by Debbie W. Wilson | Mar 18, 2024 | Discernment, Relationship with God, Spiritual warfare
Do you ever have thoughts that leave you feeling sorry for yourself or questioning God’s goodness? A client listed all the reasons she didn’t trust God. Recognizing one of Satan’s deception tactics, when she finished I said, “You just described the devil and...
by Debbie W. Wilson | Mar 11, 2024 | Discernment, Life skills, Spiritual warfare
My brother-in-law and his wife returned from out of town to find their house ransacked. Especially the master bedroom. The robbers had pulled out drawers and emptied them in search of valuables. Contrast that with what happened to me Christmas night. I went on...
by Debbie W. Wilson | Feb 5, 2024 | Life skills, Refreshing Faith, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual warfare
Our round kitchen table supports my eating, working, and reading. A three-legged pedestal supports the 60-inch tabletop. Imagine what would happen if it lost a leg. Trying to hold up one side of the table while trying to eat or type wouldn’t work. I’d soon give up and...
by Debbie W. Wilson | Jan 22, 2024 | Personal Growth, Refreshing Faith, Relationship with God, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual warfare
Let’s play a game. I’ll say a word and you say its opposite. hot tall happy fast good Satan Who did you put as Satan’s opposite? The devil wants us to believe God is his opposite or equal. He’s not. Jesus is “far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and...
by Debbie W. Wilson | Sep 18, 2023 | Battles
One question echoed through my mind every time I encountered another spiritual attack leading up to my recent book launch. Is it worth it? Sometimes the battle comes to you. For example: While I spoke at a church to celebrate the release of Give Yourself a Break my...