How to Kick Fear to the Curb

Boo! What scares you? When I asked my small groups what kept them tied to their burdens, most of their answers boiled down to fear.

Fear of:

  • disappointing someone
  • the future
  • failure
  • harm
  • loss

I certainly can relate to all of these. Last week, a shadow of fear crept over me. I usually don’t spend much time thinking about our spiritual enemy, but I had recently discussed spiritual warfare in two Bible studies and written a blog on it. My suspicion that the devil was aggravated Iโ€™d exposed him was alerted when I tried to save my first draft. BAMโ€”my work turned to Chinese characters. Nothing I tried would retrieve it.

Coincidence? Perhaps, but it made me smile. Maybe someone needs to read this, I thought.

The night โ€œHow to Win at Spiritual Warfare” posted, the intimidation factor intensified. I returned home to find my son urgently herding the dogs inside.

โ€œWhatโ€™s going on?โ€ I asked.

โ€œLook in the backyard,โ€ he said.

I trotted to the back window expecting to see a big deer or maybe a fox. Chills ran up my spine when Brant pointed to a three-foot copperhead with its head raised menacingly.

Brant had taken our two poodles out before heading to bed. They were walking in the pine straw when he spotted the snake on the edge poised to strike.

The next morning when my husband was leaving for work, he inexplicably walked around his truck before getting into it. And do you know what? There lay another snakeโ€”in the garageโ€”in between our vehicles, on the driverโ€™s side of my car! If Larry hadnโ€™t found it, I would have been the one zipping past it when I left later that day!

I hate snakes. Just watching Larry pound the copperhead with a shovel gave me the shivers, and I was inside, behind a window with the doors closed! If the devil wanted to intimidate me, having snakes invade my territory was working.

An invitation to speak on spiritual warfare arrived on the tails of the snakes. (Pun intended.) My first thought was, I donโ€™t want to face more snakes! After exposing the enemyโ€™s schemes, Iโ€™d obviously fallen prey to fear.

Another fear taunted me. This summer Iโ€™ve been super sensitive to fragrances. Twice, coughing attacks have caused me to walk out of groups I was leading. On top of this, I ended the week in Urgent Care struggling to breathe. What if Iโ€™m sick on the day I am to speak?

As I prayed for wisdom, I sensed the Lord reminding me to live by faithโ€”not by fear. My daughter reminded me of a verse we’d discussed that very evening: โ€œโ€˜I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak peopleโ€™โ€ฆI am glad to be a living demonstration of Christโ€™s power, instead of showing off my own power and abilitiesโ€ (2 Corinthians 12:9, TLB).

This Scripture infused my faith. I want to live by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7). I want people to see Christโ€™s power. Once I affirmed that, I got excited about the opportunity!

What fears hold you hostage? Whether it seems sensible or irrational, the best way to overcome fear is to take it to Jesus. Ask for His perspective. Then boldly do what He shows you. Even when the first step feels scary, walking by faith conquers fear.

“But My righteous one shall live by faith;
And if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him” (Hebrews 10:38, NASB).

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Debbie W. Wilson

Linking to: #Reflectlinkup, #TestimonyTuesday, #RaRaLinkup, #Titus2Tuesday, #IntentialTuesday, #w2wwordfilledwednesday, #Wedded Wednesday, #Women with Intention, #ThoughtProvokingThursday, Beloved Brews, Faith Filled Friday, #WordswithWinter, Grace and Truth

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  1. Marilyn Couch

    Debbie, thank-you. This is the
    Word The Lord is giving me as the enemy presses in – “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, & he will flee from you.
    Come near to God & He will come near to you…Humble yourselves before The Lord, & He will lift you up.” James 4:6-10. So often I submit to the enemy & resist God. That’s when pride & fear come in. May
    we continue to pray for one another. Psalm 91 speaks of God’s Shield of Protection. It is my prayer for you & your family as you share the Truth from God’s Word.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Marilyn, I had to chuckle at your words: “So often I submit to the enemy & resist God.” Grateful for the Lord’s mercies that are new every morning! Grateful for you too, my friend.

