by Debbie W. Wilson | May 6, 2013 | Battles, Betrayal, Broken Relationships, Forgiveness, Freedom, Healing, Hope, Life Experiences, Life skills, Relationships
“How can we mend our relationship if you won’t trust me?” “How can I trust you when you continue to lie?” Have you ever had such a conversation? The spouse reconciling with an erring mate, wants to trust, but is it sane to? Mistrust smears gray and black smudges over... by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 15, 2013 | Anger, Battles, Betrayal, Broken Relationships, Forgiveness, Freedom, Healing, Infidelity, Life skills, Relationships
You’re attending an event. The person who wronged you will be there. You forgave them, but you don’t trust them. They show no evidence of change or remorse. Maybe they said they’re sorry “you’re hurt,” but they won’t admit their wrong. How do you handle the... by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 8, 2013 | Forgiveness, Freedom, Healing, Life Experiences, Life skills, Pain, Personal Growth, Relationships
You forgave the person who wronged you even though they never apologized or changed. Now you wonder, how do I treat them when I see them? How do I keep uncomfortable feelings from controlling me? The M in FREEDOM is Manage yourself. We must be careful not to confuse... by Debbie W. Wilson | Feb 25, 2013 | Healing, Life Experiences, Life skills, Relationships
“Will you help me renew my mind?” The airport shuttle driver surprised me. He obviously had overheard me talking with the woman across the aisle. His landlady, who called herself a Christian, had deeply wronged him. After empathizing, I tried to help him see forgiving... by Debbie W. Wilson | Nov 12, 2012 | Battles, God's will, Healing, Life Experiences, Life skills, Personal Growth, Relationship with God, Trusting God
I will never speak in public again, I promised myself—and God—and climbed behind the wheel of my car. I was leaving a daylong training where I had been one of the speakers. I had spoken on something dear to me, and my emotions showed. I didn’t want to cry in front of... by Debbie W. Wilson | Jun 26, 2012 | Forgiveness, Healing, Joy, Life Experiences, Pain
“I forgive her—again,” I prayed, “but all I feel is hate. Please cleanse my heart.” A delightful family reunion reconnected me with some long lost cousins—and some old wounds. We laughed and shared funny stories, however, one cousin also confided how a certain person...