Bad Flops Need a Big God

“Lust brought us together. We never should have married. I want a divorce.”


My client thought her conclusion was airtight. Divorce was the only solution to a marriage founded on such a flimsy foundation. But she hadn’t added God into her equation.

Many women have told me that even though they willingly participated in premarital sex with their husbands, they later felt used. They regretted their consent. They wished their husbands had led their dating relationship in sexual purity. Guilt’s fangs now bit into their intimacy.

Thankfully, God is bigger than our failures and weaknesses. He took David and Bathsheba’s marriage, which began with adultery, murder, and an unwed pregnancy, and turned it into a partnership of mutual love and respect that produced kings in the lineage of Christ. He wants to redeem our bad starts, too.

Bathsheba’s challenges relate, in some degree, to all of us. Who hasn’t had to forgive? Who hasn’t battled self-defeating thoughts? The essential life skills Bathsheba’s drama offers help us know how to move from victim to super-conqueror in our own challenges.

David and Bathsheba show that marriages with poor beginnings can succeed. As both partners grow, forgive, and show preference to one another, the relationship transforms to reflect the individuals’ improved character. Change begins with repentance—a change of heart that leads to change of behavior. If the heart doesn’t change, then new behavior will be short- lived. David’s cold heart had Uriah carry the letter that bore his own death sentence. David’s renewed heart led him to fast and pray for the life of his infant and write psalms to the Lord. Bathsheba witnessed David’s genuine brokenness and opened her heart to him.

God blessed their union with four sons. Solomon became Israel’s grandest and wisest king. He built God’s temple and wrote Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, and much of Proverbs. Jesus received his right to the throne through Solomon’s blood- line. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a descendant of Nathan, another of David and Bathsheba’s sons.

God turned Bathsheba and David’s bad beginning into a glorious ending. Maybe you had a poor start in life, in parenting, or in personal development. Imagine how God might turn your inadequate beginning into a fabulous ending if you’ll trust him.

(excerpted from Little Women, Big God: It’s not the size of your problems, but the size of your God)

Ladies, if you are in the Raleigh/Cary NC area, I’d love to see you this Friday at the Knowing God Ministries luncheon.

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Debbie W. Wilson

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  1. Ann

    “Thankfully, God is bigger than our failures and weaknesses.” Thank God for that – who doesn’t have their share of failures and weaknesses – certainly not me! Wonderfully encouraging Debbie!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann! Yes, we all have our share of weaknesses. They can get us down or draw us to Christ. Have a great week!

  2. Mary Geisen

    Thank you for these words today. It made me think on my own marriage that did end in divorce ten years ago but through it all, I have learned that God is the Keeper of the plans of our lives. He has redeemed me and teaches me everyday that I am loved. Your book is on my list of books to read. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Mary, that is a beautiful testimony. Life does not always turn out the way we would choose, but God is at work on behalf of His children. He is the source of an abundant and satisfying life.

  3. Beth

    Just last night at my small group we talked through the prayer in Psalm 51 that David prayed after being confronted by Nathan and breaking down in complete remorse and repentance, Debbie, so your post today is timely. Yes, this is soooo true! When God is involved in the equation of rebuilding our marriages and broken trust, we can have a redeemed marriage that is often much better than before the betrayal! What a powerful and wondrous God we serve! Thanks for this inspiring and challenging truth today, my friend! Love it!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Beth, I’m so glad that David wrote that Psalm for public worship. He owned his sin, and God cleansed and restored him. We serve an awesome God. Thanks so much for adding your thoughts!

  4. Pam

    Hi Debbie!
    Happy to be your neighbor today at the Linkup at A Little R & R. All the snippets of the book sound wonderful. Looking forward to reading it. I hope the launch has gone well. I know you have been swamped. Blessings and love, Pam

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Pam. I always love connecting with you.

  5. Michele Morin

    Blessings, Debbie, as you share your book with women who need God’s message of grace!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Michele. And God bless you in your ministry of sharing His Word!

  6. Janis Cox

    This is great information. Never say never. Only say, Help us Lord.
    If you haven’t shared at Word of God Speak this would be a great post to link there too. I found you at Woman to Woman.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Janis. I’ll have to check that out.

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