  2. Renee @Doorkeeper

    Thanks for this great reminder of how the Lord can help us conquer whatever holds us back from experiencing abundant life. I’m your neighbor at the Ra Ra Link Up. Blessings!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Renee, thank you for visiting and commenting.

  3. Ellen Chauvin

    Debbie, Wonderful reminder that perfect love from Christ casts out all fear! I’m with you, though – snakes definitely give me the heebie jeebies! Joining you today from Testimony Tuesday.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Ellen. Oh to trust His perfect loveโ€”always.

  4. Tara

    Blessed to be your neighbor at Testimony Tuesday this morning. Fear has a crazy way of debilitating it us doesn’t it? But I cannot help but think of the many times God and/or Jesus tells us “Do not be afraid” throughout Scripture.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Tara, you are right. I counted almost 100. What we are to fear is missing His rest. If only we’d get that right!

  5. Sandi B

    Thank you for sharing anyway in spite of the devil!

    • Debbie Wilson

      You’re welcome, Sandi. Thanks for reading!

  6. Tiffany

    First off – snakes – eeek! We don’t have many trailing around Southern California yards and I’m not a fan – in any form! But fear – this I know. Particularly the fear of failure. It’s one that God has been gently encouraging me to overcome with Him. He’s shown me that as long as my eyes are fixed on Him and I’m pursuing His purpose for me – failure is a lie. And even if I do “fail” it’s simply an opportunity to learn and grow closer to Him. Not always a fun lesson to learn, but one that I’m grateful that He teaches me – that is truly success. Thanks for sharing, Debbie! #RaRalinkup

  7. Debbie Wilson

    Oh, Tiffany, we lived in Southern California for seven years. Never saw a snake or battled mosquitoes there. My husband is from Arizona and misses the west quite often. But there is lots we love about the South tooโ€”not the snakes!

    Good for you for recognizing and facing your fear of failure. I think that often sneaks up on those of us who want to be responsible. You might enjoy my post An Insidious Source of Stress.

  8. Lauren Gaskill | Making Life Sweet

    This is a great reminder Debbie! I struggled with anxiety attacks in high school and sometimes I get flashbacks. The enemy uses these for my demise, but God uses them for my good every time. In our weakness He is strong!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Lauren! What a great testimony of this truth.

  9. Crystal Storms

    Debbie, I pray I hold onto this wisdom the next time fear stops me in my tracks: “… walking by faith conquers fear.” Thank you, Debbie, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Crystal!

  10. Ann

    Oh Debbie – snakes! That would have me in the house with the doors and windows shut too! I definitely do not like snakes but mice have a similar effect. We live in the country and have always had times with mice making their way in the house. We usually catch them in the basement but some are more determined than others. When I was only home about 2 weeks from the hospital and having to sleep on the couch in the downstairs family room, my husband slept upstairs with his cell phone in case I needed him. I was just getting ready to shut the TV and lay on the couch when I saw a mouse run across the room! It’s an irrational fear but one I’ve had for years! I immediately set glue traps but the thought of laying down and not knowing where it was was beyond frightening to me. I tried to text and then call my husband but wouldn’t you know it he was so exhausted he never heard his phone. So I had to pray, trust God to keep it away from me and help me get through the night – and I did! That stupid devil knows how to push our buttons but it’s so empowering when we can call his bluff!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, Your story had me chuckling. It is amazing how heavy men can sleep! I don’t care for any critters in the house, thank you very much!

  11. Dawn

    Those very tangible lessons that we learn as we are preparing to bring freedom to others are frightening! And then I remember that God is in control and I start to see them through His perspective. Someone told me that once, to look through HIS glasses and we would see how small the problems really are.

    I am glad you weren’t surprised by those snakes in person and that God alerted the men in your family to their presence. Yikes…not something I would enjoy being surprised with.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Dawn, I like that picture of looking through HIS glasses. If the nations are but dust, our problems certainly don’t intimidate Him! Thanks for commenting.

