God’s Amazing Rescue Out of War-Torn Israel

My friend Deb DeArmond and her husband Ron were in Israel when the war started on Oct. 7, 2023. Here’s the incredible story of God’s presence and provision for them in that harrowing time.

God—an Ever-Present Help in Trouble

Wailing sirens startled Deb and her group. “Do you think this is a practice drill?” Ron asked.

“We always take these seriously,” said their Israeli guide as he ushered them to the bomb shelter.

Hearts pounding, Deb’s group descended the steps to the underground shelter. As they continued further below ground, the faint sound of singing voices greeted them. They didn’t understand the language, but they recognized the tune—“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” Yes, God was with them, and He was their mighty fortress.

The group reached their designated shelter area, well beneath the hotel. The bunker was divided into two areas, with a narrow walkway dividing the space. The Americans stood across from the group of singers and clapped when their companions finished the hymn. The woman who led the singers turned and stretched out her open palms as if to say, “Your turn.”

The Americans chose a familiar hymn and sang back to the group they learned was from Togo. Taking turns, they passed the hours singing to each other, not knowing what was happening above them.

The DeArmond’s sons had called days earlier. They had an uneasy sense their parents needed to secure their return from Israel. The three grown sons went in together to purchase two more tickets with another airline for their folks in case they needed a backup route.

Sunday, one day after the initial attack, Deb and Ron found a driver who was willing to take them to the airport. The driver became concerned when the highways were eerily vacant. “You don’t understand. Our weekend is Friday and Saturday. Sunday is a workday. These roads should be jammed with traffic.”

While the roads were empty, the Tel Aviv airport Deb and Ron entered was crammed with people. They’d stood in line with hundreds of others for 45 minutes without moving an inch. Ron turned to Deb and told her to stay put while he went to see if another ticket counter could help them.

The Pink Sweater 

Deb continued to stand alone in the crowd when she felt a gentle tap on her back. She turned to see a petite woman in a bright pink sweater.

“How can I help you?” the woman asked Deb. She wore street clothes with no badge.

About that time, Ron returned to say he’d come up empty-handed. Deb nodded toward the woman. “She asked how she could help.”

“Why don’t you have an airport badge or uniform? Deb asked.

“If I did, I’d be mobbed and unable to help anyone.” She reviewed their itinerary and requested they wait in line while she went to the service desk.

The small woman cut through the crowds and secured tickets for Deb and Ron within minutes. She ushered them through the crowd to head immediately to the plane that was ready to depart for the United States. They didn’t understand how she had worked so quickly and why she had picked them from a throng of others.

Deb and Ron settled in their seats. As the plane took off, Deb noticed tears streaming down Ron’s face. “Babe, what’s wrong?”

“Last night, I dreamed that a woman in a pink sweater would help us today.”

Ron and Deb’s sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren embraced them at the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. The Tel Aviv Airport canceled all departing flights shortly after they left.

I asked Deb if she had anything to add. After clarifying a couple of details, she wrote, “Under the circumstances is often an indication that things are proceeding—but not as one might have hoped or expected. As Christ followers, we are not immune from unexpected or difficult experiences in our lives. Yet, we are under the watch of our heavenly father, and when there seems to be no way, He makes a way. Was the woman in the pink sweater an angel sent by God? Ron and I are certain of it.”

Please, continue to pray for Israel.

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Here’s the incredible story of God’s presence and provision for my friends who were in Israel Oct. 7. #AmazingGrace, #AngelsWatchingOverMe Share on X

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1 NIV).

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Photo by Donna White on Unsplash

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  1. Linda Stoll

    praise God for this provision, this deliverance, this miracle.

    may He unleash His power during this awful season of war.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Yes, praise Him, and may He use this to cause many to seek and find Him.

  2. Joan Benson

    Wow! What a beautiful testimony! I would’ve had tears streaming too. Our God is a fortress, our rock, and Waymaker. Praising God with Ron and Deb. Thank you for sharing.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Joan, I asked Deb if I could write the story because I can’t tell it without crying. God is Good!

