How Does God Look at Me When I Mess Up?

How does God look at His children when they intentionally or accidentally sin in the worse way? Is He fed up? Sometimes it is hard to forgive ourselves, or know how to treat ourselves, or others after we’ve messed up.

Larry and I had a great friend who is now with the Lord. Ken was Larry’s house mate and trainer when he joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ. Our first born children were born the same week, and were good friends when we lived in California. He had a winsome spirit and smile, was a talented worship leader, and gifted Bible teacher. He was also a polio survivor.

Polio took the life of his sister when she was a baby. Polio left Ken’s body twisted and dwarfed. His brothers were large men while Ken bought his shirts in the boy’s department. I never heard him complain, but the crippling effects of polio haunted him his whole life, and played a role in his early death.

If we could ask Ken’s father, “Mr. Green, what do you think of polio?” how do you think he would answer?
I am sure he would say, “I hate polio, it took the life of my only daughter and crippled my son. I hate polio!”

But what would he say if we asked, “Mr. Green, what do you think of Ken?” I can picture Mr. Green smiling and saying, “I love Ken. He’s my son. I love Ken!”

As our Father, God hates our sin because He knows the devastating effects of it. He knows better than anyone that sin cripples and kills all of its victims. He has gone to great expense to provide a remedy for sin. But God LOVES His Child! Listen to the psalmist, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:12-14).

The next time you have a hard time forgiving yourself, or someone you love, remember Ken.  And remember God loves you; He hates sin because of its infectious nature, and what it does to you. He does not see you as being the same as your sin. He loves you with a perfect Father’s love.



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  1. Lisa

    Thanks Debbie. What a blessing your message is to me this morning!

  2. kay holland

    What a great teaching !
    I’m sure I will share this with others! Thank you Debbie!

    It makes me wonder how we might view our sins if we could
    see a physical manifestation of how it dwarfs us and cripples us
    spiritually . I’m sure we would cling closely to the -blessing of
    confessing- from 1 Jn. 1:9 . Again, I am reminded of God’s
    amazing provisions of grace – Christ’s atonement , the Holy
    Spirit’s sweet conviction ,and the place of cleansing and

    Blessings to you and family! Kay

  3. Pas.R.Ramachandran.

    The massage was wonderful. God hate sin but he love us.
    thank you very much sending this massage. I shared with my friends.

  4. Janis

    That was especially precious! What a great analogy. Like Joshua before the throne of God and the angel taking off his dirty clothes. Zechariah 3:3-4 A good word to apply to myself and others. How great to be washed in the blood of the Lamb! Thank you for your ministry to me and all the saints! Love, Janis

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