Do you have a way of connecting spiritually with those you love? My husband Larry shares an exercise he uses with couples he counsels.

“Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are” (Jn 17:11 NASB 1995).

Is there someone you’d like to be closer to or help grow spiritually? Spiritually bonding with them can help. This simple exercise I show couples can promote spiritual bonding with spouses, friends, and other believers. It’s short and simple, and all believers can do it in 15 minutes.

  • Read a short segment from the Bible or a devotion such as “Our Daily Bread” out loud together.
  • Relate to each other what stood out to you. This isn’t to test your grasp of all that’s said or to give what you think should be noticed. Share what you believe God brought to your attention. It might be something to ponder, to believe, or to do or not do. It’s sharing how God spoke or moved you.
  • Reflect back what you’ve heard the other say. Don’t be hesitant to correct if you weren’t heard accurately.
  • Request prayer for integrating what God brought to your attention. Then pray for each other out loud.

The opportunity to be close and spur one another in our faith will be worth any initial awkwardness (Heb 10:24, 25).

If we can help you with this or other relationship challenges, please get in touch.

Do you have a way of connecting spiritually with those you love? My husband Larry shares an exercise he uses with couples he counsels. #closeness, #bonding Share on X

Next week we’ll return to our DARTS series and look at the trap of Rule-oriented righteousness.

Do you have a tip to share on what helps you spiritually connect with your loved ones? Click here to comment.





  • Look what I found by Brant Wilson, is a new children’s book that illustrates the value of relationships. You can order your copy on Amazon,, and Barnes and Noble. Or pick one up at our office.
  • Parents of prodigal children are receiving help in dealing with the absence of children and grandchildren.
  • Young adults are learning how to be wise and faithful followers of Christ with complicated relationships.


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  1. Ann Musico

    I love this. It’s so simple and beautiful and Word centered.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. Just taking a few minutes to focus on spiritual truth together makes a big difference.

  2. Katherine Pasour

    Thank you for sharing, Larry and Debbie. Wonderful strategies to help couples grow in faith together. May God continue to bless your ministries.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Katherine. You are a blessing!

  3. Michele Morin

    Good to hear from your husband! We do need that spiritual connection in a marriage!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, we can take that for granted if we’re not careful. Thanks, Michele.

  4. Yvonne Morgan

    These are wonderful ideas. I will share them with our kids to help their relationships too. Thank you Debbie and blessings

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Yvonne. God’s blessings to you too. And I hope your kids enjoy this.

  5. J.D. Wininger

    I think my favorite is praying together, but a close second comes sharing a couples devotional together over morning coffee and a danish. I think my wife sweeter than the danish, but it’s a fun reward we can share together. Couples need this time to ensure we keep each other centered in/on Christ.

    • Debbie Wilson

      J.D., I like the idea of adding a Danish, almond croissant to be exact, to the time together!

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