  3. J.D. Wininger

    An angel? They’re all around us, and maybe some wear pink sweaters. I think the singing back and forth was perhaps the sweetest thing. I imagined God standing in the center of the narrow corridor in between the two groups. He rewards those who love Him. Am so glad your friends are home safely, but it caused me to pause for all those who are in harm’s way yet. I know this must happen, yet it saddens me all the same.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      J.D., I thought that was so sweet too. The fellowship of the saints. Yes, so many are suffering. Our hearts are with them.

  4. Connie Wohlford

    What a wonderful testimony of our amazing Father.
    Thanks for telling it!
    Prayers for Israel continue.

    And it’s nice to have children who are tuned in.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      An Ebenezer stone for sure! And yes, Connie, I believe our prayers matter. Thank you.

  5. Michele Morin

    So enlightening to hear about an actual on-the-ground experience.
    Goose bumps over the pink sweater…

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Yes, real goose bumps!

  6. Emily Wickham

    This story brought tears to my eyes. Praise God for His mighty hand of protection and provision!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Amen! Thanks for reading, Emily.

  7. Yvonne

    Thank you for posting this article about Deb and Ron DeArmond and God’s Amazing Rescue [of them] Out of Warn-Torn Israel. Here on earth and in heaven, countless groups will sing before God and praise Him. Yes, He is a Mighty Fortress.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Yes He is, Yvonne! Praise His name.

  8. Ann J Musico

    That is an amazing story of God’s faithfulness!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      So thrilling to hear of God’s provision!! Thanks, Ann.

  9. Karen Friday

    Wow, Debbie, thanks for sharing this story. A friend who mentored me in writing about 7 years back is also friends with Deb. This is a wonderful story of God’s watchcare and work-especially how Ron dreamed of the lady in the pink sweater. Chills.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Small world! Deb is a good friend even though we live in different states. Yes, God’s care for them certainly brings chill-bumps!

  10. Lisa Brittain

    So grateful for dreams and the random people who show up in pink sweaters and no badge. Encountering angels. Thank you for sharing God’s miraculous rescue and sustenance in a challenging time.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Me too! Thanks, Lisa!

  11. Barbara Latta

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m sure there are other miraculous encounters that transpired that day and are still happening. Our God is an awesome God! So glad your friends arrived home safely.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Barbara, I’m sure there are. I’m thankful to hear this firsthand account to remind us He is alive and at work even when we can’t see it.

  12. Nancy E. Head

    What an amazing story, Debbie. Our Lord is SO great! Thanks and God bless!

  13. Debbie W. Wilson

    He is great! Thanks, Nancy.

  14. Jeannie Waters

    Deb’s story is a testimony of God’s love and power. Thank you, Debbie, for making us feel like we were in that tunnel singing and hearing other believers sing of God’s marvelous grace and faithfulness.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Jeannie, Deb’s story encouraged me and reminded me He is always with us.

  15. Paula

    Oh praise God! I was so stitched in my place not taking my eyes off your words for a moment. And your husbands dream, glory be to God. Debbie, thank you so very much for sharing your friends story with us.
    Visiting today from Joanne’s

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Paula, I was just as riveted when Deb told me her story. Glory to God!

  16. Barbara Harper

    Oh wow. What an amazing story. I was as blessed by the singing in the bomb shelter as much as by the pink-sweatered helper in the airport. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out she was an angel.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Me too Barbara. To be welcomed by that hymn would bring such assurance.

  17. Katy Kauffman

    Thank you for sharing her story. I saw the posts she made on Facebook, but didn’t know how they got home. Thanking God for pink sweaters and those who wear them! And at just the right time.

    So grateful they could get home!

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Katy, I was so touched to hear how God made Himself known through this dangerous and stressful experience.

  18. Jeanne Takenaka

    Deb, this story brought tears to my eyes. The ways of God are so much higher than ours. I’m so glad your friends made it out when they did. And I appreciate the reminders that God sees us and provides for our needs–physical and heart needs.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Jeanne, I had to write it because I couldn’t tell it without tears. Glory to God!

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