by Larry Wilson | May 8, 2018 | Refreshing Relationships
If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Eccl. 4:10 In the Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, we were all touched when George Bailey’s friends rallied to rescue him and his family... by Larry Wilson | Dec 12, 2017 | Life skills, Newsletter, Relationships
My seminary professor said life is more of an art than a science. That’s certainly true when it comes to discerning the best way to help people. Jesus demonstrated His artistry with people. Sometimes He did more than asked. Other times He did nothing. For help... by Larry Wilson | Mar 7, 2017 | Relationships
Is there someone you care for but can’t seem to reach? They seem detached or don’t understand you. What’s missing is engagement. Webster defines engage: “to mesh with.” Being with someone and failing to connect is as satisfying as hugging someone wrapped in vinyl. In... by Larry Wilson | Dec 20, 2016 | Communication, Life skills, Relationship with God, Relationships
I have a gift for you. It’s a present that could change your life, bless your marriage, and boost your relationship with God. My gift is a simple tool to equip you to connect with and minister to your spouse, child, or close friend. It takes just 12 minutes and isn’t... by Larry Wilson | Aug 23, 2016 | Communication, Life skills, Marriage, Relationships
When we build others up we are doing more than lifting their spirits for the moment. Encouragement helps people persevere through life’s many challenges. Ironically, encouraging other people satisfies the encourager too. Life has beaten and bogged down many of the...