Maybe, like me, you’ve heard the rapture of the church or the raising of the dead in Christ as described in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 can happen at any moment. Pastor Mark Biltz, of El Shaddai Ministries, says that’s not exactly true. By looking at how God fulfilled the other prophesies concerning Christ and the church we discover a definite pattern relating to the fulfillment of these biblical prophesies.
The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as predicted in the Old Testament, as well as the birth of the church, were all fulfilled on Jewish feast days. The Jewish feast associated with the next great prophetic event takes place this month.
While no one knows the time or date Jesus will return for the church, according to Pastor Biltz, whatever year it happens, it will occur during the Feast of Trumpets. He thinks it will also be during a Schmitah year.
7 Biblical Feasts
Here is a brief look at the Jewish feasts. Do these seven Jewish feasts provide a prophetic grid? The four spring feasts have already been fulfilled.
Here is a brief look at the Jewish feasts. Do these seven Jewish feasts provide a #prophetic grid? Share on X4 Spring Feasts
- Passover: the crucifixion of Christ
- The Feast of Unleavened Bread: Jesus’s burial
- The Feast of First Fruits: the resurrection of Christ
- Pentecost: the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church
All of these were fulfilled on the very day of the feasts!
3 Fall Feasts
- The Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashana, also called The Day of the Awakening Blast: The sounding of the shofar represents God’s regathering of his people, the Jews back to Israel (Is. 27:13) and the church to meet Him in the air. This is a two-day feast. If the pattern holds, then when the resurrection of the dead or what some call the rapture of the church occurs it should happen on one of the two days of this feast (1 Thess. 4:16-18).
. - The Day of Atonement: Israel as a nation will recognize Jesus as their Messiah and will weep and mourn for the One they pierced (Zech.12:10-12).
. - Feast of Tabernacles: Jesus will tabernacle among us for the 1000-year reign (Zech.14).
Pastor Biltz notes that since the Lord fulfilled the spring feasts to the day, he believes the Lord will fulfill the fall feasts to the day. You can’t have Pentecost before the resurrection. The next feast is the Feast of Trumpets. That must come before the final two feasts.
Jesus said, no one will know the day or the hour. Since this next feast lasts two days, no one knows what year, what day, or what hour. But Jesus also said, those who know the signs won’t be caught unaware. Never has there been a time when all the signs have lined up like they do now. I can only pray, “Come Lord Jesus. Come quickly!”
For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.)” (Rom. 8:22-25 NLT).
Are you ready for the rapture of the church?
Rosh Hashana for Hebrew Year 5783 begins at sundown on Sunday, 25 September 2022 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 27 September 2022. Below are links to some YouTube videos you may find interesting.
Will Jesus Return During Rosh Hashanah? | Tipping Point | End Times Teaching | Jimmy Evans
Blood Moons Decoded | Tipping Point | End Times Teaching | Jimmy Evans
Jonathan Cahn – Prophetic Update July 2022
Jonathan Cahn – How the Bible Points to Today
Sometimes I link with these great sites:
#InspireMeMonday, #InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory and here , #Let’sHaveCoffee, #Recharge Wednesday, #Grace&Truth,
No matter when it happens, it must be close. The volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and droughts, are in my opinion, not caused by global warming as some advocate, but signs that the earth groans waiting for release from the evil that takes place here. The Jewish feasts do have significance and thanks for sharing these parallels. It does seem more likely Jesus will return during one of these.
I agree with you Barbara. It feels very close. We are in the birth pains. Come, Lord Jesus!
LOVE this, Deb! Come. Lord Jesus!
Amen and amen!! Thanks, Pam.
“Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; & even though you
do not see Him now, you believe in Him & are filled with an inexpressible & glorious joy, for
you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”
1 Peter 1:8
“That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ & believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe & are justified, & it is with your mouth that you confess & are saved…..Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be
saved.” Romans 1:9,10, 13
Debbie, thank-you!!
Amen!! Thank you, Marilyn.
This is wonderfully clear information. Thank you Debbie and all I can say is AMEN – Come Lord Jesus!
Yes. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
Debbie, which book by Pastor Mark Biltz would be the best in covering the feasts and their significance. I looked at several but was not able to get much information from the website. I much prefer a book over a DVD.
Alan, I haven’t read his books. I only listened to the interviews below. I’m sorry I can’t help you with that.
Interesting. All I truly care about is that I will spend eternity in heaven. Thanks for sharing Debbie.
Yvonne, I think we’ll be blown away when we see how detailed God’s plan is. Nothing left to happenstance.
Thank you, Debbie, for your words of encouragement. I really needed it. I figure since Jesus was about 32 years old when he was crucified, and it has been 2000 years since then, and we know there has to be a seven year tribulation period, that it could be around 2025 for the rapture. I don’t know this, but I like to wonder when it will happen. Let us watch and pray and be ready.
Pat, it is exciting to know this great event is as much a part of God’s plan as Jesus’s first coming.
Fascinating. Thank you for sharing this information. I know I glean so much from the writings of Messianic Rabbi’s like Jonathan Bernis and Jonathan Cahn whose explanation of Jewish tradition or Hebrew words adds another layer of understanding to the scripture.
Beth, I too enjoy learning from those who understand how the Jewish ways point to Christ and today.
I will have my wick trimmed and my lamp lit as we head into Rosh Hashana later this month. I’ve studied a lot of end time prophecy and though we don’t know the exact day or hour, God gives us distinct clues in scripture. The dead will be raised with a “trumpet call” — how fitting it would be to happen on the Feast of Trumpets. Come soon Lord Jesus.
Bev xx
Love it, Bev!! Yes, Come soon, Lord Jesus!
Come soon, Lord. But find us working when you do. Thanks, Debbie. God bless!
Amen! Thank you, Nancy.
When it happens, I can’t know Ms. Debbie. Will it happen? Yes, and like you I believe it will be soon and very soon. Will it happen before this live ends? I suspect it will, as they say “Today could be the day”. Yet, if it does not; if God tarries, then His Word assures me the innermost parts of me will be with God in heaven because I am an adopted heir (2 COR 5:8). Why do I too suspect it can happen soon? In addition to the prophetic signs that point to nothing else needing to occur before the Rapture, it’s because I feel such an urgency in my soul to reach those were I perceive are lost to this world. I especially ache and long for those loved ones who claim to be “spiritual”, but demonstrate by their lives their lives have not been transformed by the renewing of their mind and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for sharing this informative and inspiring post my friend. And forgive my long-winded response please. Passion has a way of adding words.
J.D., I feel the same sense of urgency. What great hope we have as children of God! Thanks for sharing your passion!
Amen, J.D.!
I, too, think He will return at the Feast of Trumpets. When, I don’t know, but I long for the day.
Me too, Annie. I think the church is on tiptoes!
Hi Debbie,
I do think we are on the brink of that great and awesome day! I’m amazed that I’ve only recently learned about how Christ fulfilled these feasts but it makes wonderful sense.
I love this! Come Lord Jesus, come!