Did you know that the Bible says it is wise to give thanks?
So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord wants… Always thank God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephes. 5:17, 20 GW).
I pulled my husband into a jewelry store to look—for fun. When we left, I said, “Did you notice how the jewels sparkled in the showcases? The dark backdrop and lighting set off their splendor.”
Grace is like that. Sometimes it needs the right backdrop before we appreciate its brilliance.
We may overlook the sunshine or take it for granted, if we haven’t endured a cold rainy season. We can also under-appreciate the joys of life if we haven’t walked through sadness and disappointment.
The reminder to “always thank God for everything” means both the pleasant and unpleasant play a role in God’s plan for our lives.
I’ve battled health issues related to being exposed to mold four years ago. Usually cooler weather brings relief. Our warm October left me afraid I’d never have energy for anything again. One week I hit a deep low. Every time someone asked how I was, hopelessness edged my voice.
Several friends prayed for me that week. Friday afternoon, I felt the heavy cloud of despair lift. I shot off three queries to publishers. I finished preparing for an upcoming retreat. A sense of God’s presence replaced the previous sense of abandonment.
Thank You, Lord!
God showed His favor in special ways the following days. Two publishers asked for my proposal. God worked in the hearts of many women at the retreat. My daughter and I took a short trip to Boston.
A snafu in our accommodations resulted in an upgrade in our apartment size and location, and a free dinner! Across from our boarding gate to fly home sat my daughter’s favorite seafood restaurant. It was lunch time, and we had time for a pleasant lunch between tables of friendly Bostonians.
One of my favorite Bible teachers, Jill Briscoe, and Elizabeth Murphy came to share their ministry “Just Between Us” with my Bible study and friends. God filled us to overflowing.
A publisher offered me a contract on my new book.
My son and I visited my sister’s family in Georgia and participated in their ministry on university campuses. We had some great conversations with students, and my son had a woman pray to receive Christ with him.
All this happened in a brief space of time after months of not seeing God answer prayers.
God calls us to walk by faith, not by sight. #GiveThanks, #Faith Share on X
I was reminded that because I don’t see God working doesn’t mean He isn’t working. God knew the good things He had planned for me even when I felt forgotten.
Faith, not happy feelings, pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). He rewards our prayers even if they aren’t answered the way we imagined or in the time we hoped. Let’s be wise and walk by faith by thanking Him in whatever circumstance we find ourselves.
Larry and I thank God for you.
Question: What is something you are thankful for this year?
Happy Thanksgiving,
Meme Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
There are SO many things I am thankful for – but I do appreciate all you shared here and especially sharing your personal experience. It’s good to be reminded we are not alone when we feel we are in those dry places and God is still working and listening and we will see the answer! Have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving!
Thank you, Ann. I appreciate you and hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.
And I’m thankful for you too
Thank you, Cousin!
I am very thankful for many things. Today, my husband and I delivered meals to people in need of food. We are blessed when we bless others. Happy Thanksgiving!
Melissa, it is more blessed to give than receive. Bless you for being a blessing! Happy Thanksgiving to you.
Wow. It is such a blessing to read about God at work in the life of a Christian relative Glad to hear you are doing well, Debbie. I am so thankful that God continues to heal my body enough to write more often. Lord willing my new book will be out before Easter, but I am trusting Him. I am thankful for the love and support of my family and friends. Especially the Christian friends God has brought alongside to help and encourage on my writing journey. Their support is invaluable. I have so much to thank my Savior for each and every day. Thank you for sharing and giving us a glimpse of what God is doing in your lifeHave a wonderful Thanksgiving week and may God continue to bless you in all your endeavors. Be well
Horace, I’m thankful God has worked in your body and spirit. You bless so many with your words of faith and encouragement. That is wonderful you book is close to being out! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Well done! It’s so true that we sometimes need to experience the “lows” to appreciate the “highs.” Congratulations on your book contract! #launchteam 🙂
Thank you, Kelly. And for the grace to rejoice and give thanks before we see!
I am thankful that the Lord keeps on giving me chance after chance, even when I don’t deserve it at all.
Me too, Henni. He is good, all the time!
Thanks for reminding us that we walk by faith and not by sight. God is always at work, but we don’t always see it. Also, sometimes if things never went wrong, we’d never appreciate it when things went right. Most appreciated.
Thank you, Joanna. God bless!
Wow, Debbie! Sounds like great things going on for you recently! Isn’t God good like that? It’s so easy for me to “think” He’s not at work in my life when I’m not seeing visible, tangible happenings, but in a short time, I’m reminded very visually that He was indeed working in mighty and amazing ways during those times and continues to do so! (Oh, and to answer your question, I’m especially thankful right now for a first grandbaby due in sixteen days!!!)
Wow, Julie. That is indeed something to be thankful for! Congratulations!