by Debbie W. Wilson | Oct 29, 2019 | Battles, Peace
My school participated in a program to introduce elementary school children to the arts. It included a field trip to the symphony. The bus ride and being out of class were exciting enough. But the discordant sounds of the musicians warming up puzzled me. I wondered...
by Debbie W. Wilson | Sep 11, 2018 | emotions, Rest, Trusting God, Worry
What causes you to fret? Better yet, how do you stop fretting? Our insurance agency emailed me with information on how to post claims for Hurricane Florence. Not. a. good. sign. I opened my browser to see the latest storm update. It looks like Florence has targeted... by Debbie W. Wilson | Jun 22, 2015 | Abuse, Battles, Betrayal, Broken Relationships, Eternal Perspective
Lord, why is this happening? I couldn’t believe it. I’d crossed the Atlantic Ocean only to be stuck in a car with someone extolling the brilliance and virtues of my worst enemy an ocean away. My companion’s words obliterated the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding...