Do Difficulties Make You Question God’s Will?

Wait for the Lord and keep His way,
And He will exalt you to inherit the land” (Ps. 37:34 NASB).

“I don’t think we should buy that lot now,” I said to my husband. “Scriptures that connect “wait” and “land” keep popping up.”

After years of searching and setbacks, we had finally found a lot that fit our price and location range. But every time I read my Bible, I sensed the Lord saying, “Wait.” Larry sensed the same message.

This confused us. Why would the urge to pursue this continue while difficulties continued to set us back? A developer had promised to hold a lot for us while we sold our house. We listed our house with his realtor daughter. Before the first showing, the developer sold the lot to a better offer. “Daddy, that was Larry and Debbie’s lot,” his daughter said.

After much searching we found another lot located close to the prior one. But now we felt a restraint in our spirits. We told the developer we wouldn’t be buying the lot now.

Later, I saw that an architect I liked had opened an office near where we were vacationing. We made an appointment and looked through their portfolios. One house plan stood out. “If we ever build on that sloping lot, this is the plan I’d use.”

My Bible reading message changed. Verses switched from wait to when the Lord your God brings you into the land (Deut. 6:10-12) and when you build your fine houses (Deut. 8:12). Larry also sensed a stirring to revisit the lot we’d turned down.

We bought the lot. When our builder walked the property, he met another builder surveying the property. He was working for someone who thought the lot was theirs. Their realtor called to ask us if we’d sell the lot to his client. He’d forgotten to follow through on their proposal.

Wow. While we waited on God’s timing the Lord had kept the land for us. That assurance helped us when our building process encountered other difficulties.

While building our home, Hurricane Fran knocked down three one-hundred-year-old oaks we’d laid our foundation around. (When two tornados tore through our property a few years later we were glad those oaks were gone!) Our builder went through a divorce and left us with unfinished details and unpaid expenses. One neighbor threatened to sue us and continually complained. They’d hoped our lot would remain uninhabited.

Again, the Lord spoke to me from my daily reading.

Then they despised the pleasant land;
They did not believe in His word,
But grumbled in their tents;
They did not listen to the voice of the Lord” (Ps. 106:24-25 NASB 1995).

The land God had provided was good. I needed this warning. I didn’t want to be like the ungrateful Israelites and overlook God’s good gifts because of the difficulties.

Following God’s leading didn’t stop the hassles. But it provided assurance we were in His will and that He would work it out for His glory and our good.

As Shasta in C. S. Lewis’ The Horse and His Boy said, “It seems that Aslan [Jesus] is at the back of all the stories.” And since He’s good, we can trust Him with the difficulties that don’t yet make sense.

Since we know God is good, and Jesus is at the back of our stories, let's trust Him with the #difficulties that don’t yet make sense. #hope Share on X

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  1. Jerralea

    Love that quote: “We can trust Him with what doesn’t YET make sense.”

    Someday it will all make perfect sense. It might be in heaven, but it will. Romans 8:28 assures us of good that comes out of our difficulties.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, I look forward to the time when Jesus tells us our story from His perspective! Thanks Jerralea.

  2. Stephanie

    Love this! A reminder that God’s wisdom is there for us – we just have to slow down and look and listen for it.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Remembering this encourages me to be still and trust Him with today’s decisions. Thanks, Stephanie.

  3. Ann Musico

    Such a powerful and good reminder that just because we encounter challenges, it doesn’t mean God has changed His mind! We have to just listen and obey the promptings. Love this Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Ann. A good reminder for me too!

  4. Jeanne Takenaka

    Debbie, I love this post. Sometimes the waiting seems sooooo loooooong. But, you’re right. When we move in God’s perfect timing, He gives us the good things He has for us. And, as you show, He equips us for future challenges. I enjoyed reading your “Wait” story. It’s such an encouragement.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Not sure what made me remember it, but recalling God’s faithfulness is always good. Thanks, Jeanne.

  5. Joanne Viola

    Difficulties have often spoken to us to “wait” and “trust God.” When we have, we found He was always at work while we waited, while we didn’t see any activity, and for our good. Thank you for sharing your encouraging experience.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joanne, I appreciate hearing your experience. Remembering those times helps us endure present setbacks with hope.

  6. J.D. Wininger

    Not sure that I question His will so much anymore Ms. Debbie, as I find myself asking, “What do You want to teach me Lord.”

    • Debbie Wilson

      J.D., you capture those lessons welling your blogs!

  7. Donna

    Debbie, so often difficulties, have made me doubt God’s goodness, but too many times in the end, I saw His hand at work all the time. The biggest challenge is trusting His timing not ours!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Donna, ironically, my back went out on me yesterday. I’ve spent the day on a heating pad. I’ve thought about this post and last week’s. It’s like God was preparing me and giving me the opportunity to trust Him in something that doesn’t make sense. To trust Him with what we don’t see or understand.

  8. Yvonne Morgan

    I am learning to seek Him more during those hard times. And I look back, I realize all those times brought me closer to Him. Thanks for the message.

    • Debbie Wilson

      I am too, Yvonne. Thank you.

  9. Annie Yorty

    I’ve encountered many difficulties following God’s plan, Debbie. But God’s presence keeps me resolute to persevere. Thank you for your message that applies to us all.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Annie, it’s true. God give us the desire to keep pushing forward. How thankful I am for His work in us.

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