Have You Asked God for Favor?

Discouragement hovered over me like a thick fog. My  swollen knee was worse not better. We’d just made plans for a trip that involves walking. Would this require surgery like I’d had on my other knee a few years ago?

“Lord, I know you love me. The cross settled that,” I prayed. “But I need some favor today.”

Where do you need God’s favor? Are you stuck in a bad place without power to change? Have bad decisions—even sin—put you in a desperate situation? Perhaps you earned your consequences. Is there any hope God will rescue you?

Grace to Villians

God never ceases to amaze me with the grace He showed some of the worst scoundrels in the Bible including those who never came to saving faith, like King Ahab and Cain. God sent grace when they asked.

After murdering his brother, Cain complained that his punishment was too much. If I’d been God I’d have doubled his sentence for whining. After all, God had tried to talk him out of doing evil before he acted. But God graciously marked Cain so that no one would do to him what Cain had done to Abel. What amazing grace!

Grace Before We Knew Him

Grace is unmerited favor. By definition it goes to those who don’t deserve it. Those who are too prideful to receive it miss its benefits. God blessed Jacob in a dream while he was fleeing after he’d deceived his father Isaac in order to steal the blessing from Esau.

His grace found Tamar after she’d seduced her father-in-law giving her twins and a spot in His Son’s family tree.

These people earned punishment and received grace.

#Grace is unmerited favor. By definition it goes to those who don’t deserve it. Share on X

Grace for Today

The morning I asked God for favor, I called my favorite physical therapist. I’d been told the week before it would be weeks before I could see him because he was on vacation. The receptionist put me on hold. When she came back she offered me an 11:15 appointment for that morning! When I left the PT, my knee still hurt, but I felt great. God had shown me favor.

Where do you need God’s favor? Will you bring that need to God and admit you can’t earn it. Ask Him to show you favor today.


Dear Father, I need  your favor today. Please help me in _____________. Open my eyes to see You in this situation. Thank You for Your love and grace.

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  1. Melissa Henderson

    Thank you for reminding me to ask God for help with patience while I am in a waiting period.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, I’m always amazed at how I forget to ask! Blessings to you.

  2. Ann

    I am constantly overwhelmed with His grace, love and favor and honestly, I know I don’t deserve it and I certainly haven’t earned it but I am grateful for it every day.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Oh Ann, I know that delights His heart that you recognize His grace. Of for eyes to see.

  3. Pam Ecrement

    Well said and great reminders!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Pam. So good to hear from you.

  4. Beth

    It’s so great to visit with my blogging friends like you, Debbie, after a long summer break!
    And ironically, I was just reading about God’s grace to the Apostle Paul earlier this evening, so this really resonates with me. Plus, I’m like you and have received so much grace from God in my time of need.

    I do hope this story about your knee is an old one! I know a thing or two about a bum knee (partially due to Rheumatoid Arthritis, in my case) so I really sympathize with anyone who struggles in that way. I’m hoping and praying you are doing well physically in all respects!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you for your prayers, Beth! I’m sorry to hear you have issues with joints too. I am going through physical therapy again. I’m praying for wisdom and healing. Thankfully, I’m better, but I know there is a problem with my knees. So glad you could take a break. Good to have you back!

  5. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Hi, Debbie, I’m your neighbour at From Messes To Messages.

    I figure that God’s grace for me is the strength to serve Him with an almost lunatic hardness, facing a terminal illness that’s got me circling the drain so fast I’m dizzy.

    I have to witness that life is still good, that there are bright spots of His love, found between the jagged obsidian shards of pain, that banish the darkness.

    That grace doesn’t take away the fear; this is flat-out terrifying. Not death, but the amount of pain that I will face tomorrow. I only know that it will be worse than today.

    But with His help I am harder than pain, tougher than fear, and stronger than death. He promised that I will rise again; I’ll take Him at His Word.


    • Debbie Wilson

      Andrew, what a true testimony of grace. Your words remind me of the patriarchs in Hebrews 11. They died in hope of the resurrection and God commended them for their faith! I pray His sweetness will more than balance the pain and that He will grant you sweet relief.

  6. Sarah Geringer

    Hello Debbie, I hopped over here from #livefreethursday. You’ve got me thinking this morning…where do I need God’s grace to pour in this week? Probably in my tendency to self-criticize. I need Romans 8:1 to soak in…there is now no condemnation for me. I enjoyed your post!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Sarah, that is a good one that I have to practice too. Thanks for joining the conversation.

  7. bethany mcilrath

    Debbie, such excellent points about God’s grace! I feel a little less selfish asking for favor remembering that God gives it because of who He is!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Bethany, that’s a great point. He is gracious through and through!

  8. Miriam

    Thank you for reminding us to pray and ask for favor. We have a good example from the Bible in Nehemiah when he needed favor from the king but we tend to forget. Thanks once again.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Miriam, thank you for bringing up that good example. Yes, too often I forget I can ask and He will respond.

  9. Lisa notes

    As I’m reading this, I’m sitting here nursing a sore knee myself. Asking God for favor now! 🙂 “Those who are too prideful to receive it miss its benefits.” I definitely don’t want to let pride make me miss out on any of God’s wonderful gifts he has for me.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Oh, Lisa, I hope your feel better soon and God shows His favor in a special way to you today!

  10. carolyn sprague

    Thank you Debbie, first time logging in. This gave me the encouragement that I needed.Carolyn/Punta Gorda Florida

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Carolyn. I hope you’ll visit again!

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