Wind at My Back

Larry and I were enjoying a brisk walk on a perfect October morning at the beach when we made a sharp turn to face the wind. We quickly pulled on our sweatshirts and squinted our eyes against the constant blowing.

James 4:6 came to mind; “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” When the wind was at our backs propelling us along, we were oblivious to its presence and benefit but after we turned to face it, it dominated our thoughts as it cut through our bodies, hindering our pace and dampening our pleasure.

The word oppose means to range in battle against or resist1. Whoa! I don’t want to be at war with God!

When we walk in humility, we experience God’s wind at our backs. Sometimes we are unaware of the benefit and sweetness God’s grace provides until we turn our own way. Whenever we stiffen our necks and dig in our heels to resist God’s will and ways, we face His opposing wind.

How are you doing? Are you walking with God, experiencing His grace propelling you along or are you ignoring Him, believing that you know better than He how to run your life and treat others? If so, are you tired of facing the wind? Are you ready to turn around?

The next verses in James tell us how to get in the right place, Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Submit; resist; draw near. See pride for the rebellious act it is. The process of returning to God’s jet stream is active, not passive. It begins and ends with God, but includes scouring our actions and affections of anything that might threaten to come between us. As we return to God, He helps us along in this process.

Life has enough battles without adding one against our Creator. We don’t have to continue walking against the wind. God gives grace to the humble.



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1 Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search for antitassō (Strong’s 498)”. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2010. 17 Oct 2010. < http://
Strongs=G498&t=NASB >

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  1. Frances Strickland

    Wonderful words of encouragement Debbie. We miss seeing you and Larry ……… lots of love to you both.

  2. Jane Wolfe

    What a GREAT visual. I forwarded it on to one who needs to turn around because the wind is blowing hard. Thanks for taking the time to write.

  3. Sue Lowe

    I hope you don’t mind- I linked this blog to my facebook- I was really encouraged by these words of humility and submission. Thanks for speaking the truth in words that we can understand.

  4. Lois Harrington

    Hi Debbie, so glad I finally found you. We returned to Maine 3 years ago but still have home in FV that hasn’t sold. As you might know I am elated to be back altho made wonderful memories in NC.

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