Want a Better You? Don’t Miss these 2 Essentials

While the passing of time makes some homes look dated and faddish, age only enhances others. I thought about the difference good design and quality materials make on a recent stroll through a section of town known for its beautiful older homes and established yards. I realized what’s true for houses applies to marriages and individuals too.

Would you like to grow better with time? Would you like your relationships to not only last but improve with age?


Choose a Solid Foundation

Some major hurricanes and tornadoes have blown through Raleigh since we moved here. Yet the stately homes on our walk still stand in regal beauty. No life or marriage is immune to storms either. We prepare for them by building on a solid foundation.

Jesus spoke of this in Matthew 7:24-27. “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

Sadly, many in today’s culture are ignorant of Jesus’ teachings. But how do we explain the shattered lives and marriages within the church? In this passage, Jesus contrasted the difference between hearing His teachings and applying them. Any other foundation will rot and collapse with time.

Think about your life and relationships. Do you know what the Bible says about the different areas of your life? Are you practicing God’s wisdom? Beautiful lives and relationships begin with a solid foundation.

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Add Quality Materials

The Apostle Paul said to be careful how we build.

10 But each one should build with care… If anyone builds on this foundation [Jesus Christ] using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work” (see 1 Cor. 3:10-15 NIV).

Gold, silver, and costly stones endure. Wood, hay, and straw don’t. But they can make a great show. Driving through the countryside you can spot haystacks from the road. But you wouldn’t be able to see a diamond ring in the field if you were looking for it.


The Holy Spirit is our gold. He guides and empowers us. In spite of this provision, the church at Corinth continued to operate in the power of the flesh or out of their human tendencies. And their relationships were a mess!

In contrast, Spirit-filled people are enjoyable to be around, emanate positive energy, and grow sweeter and better with time. Are you building your life and marriage with human strategies or Spirit-filled wisdom and strength?

Enjoy Timeless Beauty and Strength

Like the lovely homes we saw this weekend, with a good foundation, quality materials, and regular maintenance our lives and relationships will grow lovelier with time. And we’ll develop beauty that transcends time.

Click here to comment.


Debbie W. Wilson


Want help building a solid foundation with quality materials? Try one of Bible studies. Click here to learn more.

I’ll be at the Barnes & Noble in Cary, NC on April 28th, 2016 at 7 p.m. Please come see me if you are in the area!

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  1. Brenda

    Debbie, what a small world…I live in the Raleigh area as well. : ) There are a few of us here in the Triangle area. Lovely area, isn’t it? What a sweet post this is. I love your phrase, “The Holy Spirit is our gold.” How I pray that I live the life of a spirit-filled woman. Great post, Debbie, thanks for sharing. Blessed to be your linkup buddy at Crystal’s place this morning. 🙂 (If you’d like to meet up sometime, just shoot me an email at: bcbo@ChasingHoliness.com) ((blessings))

    • Debbie Wilson

      Brenda, I love meeting new friends in the area. I just connected with someone yesterday! Blessings to you.

  2. Melissa

    Beautiful message. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Melissa!

  3. Ann

    This was the scripture in my devotion this morning so your post was wonderful confirmation!

    • Debbie Wilson

      How cool is that? Thanks Ann!

  4. Michele Morin

    Wonderful and memorable!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Michele!

    • Kathy

      I came, I read this article, I couedqren.

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      My daughter Sara called from Seattle to tell me about this dreadful news. Sara baby sat for the boys when she was in high school. We, and my son Brian in Long Beach, CA, are all saddened. The Petersons greeted everyone as they drove into the Bornham Woods community and were always pleasant. It doesn’t seem possible that something this awful could happen in this quiet and contained community. We are all too far away for tonight’s service, but our thoughts and prayers will be with the Floris and Bornham Woods communities as we all struggle to understand.

  5. Crystal Storms

    “A beauty that transcends time” and can withstand the storms life brings — what beautiful inspiration, Debbie, to build our lives on the solid rock of Jesus and operate in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Great visuals, friend. : )

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Crystal!

  6. Pam

    Well said and beautiful pics! Are these of your home? You have a true gift of synthesizing a key truth and laying it out without getting lost in the religious weed! I appreciate you, my friend!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Pam. No, these beautiful homes don’t belong to me. But I enjoyed looking at them!

  7. Angela @ Setting My Intention

    What a great comparison with older homes getting better with time. I agree that laying a foundation is so important in our marriages and our personal walk with the Lord. Thanks for your reflection. Your neighbor at Women with Intention!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Angela. I love beautiful homes and gardens. A great way to join my interests together. 🙂

  8. Lori Schumaker

    What great imagery you created here! I love the alignment of building a timeless home to building a timeless life! Awesome!
    Blessings and smiles,
    p.s. I am stepping out and beginning a new link-up, Hope for Tomorrow, on May 2nd! I would love it so much if you joined me!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Lori. And feel free to remind me if I forget! 🙂 I’d love to join you.

  9. Carrie

    I love how you compared relationships to homes built on a solid foundation! Indeed none are without trials and storms. Thankfully God has steered us through. Blessings!

    • Debbie

      Yes, Carrie. We don’t have to fear the storms when we stand on the Rock!

  10. Lori

    Hearing His teachings and applying them – Sadly, many are not willing to apply those teachings. I want a marriage that can handle the storms, I pray I am willing to listen so I can apply them. Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays.

    • Debbie

      Thanks, Lori for visiting and hosting!

  11. Mary Geisen

    Thank you for sharing so beautifully how to live our lives well. I agree that if we choose a firm foundation based on God’s truth and not our own understanding we have a great chance of withstanding the gift of time. Blessings my friend!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Mary!

  12. Horace@pleasingtothePotter.com

    AMEN Debbie! What a beautiful post and I love the pictures too! You have definitely done an awesome job here in reminding us of the power of the holy Spirit and how we need to build our lives on him. God is the Master builder and when we allow HIS blueprint to be used for our lives; we can stand strong through the storms. So great to read what you shared here today. I am always encouraged and inspired by your thoughts. Have a wonderful weekend my friend. Blessings to you and yours!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank so much, Horace. God bless you, my friend.

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