When My Priorities Clash with His

by | Oct 30, 2018 | Battles, Faith | 14 comments

Years ago, a little booklet called My Heart, Christ’s Home, challenged me to move from viewing Christ as a guest in my heart to giving Him full ownership and control of my life. One morning I woke up with that analogy on my mind.

I thought about my literal house as a picture of my soul. I imagined how my priorities might clash with His if He came to help me bring order to my home.

Here is my imagined conversation with Christ:

“Let’s attack the front porch. Everyone sees it. We can power wash and freshen the paint for instant impact,” I said.

Christ shook His head and looked in the direction of my desk.

“No one sees my desk,” I pushed back.

“But you spend a lot of time there,” He said. “Your life will flow better if you cleaned out the distractions and organized your priorities.”

“My desk overpowers me,” I whined. “I don’t know how to bring order to it.”

“Will you let me help you?” His warm eyes sparkled.

I wanted order. He’d offered to help. “Yes,” I nodded.

We dove in together. He held up papers and asked what I planned to do with the thoughts listed. We laughed and compiled heaps to be filed and tossed. The tedious task flew by as we worked together. He helped me separate the useful from the useless.

The work from my desk flowed the following weeks with ease. Jesus was right. Even though no one saw my desk, they sampled the work that came from it.

“Are we ready to tackle the porch?” I asked one morning.

“I’d like to see your pantry.”

“My pantry? No one sees the pantry.” When I saw He wasn’t bending I asked, “Could we at least talk about new window treatments for the family room?”

Jesus smiled and said, “I thought you wanted more energy. Let’s look at what you’re eating.”

Inwardly I groaned but accompanied Him to the space. He zeroed in on a shelf of brownie and cake mixes.

“For company,” I stammered. “Look at these,” I pointed to a box of vitamins.

He held up a bottle. “Expiration date: 2002.”

“Uh, did you see my cookbooks?” I whispered.

He thumbed through one, and I noticed that only the dessert section showed use…

Back to Real Life

As I imagined this exchange, I realized my project list tackled areas other people would see and appreciate. I wanted my efforts to show. But my Lord wants better. He wants me to prosper. He addresses my weak spots, not to shame me but to free me, so I will soar.

Why would I settle for a spiffy renovation when I can experience lasting transformation? Now to tackle my desk!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne” (Heb. 12:1-2 NLT).

Question: How might inviting Him to overhaul your heart improve your life? 

Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Heb. 12:1 #success, #devotional Share on X


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Photo by STIL on Unsplash

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  1. Pam Ecrement

    What a great way to adjust my priorities this morning, Debbie! The analogy is excellent and one I can apply immediately. You also chose one of my top favorite scriptures!❤️

    • Debbie Wilson

      Pam, this came to me while I was waking up one morning. What a fun way for God to get my attention. I love that scripture to. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Ann Musico

    This is so wonderful Debbie and I could easily see my conversation with Him taking similar turns. We like things to “look good” don’t we? But He knows best what is really necessary to effect true transformation that will really make a difference. Thanks for sharing. I was planning on doing some cleaning/decluttering once the weather is too cold to be outside. This will help keep my priorities straight.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I’m inspired to tackle my desk now. But I still need to set aside the time to do it!

  3. Horace Williams Jr

    What a great post-Debbie. The visual of talking with Jesus and the pantry was fascinating but also Biblical. I love this quote though, “Why would I settle for a spiffy renovation when I can experience lasting transformation?” A transformed life is a life that God can use for His glory. He wants us to live in the fullness of Him. Thank you for sharing this fantastic article. I will definitely be sharing. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. May God continue to bless you and yours.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Horace, sometimes when I’m waking God grabs my attention. I chuckled thinking though this. You are a true encourager. Always love hearing from you. Blessings to you!

  4. Liz

    Whooo, Debbie! This is convicting this Messy Desk girl! I love the visual of Jesus peeking into the places I try to hide from others… I’ll be pondering these words this week! Blessings!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Liz, I had so much fun thinking about it, but I still have mounds of papers to go through. 🙂

  5. Julie Lavender

    I LOVED this imaginary conversation! I enjoy thinking of Jesus with a sense of humor, because after all, humor is a gift from Him anyway, and your vitamin comment made me chuckle out loud!!! Thank you for a fun way to ponder aligning my priorities with what God truly wants!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Julie! I know He has a wonderful sense of humor. His creatures make me smile often.

  6. Maree Dee

    Debbie – I do not doubt if I would let God have complete control it would improve my life. I try to commit my day to him, but I see I work on the things people will see. Yikes. I need to rethink my entertaining for Thanksgiving.

    Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.


    • Debbie Wilson

      Maree Dee, there is comfort in knowing we aren’t alone in our misguided focuses! I’m so thankful He understands and helps us get on track.

  7. Heather Bock

    Oh, how I need to organize my desk! It’s been looming and overwhelming me for months. I have two other cabinets that are doing the same to me. I often ask God for help when I have tasks that overwhelm me, but I hadn’t asked Him for help in these areas! Thank you for opening my eyes to my oversight.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Heather, writing this made me realize that He would help me. And now my desk is now better organized! 🙂

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