3 Easy Ways to Build Others Up

When we build others up we are doing more than lifting their spirits for the moment. Encouragement helps people persevere through life’s many challenges. Ironically, encouraging other people satisfies the encourager too.

Life has beaten and bogged down many of the people we rub shoulders with every day. Most don’t need to be told what they should do. They need to be built up so they can do what they already want to do.

Do you know someone who could use some building up? Share on XThis “talk-tool” can give you some tracks to run on. Spirit-led words bring life and rejuvenation.

1. Commend their admirable character qualities.

Point out a character quality you admire or a virtue that reflects their God-given value and dignity. For example, “I admire your resilience in spite of being betrayed by your business partner.Hearing the truth about good qualities reinforces our belief that we are valuable to God and others. We might have been dinged, but our worth wasn’t destroyed.

2. Celebrate the personality traits you appreciate.

Perhaps you’ve noticed how well they interact with people. “You have a warmth with others that makes people feel special. I noticed how you listened to the cashier as she went on about her troubles.” To be reminded we have qualities that benefit others resurrects the truth that we can bless others and live a life that is bigger than us.

3. Compliment their attractive attributes.

Our world is there to make us feel insufficient. We need compliments. “How did you stay so poised during that heated discussion?” “That’s your color!”There is a saying, “You won’t lead a Calvary charge unless you think you look good on a horse.” We are all created in the image of God, and we all have distinct features that are attractive (1 Cor. 3:16; Gen 1:26; Ps. 139:14-15).

This “talk-tool” isn’t for flattering. It’s a way to mirror truth regarding God’s dealings with us (Phil 1:6).
If we can help you, let us know. You are important to us and God.

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Larry Wilson


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  1. Ann

    I love this! And I totally agree – the encourager is just as blessed as the one being encouraged as long as it is sincere encouragement and not flattery. We all need this more often than we may admit. Wonderful reminder.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I agree. It’s amazing how a compliment can put wind in your sails.

  2. Melissa

    Love this! I believe the world would be a much better, safer place, if we would take time to build each up other and show God’s love to each other.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, I agree. It would certainly be a happier place.

  3. Pam

    So well said, Larry! You are speaking such truth here! Sadly, it seems there are very few who seem to recognize or do the “gift” of building up others even though scripture points to that. Appreciate the great reminders.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Always love hearing from you, Pam. Send my love to Sydney and your family!

  4. Laura Hicks

    Great points! Encouraging one another is so important and blesses both sides. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Laura.

  5. Horace Williams Jr

    Love what you share here Debbie! God instructs us to encourage and build up one another(1 Thess. 5:11) I love reading your posts because you do that when you share your heart. God continues to use you in that role of encourager. I hope all is well and I pray you have a fantastic week. Blessings to you and your ministry

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Horace. You certainly are an A-1 encourager!

  6. Donna Reidland

    Larry & Debbie, thanks for sharing these important truths. I had to learn the value of encouragement. Sadly, it’s so much easier to criticize even when we think we’re being “helpful.” My husband is a great encourager and he’s taught me a lot in that area. Blessings!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Donna, it is easier to criticize. We need God’s grace to choose encouragement.

  7. Susan Shipe

    Love the comb over graphic!!! Neighbors at Susan’s today.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Susan. Larry loves to find cartoons to match his news letters. That is fun.

  8. Laura Thomas

    Who doesn’t love a good shot of encouragement? Thanks for the reminder to use our words wisely and for the edification of others—it can mean SO much 🙂 Stopping by from #WordofGodSpeak

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Laura. I’m thankful to be married to an A-one encourager.

  9. Rachel Britton

    I also think by building up others it helps us to think positively instead of negatively about other people.

  10. Aimee Imbeau

    Could you imagine what would happen if all of us in the Church made the choice to build each other up instead of tearing down? That would be amazing. Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth.

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