by Larry Wilson | Oct 22, 2019 | Encouragement, Newsletter, Relationships
How do we build better relationships? One way is to be an encourager. Exxon Mobil promised their gasoline would put a tiger in your tank.
by Larry Wilson | Aug 20, 2019 | Life skills
What’s the best way to help those in rough places? How do we show support and be in sync with God’s purpose? While each situation and person vary, I’ve found two qualities that promote wise help for all. Personal Peace Before Jesus sent the disciples out to rescue...
by Larry Wilson | Apr 9, 2019 | Betrayal, Disappointment, Grief, Healing
Today Larry shows us how to profit from sorrow…. Do you have sorrow in your life? Have you lost someone or something important to you? Do you have regrets over choices you’ve made or the person you’ve become? The Bible says sorrow is a painful yet profitable...
by Larry Wilson | Dec 18, 2018 | Broken Relationships, Christmas, Life skills, Relationships
Bully “One who hurts or browbeats”[1] Having recently counseled people dealing with bullies got my husband, Larry, thinking about how prevalent they are. Here are some lessons he learned. My walk home from elementary school often included unpleasant encounters with...
by Larry Wilson | Oct 23, 2018 | Communication
Today, I’m passing on some insights from my wise husband. Now here’s Larry. I peeled for weeks after a day at a Southern California beach. Having grown up in Phoenix, I was no stranger to the sun’s burning rays. What I didn’t know is that my body could...