Biblical Trivia and a New Game

Did you know that Gideon’s famous fleeces came from doubt, not faith? Do you know the three brave female heroines who played a role in saving baby Moses from death? Did you know that Daniel was willing to go to the lions’ den for a personal conviction that wasn’t even a biblical mandate?

  • We talk about using a fleece to figure out God’s will. Gideon wasn’t seeking direction with his fleece. The angel of the Lord had already told Gideon he would be victorious in battle. Gideon used the fleece to assure himself that he could trust God. Did God have the power to keep His promise? Could Gideon trust God?
    God graciously answered Gideon’s request, not once, but twice. This gave Gideon the boost he needed to take the next step.
    Like Gideon, sometimes we know what we’re supposed to do. We just need assurance. Our High Priest stands ready to supply the grace we need. We only need to ask (Heb. 4:15-16).
  • What three gals did Moses owe his life to? First his mother’s faith gave her the courage to disobey the king’s command. She hid infant Moses instead of discarding him to die. When she could hide him no longer, she made a small ark and placed him in the Nile River.
    His sister Miriam, only a child herself, stood by to watch over him. When the third female player, Pharaoh’s daughter, discovered baby Moses, Miriam’s quick response provided a way to save Moses and give the princess time to prepare a plan for introducing him to her family.
    For the first two heroines, family members, it made sense to risk the king’s wrath to save a family member. But what about the king’s own daughter? Compassion moved this royal princess to defy her own father’s decree.
  • Daniel habitually prayed three times a day before an open window. When some evil men plotted to get rid of Daniel, they convinced the king to make prayer to anyone but the king illegal for thirty days.
    Daniel could have prayed silently under his bed covers. Instead he continued his habit and lived by the personal convictions that had helped him survive life in Babylon. Knowing his habit, his enemies caught him praying.
    Ironically, the habit his enemies used against him, sustained Daniel. God answered Daniel’s prayer and sent an angel to close the mouths of the lions. What happened to his enemies? Daniel chapter six holds the answer.

A New Game

Which of these stories do you relate to most? These and many more are found in Little Strength, Big God which releases September 5, but you can preorder your copy today. Follow this link to learn more. Try the Little Strength, Big God Matching Game that introduces more biblical characters and let me know what you think.

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. (Hebrews 11:6 NLT)

Meet some biblical characters with the free Little Strength, Big God Matching Game. #BibleStudy, #BigGod Share on X

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  1. Paula Short

    Debbie, this is really interesting. Your book sounds fascinating.
    Visiting from Anita’s.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Paula, I so enjoyed getting to know these stories better. Thanks for reading. I hope you tried the game. 🙂

  2. Joanne Viola

    We so need to know these stories for often our own journey can be found within theirs. And thus, we discover how to move forward in our own faith. Which do I relate to? Probably Gideon, but not sure that it is I doubt God but that I doubt myself. Did I truly hear Him correctly? I am so very grateful for God’s patience, grace, and mercy in giving reassurance at those times.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Joanne, I relate to Gideon too. I find I need constant reassurance when facing something I feel ill equipped to handle. Thanks so much for adding your thoughts.

  3. Ann Musico

    Congratulations on the release of your book! And that matching game was awesome! Made me have to think and I love that. Sometimes we think we know more than we actually do – especially of the details!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I’m glad you enjoyed it Ann. I like things like that too!

  4. Barbara Latta

    I have enjoyed learning new facts about these biblical characters. I love how you show us their dependence upon God through their adversities and how their faith grew when they were afraid. Thanks for the fun game!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Barbara!

  5. JD Wininger

    What fun, and I’m so enjoying the ARC. Can’t wait to get my copy of the book. God’s blessings, and thank you for writing this much-needed book. So much encouragement!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      J.D., I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! I hope the game will help my memory too! It mixes up each time you do it.

  6. Jennifer Knight

    I’m most likely like Gideon, asking God over and over for signs. But I am striving to be like Daniel and Moses’ mom and stepping out in faith and not caring what the world’s consequences might be.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Me too, Jennifer, not both counts!

  7. Yvonne Morgan

    Great sounding book and I love the title. I like the story of Daniel. What amazing faith. Good luck with the book Debbie

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Yvonne. Everyone of these men and women taught me something. So glad God recorded their stories for us.

  8. Katherine Pasour

    Congratulations on your new book, Debbie. I’m hooked! All the stories you present are moving so it’s hard to choose a favorite. But I’ll go with the three women because with the low status of women in society at that time, they risked their lives to act in this courageous manner.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Katherine, their stories really moved me. What a terrible position to be put it. And yet, their faith shown bright in their desperate time.

  9. Annie Yorty

    Debbie, I love the details you share here. And congratulations on your book. I’m reading it now and LOVING it.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Annie. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thanks, Lauren. I loved immersing myself in these amazing stories.

  10. Matt Waldron

    I really like the flow of each day and how we can connect with biblical characters in our daily lives. The strength builder helps to take a deeper dive into the meaning of the passage and also encourage practical application. You are a talented writer Debbie and I would certainly recommend this book to any reader interested in Christlike sanctification.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Thank you, Matt.

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