
Did you know that you are called to be a highlighter? You know those bright colored markers that highlight great things worth knowing and remembering? Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (NIV). You and I are called to highlight or spotlight God through what we do.

As I’ve thought through what I do—instead of bemoaning what I can’t do—I realized I can be a highlighter. Although I admire people who package their ideas in sidesplitting humor or brilliant freshness, that’s not my strength. However, my life and ministry can highlight what already exists—God and His timeless truth.

If I am not careful, I tend to focus on the gifts and abilities I wish I had and overlook what I can offer. I have come to realize that though most of our skills may not glitter or grab attention, they are gifts from God, that when exercised, please Him and bless others.

If I asked you to list the people who have influenced you the most, how many on your list would hold star power? My list is filled mostly with ordinary people who have let me get close to them, and they have loved me and invested in me in some way.

What do others notice about you? What compliments have you shrugged off because you think anybody can do that? Do people call you patient, resourceful, insightful, generous, or kind? Things that come naturally to us may not seem special or spectacular because they are familiar to us. Our abilities may never bring fame or wealth from the world, but they are special to God and when invested, will be rewarded by Him. See Matthew 25:14-30.

Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For You formed my inward parts;
 You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well” (NASB).

The world wants us to focus more on what we wish we were than to appreciate who we are. Where do you think you could have done better than God in creating you? Knowing God has perfectly suited us for our roles in His-story, helps me believe that He made no mistakes in designing me. I have the raw ingredients to be successful in His perfect plan for me (Romans 12:1-2; 2 Peter 1:3).

Where has God placed you? Are you somebody’s best friend, mentor, or teacher? Do you run a company, classroom, ministry, or household? Doing your best in these areas—to the glory of God—spotlights our heavenly Father. God has uniquely made you to reveal His glory. When we accept who we are, we glorify our Creator. Highlighting turns out to be a high calling.

Larry and I appreciate your generosity to Lighthouse. Your gifts highlight God’s goodness to us and those who benefit from this ministry.

Happy New Year,

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  1. Keita


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