When Evil Seems to Triumph Over Good

We have all witnessed, or worse, experienced occasions when God seems to be preoccupied. Too many faithful, responsible partners are left alone to raise the kids and pay the bills while their unfaithful spouses enjoy new homes, flashy cars, and exotic vacations with a hot new partner. God appears to be on vacation.

Since God is good, just, and sovereign, then how can this happen? 

The Bible demonstrates that appearances can be deceiving. Take the trial of Jesus as an example.

Imagine standing in the shadows at Jesus’ mock trial and listening to the false witnesses lie about Him. Soldiers insult and spit on Him. You smell the soldier’s sweat and watch one punch Him. The crowd’s frenzied cries, “Crucify Him,” cause your heart to race.

What would happen to your faith when they pounded the nails into His hands and feet?

Observers’ comments might mirror your own thoughts, “If He’d only come down from the cross.” “He saved others; can He save Himself?”

Then Jesus Himself cries out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:50).

Has God forsaken His own son? Jesus’ words seem to indicate total defeat.

It looks like God lost control and the bad guys won. After all, if God couldn’t or wouldn’t save His son, how can we trust Him to take care of our needs?

Some appearances say it’s foolish to trust God. Those who do will end up disappointed.

But if we draw that conclusion, we will be dead wrong.

The very next verse says, “The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom” (Matt. 27:51 NIV).

The temple curtain separated the holy place from the Holy of Holies. Only the high priest could enter this sacred area, and he entered only once a year. Sinful people could not stand in God’s presence and live.

What appeared to be God’s abandoning Jesus was God in Christ “reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them” (2 Cor. 5:19 NLT). God the Father ripped the curtain in two so we could enter His presence.

Jesus’ body was broken to pay the penalty for our sin. His death opened the door to eternal life for us.

What looked like the worst moment in history was in fact the highest, holiest, and best.

  • Jesus became sin for us so we could become righteous in Him.
  • He died so we might live.
  • He was abandoned so we could be accepted.

God was not preoccupied; He was working out His perfect plan to secure our future.

In life there are times when it looks foolish to trust God. The faithless will jeer “Where is your God now?” We may wonder, too. But the story is not over. The cross reminds us, things aren’t as they seem.

What looked like the worst moment in history was in fact the highest, holiest, and best. #hope, #devotional, #Jesus Share on X

Question: How have you seen God turn what looked like a loss into a win


Photo by Hugues de BUYER-MIMEURE on Unsplash

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  1. Ann Musico

    AMEN!!!! I have seen Him turn what looked impossible and lost too many times to count. As long as He is involved – it isn’t over until He says so!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes!! He gets the final word. Thanks, Ann.

  2. Dawn Wilson

    Excellent. My sister and mom are going through a desperate time, and I wanted to encourage them. You gave me some words of hope to share with them. Thank you.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Dawn. May the Lord wrap them in His arms and whisper hope into their hearts.

  3. Henni Towler Corbin

    Debbie, I am watching for a BIG win just now. If it happens, it will be unmistakeable, and I pray God will cause me to give Him ALL the glory. I hope, I hope, I hope!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Hoping with you, Henni!!

  4. Karen Woodall

    Exactly!! Our perspective is limited by what we can see in front of us… but the HOPE of the Gospel is that God is over all, through all and in all (Eph 4:6) and because He is in control there is never a hopeless situation. Thanks!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Karen!

  5. Lisa Travis

    Why did He let the 2020 election and runoff be stolen? They say this electoral college count is ceremonial and even with objectors, there’s little that can be done to combat this evil. God’s timing is always perfect, and I believe he put our President in the WH, so why does it seem like we’re going to end up living in a communist nation without our God-given rights. I know he always has a plan, but it does not look promising for good to triumph over this evil tyranny. Why is this happening? I feel like crying and I’m no young woman. Someone please help me to understand. I never want to feel defeated under God’s love.

  6. Judy

    Why has God never answered any of my prayers. He has taking my family and now my grandbabies. I see only pain after pain. The bad guy always wins. Please help me tto understand this pain. I have only see pain my whole life.

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