by Larry Wilson | Nov 3, 2003 | Disappointment, Grief, Newsletter, Pain
All of us have felt the frustration of losing something rather important to us, such as a set of keys or that matching sock. But more devastating is facing the loss of something or someone that’s very important. Losses such as financial security, a marriage, a... by Debbie W. Wilson | Sep 3, 2002 | Faith, Healing, Life skills, Newsletter, Pain, Relationships
Two summers ago I found myself in a real life Alfred Hitchcock-like drama. Ending a morning of weeding, I yanked up a dead shrub exposing a yellow jacket-nest. I didn’t realize their presence until my stinging limbs signaled my peril. I honestly wondered if I... by Larry Wilson | Apr 3, 2001 | Broken Relationships, Newsletter, Pain, Perspective, Rejection, Relationships
Troy Aikman, former all-pro quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys, spoke through tears at a recent news conference of his memories and sadness over being released by his team. The Cowboys said they wanted to go in a different direction which didn’t include Troy...