Exploring Deception Tactics in “Father Of Lies” Part 2
Do you ever have thoughts that leave you feeling sorry for yourself or questioning God’s goodness? A client listed all the reasons she didn’t trust God. Recognizing one of Satan’s deception tactics, when she finished I said, “You just described the devil and...
Are You Quick to Recognize Your Shepherd’s Voice?
“Mom, look at the puppies.” I pull up a chair next to our daughter to watch the video showing the available puppies from the “poodle farm” where we got our standards. “Woof.” I turn as our dog Strider pounces, front paws landing on the table. Tail wagging, he barks...
Could You Be Experiencing Spiritual Warfare?
Let’s play a game. I’ll say a word and you say its opposite. hot tall happy fast good Satan Who did you put as Satan’s opposite? The devil wants us to believe God is his opposite or equal. He’s not. Jesus is “far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and...
Embracing the True Miracle of Christmas
Did this minister think we could make ourselves good enough for Christ? Didn’t he know what the Scriptures say about the condition of the human heart apart from grace?