You could call me a flower child — fragrant lilies, red tulips, blue hydrangeas — just whiffs of honeysuckle in a breeze delight me. Floral beauty satisfies me yet creates a thirst for more. When I look into the throat of a perfect lily, I experience the joy of a flower and want to examine the delicate petals and inhale the scents of other flowers. What a strange paradox, the beauty that delights and satisfies creates an aching for more. Could this be creation’s beckoning to know its Maker?

The Creator has revealed Himself through His creation (Romans 1:20) and when we pause to appreciate it, we are simultaneously delighted and teased. A longing for more — a longing for Him — springs forth. Glorify means: to cause the dignity and worth of some person or thing to become manifest and acknowledged.1 Creation glorifies God by displaying the worth of its Maker.

What part of creation makes your heart simultaneously sing and ache — a sunrise, a night sky, a bird in flight? After considering the wonder of God’s glory as displayed in creation the Psalmist asked, “What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God, and You crown him with glory and majesty! (Psalm 8:4-5)

Do you know what is more amazing than nature? You are. God created you in His image (Genesis 1:26-26). Every human life is sacred and of more value to God than the rest of His creation combined. We are so important that He sent Jesus to restore what was lost and broken in us so that He can gather us as a large lasting bouquet to live with Him in heaven.

God delights more in us than I delight in an armful of flowers. He rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). Your prayers transmit a fragrant bouquet to our Heavenly Father (Revelation 5:8, 8:3-4). Even your gifts to Him “are a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God” (Philippians 4:18).

With that in mind consider the definition of sin: to miss the mark. Sin is not just doing wrong things, it is failing to display God’s good nature. We fall short when we fail to love God, ourselves and others as He does. When we don’t believe He loves us, we reflect a distorted view of God. Allowing Christ to live through me glorifies God and fulfills my purpose in life.

The next time your heart is touched by the earth’s beauty, marvel and glorify your Creator and remember that He has made you to give the world a glimpse of Himself. Your life displays the dignity and worth of our Maker. “O LORD, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8:9)



1 Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search for doxazō (Strong’s 1392)“. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2011. 5 Feb 2011. < http:// Strongs=G1392&t=NASB >

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Photo used by permission of Steve Browne.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™   Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

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  1. Ann

    What a lovely reminder! Thanks, Debbie.

  2. Marilyn Couch

    Debbie,not only is this poetic, but resonates in my own heart.
    I felt this ache most acutely while in Glacier National Park.
    The beauty was overwhelming and I felt that deep ache and longing
    in my heart. The Lord has shown me that I am simply “Homesick for
    more of Him”. It reminds me of the song by Steve Fry “Oh, I Want
    to Know You More”. We can bask in His Love for today and know that
    we have so much more to look forward to and anticipate in the hours
    and days ahead.

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