Angels, Ski Slopes, and God’s Promises

I went snow skiing for the first time when I was twenty-two. Wanting to be frugal, I bought a multi-day pass. The first day the wind was fierce, the sky cloudy, and the slopes icy. I slid and fell more than I skied. I left terrified to return.

That night I wrestled with what to do. Most of the women were going shopping the next day. Did I waste my pass and go with them? Or did I return to the icy slopes?

The Scripture says God counsels us in our sleep. That night “For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, that you do not strike your foot against a stone.” (Psalm 91:11-12, NASB) played through my mind as I slept. I woke up assured I was to face my fears and hit the slopes.

I stepped outside to blue skies and several inches of fresh powder—no fierce wind, just breathtaking beauty. At the top of each run I prayed Psalm 91:11-12. That day I discovered the joy of controlled skiing.

If I’d given into my fears and left with my bad experience I’d have missed those delights and hated skiing.

How did I know to return to the slopes?

Psalm 91:15 continues, “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him.” Because I asked God what to do I believe He played that verse through my subconscious as I slept.

Faith is not passive. God wants us to engage with Him. We ask; He answers.

God’s promises are sprinkled through Scripture for His children. But only He can tell us which ones are ours to claim for this day. He could have led me another way. I needed His wisdom.

When we bring our requests to Him, He can change our hearts. I went from dreading skiing to knowing I was supposed to go. I left loving skiing.

Only God knows the future. He knew the slopes and my experience would be different.

Faith engages with God and trusts Him to answer.

Sometimes all we get is a glimmer of indication on which path to choose. Proverbs 4:18 (NASB) says “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.” As we start in the direction we sense we should go, the path will unfold. Step out and trust the light to become clearer.

What have you learned about trusting God in everyday decisions?

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Debbie Wilson

Deborah W. Wilson

Photo by Eric

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  1. pat waggoner

    Your notes remind me of a pastor I used to know in Indiana….Ford Porter….pray, pray, pray and then put feet to your prayers….thanks, Debbie for all your good words.

    • Debbie

      We get stuck if we wait for all the answers. I believe God wants us to pray and then trust Him to direct our steps as we follow the light we have. Sometimes I want the whole path lit up before I step out, but it doesn’t usually work that way! Great to hear from you, Pat.

  2. Ann Musico

    Wonderful story Deborah and such a great illustration of active faith (which is kind of an oxymoron – because for it to be true faith it must be active!) I love how you said it: “Faith is not passive. God wants us to engage with Him. We ask; He answers.” I think most of the time we have no problem asking – it’s waiting for the answer that trips us up.

    • Debbie

      You’re right, Ann. If it isn’t active, it isn’t true faith.

  3. Susie Browne

    I can just picture you skiing down the slopes with a big smile on your face. I am so encouraged by what you shared. I’m also thankful for a loving, gracious and faithful God who desires to engage with us through our faith in Him.

    • Debbie

      Amen and amen! Thanks Susie.

  4. Marianne Clements


    I will have to remember this the next time I go snow skiing. I love water skiing, but snow skiing — not so much. 🙂

    I think it’s great to talk to God about the “everyday” decisions and not just the big decisions. I talk to Him about my schedule, energy levels, water skiing, driving, etc. There’s nothing that is off limits or too small for God. He likes being involved in every aspect of our lives. Don’t we like being involved in all aspects of the lives of those we love?

    Have a Victorious Day!

    • Debbie

      That’s right. I think I remember you blogging on water skiing. It is wonderful that God wants to engage with us. “Pray without ceasing” must mean just that.

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