Did you know that you could grow up in the church and still miss the meaning of Easter? I know, because for many years I did.
I started attending church nine months before I was born, so I could recite the historical facts of Good Friday and Easter to anyone who asked. I’d even memorized John 3:16. But, somehow, I’d missed the personal ramifications of Easter.
In middle school that began to change when a speaker at camp spoke on the cross. That night I realized God didn’t just love the world in general; He loved me in particular! God so loved me that He gave His only Son that if I would believe in Him, I would not perish but have everlasting life.
It broke my heart to think that Jesus had had to die for me. Yet, after processing what this meant, my brokenness was transformed into incredible lightness. I was clean. My sins were forgiven, and heaven was my destiny. I returned home higher than a helium balloon and singing the camp songs I’d learned. But my high was short-lived.
I discovered I was still the impatient person I’d always been. But one thing had changed. Before I gave my life to Christ I considered myself to be a good person. I hadn’t identified myself as “a sinner in need of a Savior.” I knew I lost my temper but reasoned that was only because someone provoked me! After I invited Christ into my life, I became painfully aware of my outbursts.
Every night, I promised God I’d do better. Every day I failed. Knowing that Jesus had paid the penalty for my sins certainly comforted me. But I needed power for daily living.
Another Reason to Celebrate Easter
In college, I joined a small group Bible study. The women in the study challenged me. They showed a relationship with God I lacked. They lived as if God was involved in their day-to-day lives. Even though I attended church and read my Bible, I didn’t view the Bible as relevant to modern living.
My God grew that year as I got to know Jesus better. As my perception of Him expanded, the obstacles to trusting Him shrank. I realized that my ability to trust the Bible was directly related to my view of God.
My ability to trust the #Bible was directly related to my view of #God. Share on X
If God is God then:
- He is able to communicate with His children.
- He’s able to preserve the integrity of His Word.
- His wisdom is timeless and relevant.
I also discovered why I’d been powerless to control my temper. I’d been trying to live the Christian life in my own strength. I learned that only one person has ever successfully lived the Christian life, and He—Jesus—wants to live through me now.
In fact, the power that raised Jesus from the dead that first Easter is available to every child of God now. What a relief to know we weren’t meant to live the Christian life by our strength. We were created to live by faith in God’s Son.
Notice the hope in these Scriptures:
- “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know…his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms” (Ephes. 1:18-20 NIV).
. - “The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20 NIV).
Jesus became sin for us on the cross that original Good Friday so that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21). Easter is more than a historical fact or holiday; it is the source of hope and power for daily living. Every day that we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us we celebrate Easter. He is risen and lives in me! #Easter #hope Share on X
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Last photo by: Kwang Mathurosemontri
Sometimes I link up with these great sites:
#God-sized Dreams #Moments of Hope, #Teaching What Is Good, #w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention, #HeartEncouragement, #LivefreeThursday, #Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus, #Fresh Market Friday
Happy Easter, my friend! Hope we get to visit again soon❤️
Me too, Gwen. Last night, Larry and I were just remembering how much fun we had with you and Janet!
I can so relate Debbie. When I really understood what He accomplished on the cross and it became personal – so much changed for me. Every lent I read Paid in Full by Rick Renner – it is a beautiful devotional on those last days and hours of His life. Wishing you and your family a truly blessed and beautiful Resurrection day!
Yes! Who can explain the change? Thanks, Ann. May you and your family also have a wonderful Easter!
Hallelujah! What a God we serve, to take us by the hand and lead us so gently and patiently into his way. Thank you for this good word.
Yes, He is amazing! Thank you, Jacqueline.
This is beautiful, Debbie! What a great testimony… there’s so much more –always, so much more! Happy Easter!
Thank you, Karrilee. May you have a wonderful Easter time too!
Hi Debbie! You’re right–a person can miss the meaning of Easter even if they are a seasoned churchgoer. I hope your post inspires others who want to deepen their faith. Your neighbor at #messymarriage.
Thank you, Sarah. Happy Easter!
Love this! I have a similar testimony. I grew up knowing facts, but didn’t realize God wanted a relationship until the summer between my 8th grade and Freshman years. At church camp. And I have grown so much since then by watching other Christian women living out their faith and love for Jesus. Thanks for sharing your testimony.
Wow, Heather. Your story is very similar. Aren’t we thankful Jesus found us when He did!
So thankful, Debbie, for this reminder that Christ’s resurrection from the dead makes all the difference in my believing and in my living. Like you, I missed this truth – even though God puts it right out there in plain sight!
Blessings to you as you rejoice in resurrection!
And to you, Michele!
Amen and Amen, Debbie! I feel like I didn’t really include enough explanation in my most recent post on studying God’s word along this same line that you are pointing out. I used to study God’s word and go about my day defeated because I wasn’t recognizing how “I” was trying to live out the things I read in the Bible instead of letting Christ do it in and through me. Thanks for sharing so openly and making this very important point for us all! Have a wonderful Resurrection Day, my friend! And hugs to you!
Beth, you were teaching a wonderful tool. I’m reminded in the gospels that Jesus didn’t cover everything with everyone. He left room for the Holy Spirit. So often I’ve felt like I had to cover it all. I’m only a part. I know you know this, but your comment reminded me of how I often think. Love to you, my friend.
I’ll never forget when someone told me I could put my name in place of “the world” and the “whosoever” of John 3:16. I had known the verse as long as I could remember, but I never looked at it the same way again!
Charlie, what a difference it make to know Jesus love us individually! Thanks so much for sharing.
Isn’t it amazing that we can “grow up” in church but still miss Jesus? Thanks for sharing this part of your story, Debbie. I, too, grew up knowing all the facts about Jesus, but somehow missing his heart until I was an adult. So grateful to know Him now, not just about him. May you have a blessed Easter!
Thank you, Lisa. I hope you have a blessed Easter too!