  12. Betty Draper

    Debbie, perfect post for me to read today…I have been struggling with insomnia which always leaves an open door for the enemy to attack. Hoping to have further test on my adrenal gland in a couple of week to see if it could be the problem. Until then I have been trying some meds to relieve anxiety but in me it only increased it and made my insomnia worst. Oh my the battle in my head has been awful. Thank God I am off of the meds. My mind has already begin to clear. Am I sleeping any better, no but when I am awake I am not struggling with terrible thoughts. Anxiety and fear the two things that seem to attack more often then more things. Great read.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Betty, when I can’t sleep the whole world looks dreary. I feel for you, my friend. I’ve taken herbal and mineral supplements from health food store that have helped me. I’m thankful that now you are peacefully awake. May He grant you rest.

  13. Fuller

    PRAISING -PRAYING and standing WITH YOU.
    Thank you for your faithfulness!

  14. Fuller

    p.s. – -ALSO praising for the “authority” He has given you. . . ๐Ÿ™‚
    YES . . . “to trample on snakes and scorpions and to OVERCOME the power of the enemy!”

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Fuller! I want to trample from a distance! ๐Ÿ™‚ But I am thankful for the authority we have in Christ.

  15. Valerie Sisco

    Hi Debbie,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today – so nice to meet you! Your story about the snakes was chilling, but the truth you shared about the enemy’s tactics is a good reminder to stay alert. Sometimes when we think life is hard or something is difficult, we think we should give up and we’re not in the right place, but sometimes I think that’s just discouragement working overtime to get us distracted from what God has already told us. Thank you for sharing these truths — I’m happy to have discovered your blog today! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Debbie Wilson

      It was my pleasure, Valerie. I want to show it to my daughter who also loves Italy and travel. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment.

  16. Bonnie

    Crickets are my snakes. From growing up where they are like an Exodus plague. A neighbor would pay 10 cents a cricket that was caught but them jumping and crawling everywhere that is not for me. I scream when I see one now. My husband knows what is going on when he hears me. My go to verse for fear is Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    Stopping by from Beloved Brews.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Bonnie, I’m smiling. I can picture you screaming and your husband thinking, Bonnie found a cricket. Thanks so much for reading and sharing.

  17. Lyli

    Debbie, thank you for sharing this good word with Thought-Provoking Thursday today! Welcome to our community. — Fear is such a tool of the enemy. I cling to II Timothy 1:7 on almost a daily basis — I am so thankful that His Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind are available to me.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lyli, thank so much for visiting may blog and hosting Thought-provoking Thursday! I too love 2 Timothy 1:7. A good filter for my feelings and thoughts.

  18. Karen Del Tatto

    The Lord actually used my anxiety to draw me into a saving relationship with Him.

    My anxieties have two themes, anything surrounding sicknesses and going places alone.

    My life verse is from Deuteronomy 31:8 which says, “I go before you and am with you. I will never leave you or forsake you.” I have clung to those Words many times and they have brought me peace in the midst of fear.


    • Debbie Wilson

      Karen, what a beautiful testimony of God bringing eternal life out of dark fear. I love your life verse. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  19. Heather

    I have an irrational fear of insects and talking to people. Both make no sense, but I have been trying to work through them for years. I actually posted on Facebook yesterday about my irrational fear of speaking after reading 2 Timothy 1:7. Thanks for sharing such a great post!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Good for you, Heather. In Pilgrims Progress, I recall a scene where someone is facing what appears to be fierce foes. But from the side, Pilgrim can see they are only paper! I love how going to God changes how we see things. God bless you in your journey of faith.

  20. Horace Williams Jr

    Amazing Post Debbie! I too have had encounters of frustration/fear when trying to publish a post sharing the transforming power of God! I am reminded that the “evil one” does not want me to publish these posts.. It is reaffirming to me at that very moment that I am doing God’s will! Thank you Debbie for your encouragement and support! It means a great deal as I hope to establish my site and reach others for Christ! Have a great weekend:)

    • Debbie Wilson

      Horace, I agree. It is affirming to realize God must have something good in store if the devil doesn’t want me to do this! God bless you in your writing and ministry. Thanks for commenting.

  21. Stephanie sudano

    Love it debbie! Love that scripture!!!

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