A New Year’s Resolution Worth Keeping

“But the righteous will live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4 NASB).

The beginning of a new year causes me to evaluate where I am and where I want to go. I realized that my physical and spiritual muscles have become a little soft. Soft may be desirable in pillows and toilet paper, but not in body tone or faith.

Just as my body requires fuel and exercise, so does my soul. Studying my Bible feeds my faith, but I need to exercise that faith to stay strong and continue growing. Knowing the perils of fragile faith and the benefits of firm faith motivates me to exercise my faith muscles.

Below are two lists to help you take inventory of the condition of your faith.

Fragile Faith:

  • Worries, frets and forgets we have a Father who knows our needs. (Matthew 6:30, Psalms 23:1)
  • Is timid and fearful (Matthew 8:26)
  • Is easily sabotaged by distractions (Matthew 14:30-31)
  • Quickly forgets God’s history of faithfulness (Matthew 16:8-10)
  • Limits our spiritual power (Matthew 17:18-21)
  • Limits our options (Romans 14:1-2)

Firm Faith:

  • Believes what God says (Matthew 8:5-10)
  • Provides deep healing of body and soul (Matthew 9:2, 22, 29, 15:28; Mark 2:6)
  • Restores our sight — Literal sight in this passage, but also spiritual sight (Luke 18:32)
  • Grows stronger in impossible circumstances (Romans 4:19-20)
  • Expands our personal freedoms (Romans 14:23)
  • Is demonstrated through obedience (Romans 16:26, Hebrews 11)
  • Is based on God’s power not man’s wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:5)
  • Has Christ as its object (Gal. 2:20, Hebrews 12:2)
  • Is bold (2 Timothy 1:7)

How did you do? If you, like me, checked too many in the fragile faith category, don’t fret (see #1 in fragile list!). Instead, create a plan to renew your mind and and strengthen those faith muscles. When will you read your Bible? If it helps, write it on your daily calendar. What will you read?

Because faith is living, it needs constant care. Just as we eat, sleep, exercise, and practice good daily hygiene to enjoy physical health so we must work to maintain vibrant faith. No one brushes her teeth and says, “Good, I never have to do that again!” So it is with faith. Moment by moment, opportunity by opportunity, I must choose to walk by faith or, by default, I won’t.

My goal for this year is to consciously choose faith! Let’s pray for each other, that this year will be a year of strong faith—faith that says, “Wow, what a Savior!

Happy New Year,


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  1. Don Woeltjen

    Debbie, our Father gave me a wonderful gift some time ago. I’ll see if I can describe it. From time to time I felt as if I had drifted away from the closeness of my Father when I didn’t read my Bible as regularly as I should or prayed as consistantly and fervently as I should. This gave me a feeling of discouragement, thinking I was a disobedient son. As a disciple of Christ I am constantly made aware of people and their needs and often find myself in the presence of these people. These encounters always conclude with a prayer and during the prayers I feel the Holy Spirit forming words that are His words and not mine, which is another way of saying, “Experiencing the Holy Spirit.” After the prayers I always feel a sense of renewal. I have concluded this is God’s way of letting me know I have not drifted, because He is always with me. When I am weak He is strong. AMEN

    • debwilson

      Thank you, Donnie, for a beautiful example of exercising faith — going to God in prayer on behalf of another even when feeling personally inadequate, and experiencing His adequacy through the person of the Holy Spirit at work in us.

  2. Susie Browne

    This blog was written for me. I had the opportunity to exercise/strengthen my faith muscles soon after I had read it. I trust the Lord to help me to always live by faith and my spiritual/faith muscle will become “firmer” with time.

  3. Kristin

    This was a great post. Thanks Debbie.

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