God Cares About You and Your Needs

by | Oct 24, 2017 | Faith | 22 comments

I missed you while I was away, but I had a fabulous trip with my daughter. I hope to tell you more another time. Today I want to remind you that God sees our needs and knows how to communicate with us.

Larry and I studied under a brilliant seminary professor whose charisma and authority made him dangerous. Several people ended the year with their faith utterly shaken. He, knowingly or unknowingly, set himself up as the final authority and punished those whose views differed from his. Even questions to gain a better understanding seemed to threaten him.

Two of his premises were God has left us to figure things out by ourselves and maturity is shown by confusion. Any expression of faith in a God who is personally involved in the lives of His children was belittled as naive.

Many times I’d received comfort and instruction from the Holy Spirit using a simple Bible study method. (You can get it in the free e-book How to Get a Personal Word from God in the right sidebar.) This man’s influence brought dark clouds of confusion that would douse my joy whenever I received guidance through God’s Word. I wondered if I was simplistic to think the God of the universe cared about my small needs.

I continued to read my Bible. But his influence definitely undercut the joy I’d previously experienced until my reading took me to Luke 10:21:

At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.’

Once again, God’s Word addressed my need, and it exposed the deception behind my professor’s teaching.

This man was wise and learned by the world’s standards, but he didn’t demonstrate peace with God. Years later another professor from the same seminary told us that our former professor’s churning spirit had injured numerous people, including the man telling us.

Some scholarly people will scoff childlike faith, but don’t dismay. God rewards it. Has a person or a teaching caused you to doubt God’s personal interest in you? Are you skeptical of God’s desire and ability to speak to you?

You matter to God!

 Here are some Scriptures that remind us that God cares about individuals. Let’s take them to heart.

  • “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17).
  • “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31).
  • “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5-6)
God will rejoice over you with singing. Zeph. 3:17 #hope Share on X

Don’t let anyone’s credentials or status cause you to mistrust your Father’s love and involvement in your life. Jesus loves you. He wants to guide you and supply your needs. Bring your requests to Him, and release your faith by thanking Him for His involvement. If you have Jesus, you are never alone.

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Debbie Wilson

Debbie W. Wilson


I want to tell you about a great new book coming out on November 7, called Life in the Presence of God, by author and speaker Dr. Ken Boa. I am reading an early copy of the book and am enjoying it very much.

This book is about experiencing God in day-to-day life, and it’s like a 21st-century version of Brother Lawrence’s classic The Practice of the Presence of God—except more practical, with ideas for how we can really become aware of God, and follow Christ’s command to abide in him, even in our technology-saturated, fast-paced modern context. You can order a copy here.

Bible Photo by: Ben White.

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  1. Ann Musico

    Debbie this was very powerful and a reminder we can all use from time to time because we all run into those type of people who feel they have it all together and their way is the only way! I am taking part in a book reading/bible study by phone with people MUCH more learned than I am and farther along in the faith. I felt a bit intimidated at the thought of participating but they are all so warm, so welcoming and so open to each person’s understanding that I am truly hearing God more clearly. May we all learn from your experience.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, hearing other people’s insights can be so enriching. But those who speak down to us and minimize the role of faith can cause so much harm. I’m glad you’ve found a group that is beneficial. And you have the same Holy Spirit to guide you as they have!

  2. Martha Heckenberg

    I heard a lady testify once about how she doesn’t bother God with small things. I was very young in the faith and thought oh my I am wrong to pray about small things. But one day I ask God about it and He showed me scripture after scripture that helped me to understand that He is concerned about every detail of our lives before it happens in the middle of it happening and after it happens. I am His child and I can take ALL my concerns to Him.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, Martha! If nations are but a drop in the bucket, what isn’t small to Him?

  3. joyce

    The scripture reference is incorrect for Oct 24, 2017..reading.
    Should not be Mark 10…but should read as MATHEW 10:29-30.

    Just thought you may want to correct it.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joyce, you’re right. Thanks for calling my attention to it.

  4. Laura Rath

    I’ve known people who seemed to think (or at least acted like) they were closer to God than others, or knew more than anyone else could know. Their behavior was condescending, and I found it hard to be around them. But I know that God will reveal Himself at different times and in different ways to different people. We don’t have to be pastors or scholars to study God’s Word and to hear from Him. Glad I stopped over from Messes to Messages. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you for stopping by Laura. Don’t you love it that Jesus is able to communicate with His own and we don’t need a special degree to hear Him?

  5. Deanna

    I went through that time period of thinking we were just wound up and left here to be trialed and tested again and again. This thinking broke my child like relationship and I felt betrayed. It takes a lot of prayers and reading to remind me that the enemy is always planting lies. thanks for sharing. Visiting from Writer Wednesdays.

  6. Debbie Wilson

    Deanna, thank you for sharing your journey. The enemy is a liar and wants to separate us from God’s love. So thankful Jesus rescued us from his lies!

  7. Debbie Putman

    Great truths and reminders here to always remember Scripture is the source of authority not earthly teachers-even those with power and authority.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Debbie! Love your name. 🙂

  8. Rebecca L Jones

    If Jesus need the joy of the Holy Spirit, we surely do, and that is the joy that is our strength. Thanks for the verse.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes! Thanks, Rebecca.

  9. Rebecca L Jones

    I’m sorry, I meant needed.

    • Debbie Wilson

      🙂 I do that all the time.

  10. Kathy

    It’s true that many trust in their knowledge, considering it as the truth and neglect to see that our ultimate trust must be in the Lord God, creator of this world and its people.
    I had a similar experience with a pastor many years ago. I explained to him my new experience of having Christ in my life. He scoffed at my naive belief, He said I needed to read all the learned religious professors in order to have access to such faith. I later left this church, becoming a follower of Jesus, trusting Him as my Savior and Shepherd. I found maintaining a child-like faith is essential to enjoy God’s life in my spirit. Thank you for your words that sparked this memory. How easy it could have been to be sidetracked by listening to someone who adhered to knowledge rather than faith in Christ.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Kathy, I had a similar experience with a pastor. He told me to come back in ten years and tell him if I felt the same enthusiasm for Jesus. That was many decades ago. And yes, I still do!

  11. Sarah Koontz

    Such a scary, and all too common story. I love Jesus reminder to have a childlike faith and the psalm that tells us we can be wiser than our teachers. I so struggle with highly educated Christianity! It makes people proud. Not all people, mind you, but far too many. Thanks for this encouragement today.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Sarah, I’ve often thought of His word making those who love it wiser than their secular teachers, but obviously it applies here too. Thanks for bringing that up.

  12. Ruth @ plantedbylivingwater

    These are such wonderful verses! Man-given status cannot compare to the worth and status that God gives us! To think that He who is the Mighty warrior would rejoice over us with singing! And that He would care about us enough to stick around ALWAYS, and even know the number of hairs on our heads!! I’d say that’s pretty personal!
    Your neighbor at Writer Wednesday.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ruth, that is amazing isn’t it! Too amazing to really fathom. Thanks for your thoughts.

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