for your prayers.

  34. Barbie

    Thank you for sharing about the peace you have in the midst of uncertainty. Lifting you up in prayer this morning, believing God for the Good Report!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you for your prayers, Barbie. I’m thankful for God’s people!

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