Real Change

If a chair fails to hold me up, I’m not going to trust that chair unless I know there’s been a change in its structural integrity. The same is true regarding trusting someone who has deeply hurt me. I can’t really trust that person until I know he or she has really...

Cleaning That Heals

Someone has compared forgiveness to cleaning a wound. I find that comparison accurate in many ways. First of all, the deeper the wound, the more it hurts to clean it. It doesn’t hurt to wash off a surface scratch, but a deep wound is very tender and the very action of...

Playing with Pain

Near the end of Larry Bird’s illustrious N.B.A. career, he would often be seen laying on his stomach on the floor, rather than sitting in a chair with the rest of the team. This unusual habit was because his back was in severe pain. Larry Bird was not the most...

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