What if You Lost What You Weren’t Thankful For?

“What if you woke up this morning and found the only things you had left were the things you thanked God for yesterday?” ~ Terry Shock

I am afraid I would lose many of the treasures I take for granted. What about you? In celebration of Thanksgiving I’m bringing back an old post. I hope it challenges and encourages you as much as it did me.

download-2Photo by: Maria

Did you thank God yesterday for your ability to see, hear, touch, taste, and speak? What about for your sense of balance, ability to sleep and to digest your food? Did you thank God for clean water, hot water, and indoor plumbing?

What people would you miss if you hadn’t taken time to thank God for them? Not just the ones in your family, but the ones who grow your food, repair your car, treat your illness, and serve your coffee.

Are you more likely to notice what’s broken or what works? Our local newspaper quoted a former soldier who said many of his buddies have lost feet and knees from roadside bombs. Now when his hurt, he’s thankful he still has them.

download-4Photo by: Aaron Burden

Listen to Paul’s words:

  • “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NASB)
  • Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father” (Ephesians 5:20 NASB).

Thankfully God doesn’t take away our gifts because we forget to thank Him. But giving thanks opens our eyes to how rich we are.

What if we only got to keep what we thanked God for? #thankful Share on X

Pausing to thank God for all I wouldn’t want to lose showed me how wealthy I truly am. And guess what. You’re on my list of thanksgivings! May God grant you a wonderful Thanksgiving and us all grateful hearts.

Click here to comment.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Debbie W. Wilson


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More than 30 thought leaders, influencers, and high achievers all share their top strategies for starting the year off with a bang.

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Sometimes I link up with these great sites:

#Teaching What Is Good#w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention, #HeartEncouragement, #LivefreeThursday#Thankful Thursdays#Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus, #Word of God



















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  1. Earle Finley

    Hi Debbie,

    I am thankful for you and Larry so faithfully executing over the years the ministry the Lord has given you. I will be praying for your presentation at the North Carolina Correctional Institute for Women ths Saturday.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

    Earle Finley

  2. Kim B. Faucette

    I am so thankful for you and Larry and Lighthouse Ministries. Thank you for your faithful dedicated service for all these years. There have been so many lives touched by your ministry. Thanks also for these devotional thoughts – they are awesome and very encouraging.
    Happy Thanksgiving and let us all be thankful for His overflowing blessings!

  3. Gwen Young

    Thankful for your devtionals! They so help me when I am called to witness!

  4. Pat Lancaster

    Debbie you are always so insightful. Thank you for your faithfulness to share with us. I plan on sharing your thoughts with my family over thanksgiving dinner..

  5. Ann

    What a beautiful way to approach gratitude, especially this week as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. You’re absolutely right – we have SO much to be thankful for and putting our focus on all we have rather than what we don’t can make a huge difference. I love your challenge to imagine we will only have tomorrow what we thank God for today. It’s a very good reminder and habit to develop. Wishing you and your family a truly blessed Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for your wonderful posts!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. It was a good reminder for me too. If I spent time thinking about what I’m thankful for everyday, it would fill up my heart and my day. May you enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving too!

  6. Melissa Henderson

    Wow, what a great message! We do tend to thank God for certain things and forget to thank Him for ALL His blessings. Thank you for this reminder. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Guilty, Melissa. I want to do better. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  7. Marilyn Couch

    Thankful that His mercies are new every morning!
    Thankful, too, Debbie, for you & Larry & your willingness
    to communicate & share our Father’s Heart.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen! So thankful for you and Doug, Marilyn!

  8. Kathy

    Happy Thanksgiving Debbie to you and your family 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Kathy. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

  9. Brittany

    This is so insightful. I often become consumed in what I do not have instead of truly focusing on all that I do have. Excellent piece.!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Brittany, it certainly is a discipline on some days to choose our focus. But God enables us to do so. And what a difference it makes to be grateful!

  10. Ann

    I am grateful for you too my friend! What a lovely reminder that we are to be thankful each and every day – not just once a year!

    • Deborah Wilson

      Well said, Ann. Being thankful is a much happier way to live too! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  11. Mrs. Thomas

    This is a great reminder and so true its the little things that we look over! The memory to learn and recall, to be in right mind to even know to pray. I have seen what mental illness can do through a close friend and that is one of first utterances of prayer for knowing to brush my teeth and not my shoes, Lord I thank you! You have know idea what God has sheltered you from with dangers unseen.

    My God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Wow, to know to brush my teeth and not my shoes. Mrs. Thomas, we do overlook so much. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  12. arthur barnhill

    Thanks! so true!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Arthur.

  13. Lisa Morris

    Wonderful question Debbie! Sure made me stop and ponder!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Terry Shock’s quote really got my attention. Blessings, Lisa!

  14. Lori

    Debbie, I am so thankful for you and the encouragement you share. I’ve seen Terry Shock’s quote before; it really does make you think. We have so much to be thankful for and many of those things we take for granted – every day. Thank you for sharing this reminder with Thankful Thursdays.

    • Deborah Wilson

      Thank you, Lori. You and your ministry are so special.

  15. Aimee Imbeau

    What a great question to reflect upon, Deborah. We really so have so much to be thankful for. Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Aimee, thanks for hosting!


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