What Can We Learn from a Watched Pot?

Today I’m delighted to introduce you to one of my mastermind sisters and fellow authors. Deb DeArmond and I were paired up during our writer/speaker coaching certification program and became good friends. I know you will enjoy her wit and wisdom. Now here’s Deb…

A Watched Pot Never Boils

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! (Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG)

“A watched pot never boils, babe,” I advised my newlywed husband. He continued to stare at the pot filled with still stiff pasta.

Silence. Then, “What kind of pot is it?” he asked.

“A watched pot. You know–it will never boil.”

He turned quickly toward me. “Then why cook the pasta in it?”

We’d received many kitchen items as wedding gifts, which included a variety of pots and pans: Crockpots, Dutch ovens, frying pans and more. He misunderstood my definition of a “watched” pot. It was not a brand of cookware. I literally meant a pot that’s being watched or observed. Apparently, my mother had a few colloquialisms his didn’t.

The concept is simple: the more closely we watch to ensure something happens, the more the outcome may be delayed.

The concept is simple: the more closely we watch to ensure something happens, the more the outcome may be delayed. @DebDeArmond #WatchedPot Share on X

Life is like that at times. The single surfing the web for the perfect mate. The monthly disappointment when trying to conceive. The closer we watch, the longer it takes.

James 5:7 reminds us we don’t control the timing of every aspect of our lives.

Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen,” (NLT).

The farmer doesn’t plant his seed, watch it minute by minute, then dig up the ground to make sure it’s still there. He trusts the process.

Why is this hard to do? Simple. We prefer to control our circumstances. For Christians, that’s a problem. God asks us to trust Him with our lives. That’s His process.

My mother was injured in a devastating accident. Doctors decided there was nothing they could do but wait and see. The news was difficult, but it was easy for us to pray and trust a faithful God. Why was it easy this time? Because there was nothing we could do. No other efforts were possible.

But when dealing with financial difficulties or concerns about a child’s behavior, it’s easy to take matters into our own hands, we use whatever methods are available to us. Take a second job to deal with the money problems. Read a book by a popular author on childrearing. Neither method is wrong, unless they replace turning to God in prayer and trust him for answers.

God doesn’t expect us to sit by and wait without action in difficult times. He expects us to pray and seek His will. He may lead us to pursue an idea that occurred to us. But He wants to direct the traffic in our lives, trusting the process, trusting Him.

Faith is not built when all is well; it’s built when times are tough.

#Faith is not built when all is well; it’s built when times are tough. #RefreshingFaith Share on X

The more we monitor and work to manage our circumstances, the more frustrated we become. If you want to watch something, forget the pot. Watch God fulfill His word to His children!

Today’s Tips & Challenge: What pot are you watching? Where’s God asking you to let go and let Him take control? What’s your first step?

Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes

Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes is a devotional built on the belief there are spiritual principles everywhere we look—if we open our eyes to the truth.

We’re bombarded by messages from a world determined to inform, sell, and influence. From bumper stickers to billboards, someone’s always trying to tell us something. Often, at first glance, these messages may briefly amuse.

But a second look may reveal much more as we recognize biblical principles that enlighten, encourage, and empower us—in places we never expected to find them.

We shouldn’t be surprised to find God in unusual places. Paul tells us in Romans 1:19 “But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is!” (MSG).

From the bumper of the car in front of us to the fortune cookie after the Chow Mein, one-liners meant to entertain often hold a much deeper meaning when seen through the eyes of those who follow Christ.

Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes captures those deeper meanings, combines them with a hearty helping of fun and touches the heart with humor and truth. If you’re a busy believer who needs a chuckle and a chunk of Jesus at the same time, pull quickly into the fast lane. Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes is your ride to enriching moments with Jesus!

Deb DeArmond is an expert of 30+ years in the fields of communication, relationship, and conflict resolution. Deb’s books help readers create the life God meant marriage and family to be.

Her new book, Bumper Sticker Be-Attitudes is a humor-tinged devotional for the busy believer seeking deep truths with a chuckle on the side. It features a focus on family foibles and relationship opportunities.

Read Deb at Family Matters/Deb DeArmond  / debdearmond.com

What unexpected place have you found biblical wisdom?



Photo by Brandless on Unsplash

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  1. Ann Musico

    So much truth here!! There is a situation for my daughter that has hung on WAY too long. For some time I was asking questions – trying to gently push her to handle it the way I felt was best. Well, she is an adult and it isn’t my problem. Ever since I took my eyes off it and just thanked and praised Jesus that He is leading and directing her – I have peace.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, you’ve spoken to me today. I can do that for my grown children too. And it is so true, when I take my eyes of the problem and lift them up to the Lord, I have peace and we have a better relationship! Thanks so much.

  2. Melissa Henderson

    Waiting and trusting takes patience and faith. I learn lessons each time I face trials. Though I don’t enjoy the trials, I am thankful for lessons God provides.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too! I’m thankful for the lessons, still learning to be thankful in the trial! Thanks, Melissa.

  3. Joanne Viola

    Though I do not enjoy difficult times, I am most thankful for God’s grace and tender mercies in bringing growth through them. Such a good reminder today.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Well said, Joanne. Having a history to refer to where we are able to “see” the good He brought helps us trust Him while we wait for what we can’t see. That is where the stories in the Bible help so much.

  4. Lisa notes

    Waiting is difficult for even the most patient among us. But I love your attitude that while we don’t have to sit by passively and do nothing, we are still to be watching God’s lead and guidance.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lisa, you’re so right. Even for the patient waiting on some things is so difficult. And when I think I’ve grown in that area, because I’m not naturally patient, something happens to remind me how I need to rest in Him.

  5. J.D. Wininger

    Well said ladies. “Trust”, like our faith, is made stronger each time we trust our Lord and He delivers on His promises. We just have to hold them true in our lives and live in His will.

    • Debbie Wilson

      J.D., I guess it is like physical exercise, our spiritual muscles grow stronger with use. Great hearing from you.

  6. Patsy Burnette

    Debbie, I love that quote —> “Faith is not built when all is well; it’s built when times are tough.” I can attest that that is the truth! 🙂


    Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Patsy, I like that one too. And thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Laurie

    Patience has never been my strong suit, Debbie. That’s why this post was so good for me to read! I am learning to trust God’s process and His timeline in building my faith, but it’s not always easy. I guess we are not promised “easy”.

    • Debbie Wilson

      It’s not mine either, Laurie. Thankfully, the fruit of the Spirit includes this quality or I’d be in big trouble!

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