How to Rest from Worry & Fear?

by | Mar 31, 2020 | Faith, Fear | 13 comments

empty toilet paper roll

empty toilet paper roll

The issues surrounding the coronavirus—how long this quarantine will last, how the stock market will impact us, and how to pay bills when we can’t work—not to mention what we’ll do if the toilet paper runs out—pose a real threat. In addition to this, the normal cares of life don’t stop with a worldwide pandemic. Added stress strains relationships that are already experiencing more “together” or “social distancing” time than normal. Yet the Bible says not to fear any of those things (Matt. 6:25-34). But it does tell us to fear something I bet you’re overlooking.

God wants you to fear missing His rest!

God’s promise of entering his rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to experience it” (Heb. 4:1 NLT).

Say what? Missing God’s rest hardly tops my list of fears—but it should.

How Do We Rest from Fear?

The rest God offers us is different from the rest He offered Israel. But both hinge on faith. The Bible uses Israel as an example of how we can miss God’s rest.

God delivered Israel from mighty Pharaoh and promised to lead the nation into the Promised Land. The Promised Land flowed with milk and honey and provided protection. But they listened to their fears instead of heeding His promise. As a result, instead of picking juicy grapes they ate manna all day—every day—for 40 years as they wandered in circles in the wilderness (Heb. 4:2-3). If only they had believed God!

What is rest?

  • In the Old Testament God’s rest was an abundant land.
  • In the New Testament God’s rest is an abundant life.

Where do we find rest?

  • In the Old Testament rest was found in a place.
  • In the New Testament rest is found in a person.

Today, worry drives us harder than any Egyptian taskmaster drove the Hebrew slaves. At least taskmasters slept. Instead of having to leave the country, our jobs, or our circumstances, we run to Jesus (Jn. 10:10; Jn. 16:33). As unbelief kept the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness, so unbelief in the power and care of our Lord keeps us in restless turmoil.

In the Old Testament God’s rest was an abundant land. In the New Testament God’s rest is an abundant life. #rest #fear Share on X

Jesus used the example of a farm yoke to help us understand how our relationship with Him works.

Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light’” (Matt. 25:28-30 NLT).

wooden yoke for oxenA yoke is a wooden beam used between a pair of animals that enables them to work together to pull a load. Sometimes a farmer yokes a young animal to an experienced, stronger one. The strong animal carries the brunt of the burden and guides the young one.

Being gripped by fear if like living with a ball and chain that leaves us exhausted. But when we choose to live yoked to Jesus we find rest for our souls. He is our burden bearer.

#Worry drives us harder than any Egyptian taskmaster drove the Hebrew slaves. At least taskmasters slept. #rest Share on X

Someone described FEAR as:





Setting our minds on Jesus empowers us to release our fears and enter God’s rest.

Setting our minds on Jesus empowers us to release our fears and enter God’s rest. #fear #peace Share on X

What helps you rest in God when you’re tempted to worry?



Resources to Feed Your Faith and Conquer Fear

Bad News + Big God + Peace

Give Yourself a Break

Give Yourself a Break Kindle e-book series bundle

Which includes the following which are also available as separate ebooks:

Give Yourself a Break from:


Little Women, Big God

Little Faith, Big God

Tonight, Tues. March 31, we discuss chapter one in our online group. It’s not too late to join. Contact me today if you want to join us.

Update on Strider: Before we took him in for surgery, the Lord reminded me Jehovah heals. I told him that all weekend. We took him for surgery Monday, and the vet called to say he doesn’t need it! Why he limps is a mystery, but for now we are praising God. Thanks to all who prayed!

Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

Sometimes I link with these great sites:

#InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory  #Recharge Wednesday, #TuneinThursaday, #Dance with Jesus, #Grace&Truth,

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  1. Ann Musico

    Very relevant and so needed at this time! His rest will protect us. Your bible study is perfect for such a time as this. I love the acronym and have used it many times – I found another that I like as well: Face

    I pray you and your family are staying well and safe.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, that is a perfect antidote to fear! I hope you are too. So far we are doing great.

  2. Melissa Henderson

    Amen. Resting in His peace and comfort today and always.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Melissa! Amen!

  3. Barbara L. Latta

    Debbie, yes, worry does drive us harder than Egyptian taskmasters. Fear is a weapon the devil uses to control us and God’s Word is the antidote to disarm him. Thank you for the encouraging post.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Barbara! God bless.

  4. J.D. Wininger

    Many great truths here Ms. Debbie. Thank you for sharing ma’am. We must have #FaithGreaterThanFear !

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen! Thanks, J.D.

  5. Lisa notes

    That picture captures one of my fears. 🙂 I only bought toilet paper once in this crisis; haven’t seen any to buy since. But trusting it will be there when I need more.

    I definitely don’t want to miss God’s rest. Thanks for this reminder to rest from fear in the person of Jesus, Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lisa, I’ve wondered what I am missing concerning the tp hoarding. I can think of lots of things more important to not be without—like chocolate!


    Thank you this was so encourageing! Fear does cripple us from the Lords rest and peace, it has me! But when I remember to lay my worries & burdens at his feet He’s with me all the way, gotta Just keep moving in Faith not by sight! Christ will get us through all we face.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Elizabeth, I love how the Psalmist said, “When I am afraid, I will trust in Him.” May we also let the fears that taunt us press us closer to our Savior.

  7. Nicole Burkes

    I can tell you are definitely hearing from God as you write the daily messages. What caught my attention was the scripture Psalm 46:10 you shared today. I shared that same scripture yesterday with my family and friends. Right then I knew your messages are straight from the throne room. Now you have pupil here waiting to hear more of what God is leading you to share. And let’s not forget the article you wrote about fearing to miss Gods rest! Just beautiful! Look me up on Instagram @ praiser2030 . Blessings!

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