Is God Hiding From You?

My favorite games of “hide and seek” took place at night with my older cousins at a friend’s log cabin on the marsh. The smell of salt air, twinkling lightening bugs, and the moon shining over the water created a magical setting for our childhood fun. The goal was to hide so well the seeker would give up looking for you.

Photo by: Toa Heftiba

When Hebrews says God “rewards those who earnestly seek him” (11:6) we may picture a game of “hide and seek.” But God is not hiding from us. He wants to be found. Let’s look at another analogy.

Do you remember what it was like to fall in love? You learned all you could about the object of your affection. You perked up when he walked into the room. You noticed his habits. You knew his favorite hangouts and just happened to show up when he’d be there. And if the feeling was mutual, he left hints that turned into invitations to join him. He beamed when you arrived and returned the attention.

Jesus is the lover of our souls who woos us. He is our Bridegroom. He wants us to seek Him with the delight and anticipation of a lover. He wants us to thrill at His whisper and desire to know all we can about Him. He wants to share stories, secrets, and life with us. He is not hiding from us.

In fact, the Bible shows God as the seeker. He looks for the lost and hiding.

  • He called to Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” when they hid from Him after their sin (Gen. 3:9).
  • He sought angry Cain after he’d messed up (Gen. 4:6-7).
  • He is the good Shepherd searching for the lost sheep (Luke 15:3-7).
  • He is the Father running to welcome his prodigal child home (Luke 15:11-21).
  • He stands knocking at the door of our hearts waiting for us to invite Him in (Rev. 3:20).

Problems Can Lead Us to Jesus

Sometimes, I’ve been more eager to find an answer to a problem than to find God in my problem. Share on X I thought a solution would quiet my unease. But gnawing on my problem like a dog on a rawhide didn’t satisfy me.

Jesus invites us to bring our burdens to Him not only so He can carry them but also so He can connect with us. When I give God my problems and trust Him to guide me, I find peace. But the fellowship of His company is sweeter than the solution to my quandary.

The Bible highlights an Old Testament believer for his fellowship with God.When Enoch was 65 years old, he became the father of Methuselah. After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch lived in close fellowship with God for another 300 years, and he had other sons and daughters. Enoch lived 365 years, walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him” (Gen. 5:21-23 NLT).

Enoch “found” God at age sixty-five. After that they were inseparable. Enoch walked with God through the ups and downs of life. God was more than a problem solver. He was his closest friend.

Do you want to know the secret of his relationship with God? Enoch lived believing that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him” (Heb. 11:6 NLT).

I wonder if God asked Enoch if he wanted to go home with Him the day he was “no more.” Or did Enoch ask if he could stay with God? It was so natural to be in God’s company, I wonder if he noticed the moment his feet left earth.

God may not reward us the same way He did Enoch, but He hasn’t changed. God still rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Share on X And those who do make Him smile.

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#Teaching What Is Good#w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention, #Moments of Hope, #HeartEncouragement, #LivefreeThursday#Grace and Truth, #Dance with Jesus,  #Fresh Market Friday

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  1. Pam Ecrement

    Love this, my friend! It reminds me of several things our pastor said in his message on Sunday. I think it is really hard for us to grasp how much He loves and longs for us. I wonder if it is because we are such poor lovers compared to Him!

    Have a great day!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Pam, I bet you are right. We make Him in our image! Thanks for sharing your insights.

  2. Ann

    I love this Debbie – and drawing into closer and closer intimacy with Him is the desire of my heart.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Me too, Ann! Bless you.

  3. pat haley

    I keep getting the same message-cannot resubscribe. Looking for God in the problem.

    • Debbie Wilson

      So sorry, Pat. I’ll ask my site manager to help.

  4. Nan

    Those who seek him make him smile!

    • Nan

      Love that!

      • Debbie Wilson

        Reminds me of you!

  5. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Love this Debbie. I spent a long time hiding from God. When I finally turned around to go home, He’d matched me step for step and was standing right there.

    Your neighbour at From Messes To Messages this week.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Andrew, I love how you said he was standing right there when you turned around. Isn’t that the truth! Thanks for visiting.

  6. Michele Morin

    I tweeted your thought on answers because it’s so relevant to me. Whenever I start pestering God for answers, I come back to Job — who also found that the answer to His question was a Person!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes! Michele, I love that scene in Job. Thank you for reminding me.

  7. Beth

    Oh yes! I so resonate with this Debbie. And it seems we are on the same wavelength today . . . but what a good wavelength to be on! 😉 Thank you for always being such a strong and encouraging voice to help us grow more deeply in love with the God who pursues us, my friend!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Beth! Have a great week.

  8. Ruth

    ” the fellowship of His company is sweeter than the solution to my quandary.”
    Amen, sister!!
    Great post! 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Ruth!

  9. Ginger Harrington

    “Sometimes, I’ve been more eager to find an answer to a problem than to find God in my problem.” What a great reminder. We can be seeking God in every situation. inking with you at Grace and Truth today.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Ginger. That’s a lot more satisfying when I remember to do it!

  10. Lori Schumaker

    I’m raising my hand with a great big, “I’m guilty!” I am a researcher and a do-er. I like to solve problems and then act on fixing them. It leads to me being more focused on the problem and it’s fixing than it does to me finding God in my problem. You’ve got me thinking, my friend! Thank you for sharing this hope with us at #MomentsofHope!
    Blessings and smiles,

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Lori! Yeah, I fall into that all the time!

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