Why Christmas Is a Sure Anchor in Any Storm

Hi Friends,

Five of my friends have recently experienced scary medical reports or the loss of loved ones. While I’ve never heard anyone say, “This devastation arrived at just the right time,” losses at Christmas seem to be especially tough. Pondering a verse I wrote about last Christmas heartened me. I hope these thoughts encourage you in whatever circumstance you find yourself.


If God is for us, who can be against us?

~ Romans 8:31-32 (NIV)

In what area of your life have you felt overwhelmed, defeated, or alone? Where have you felt lacking?

In your—

  • health
  • marriage
  • career
  • finances
  • parenting
  • relationships
  • habits
  • abilities
  • understanding
  • energy


God understands. That’s why He sent Jesus. Christmas megaphones God’s love to us. It says, “God is for you. He is with you. He supplies all you need—no matter what!”

Romans 8:31-32 doesn’t mean people and problems won’t oppose us. It means that since God is for us nothing can squash His good will for us. Faith in this promise creates a powerful buffer against life’s inevitable challenges.

When our son was very young a painful rejection crushed him. I took the matter to God, and He brought these words to mind: If God is for us, who can be against us?

God didn’t tell me why He was allowing this blow. But He assured me that He was for Brant.


When Brant asked why this was happening, I told him I didn’t know. But I did know God was for him and had allowed this for his good. Every time my maternal heart ached for my son, I reminded myself God is for Brant.

Decades have past, and I still don’t know why Brant had to suffer that circumstance. I can’t say I’ve seen the benefit. But I believe God wouldn’t have allowed it if it weren’t important for Brant’s good.

A story in the book of Numbers perfectly illustrates how God thwarts what comes against us. A king commissioned the prophet Balaam to curse Israel. But every time the prophet opened his mouth blessings instead of curses flowed on God’s people.

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” means we, like Old Testament Joseph, can say to whomever or whatever comes against us, “You intend to harm me, but God intends it for good” (See Genesis 50:20 NIV).


How do we know God is for us? Read the next verse.

“He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”

~ Romans 8:31-32 NIV

God has already given us His most precious gift. In the gift of Jesus He has supplied everything we need.

What part of your life would be transformed by remembering God’s gift this Christmas? My friend, please remember—in whatever you face—God is for you.


Larry and I send our love to you this Christmas and always.

Question: How would you complete this phrase: Since God is for me I _________?

Click here to comment.

Merry Christmas,

Debbie W. Wilson



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  1. Ann

    Oh Debbie a perfect post as we approach this beautiful celebration of the birth of our Lord. I have always known He is for me – but I truly have and still am experiencing the truth of that in an even deeper way after all that has happened this year. Truly He is my sure anchor! Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas and a healthy, joyous and grace-filled new year.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, you have certainly had a rough year. And yes, with God we can face whatever comes our way. The only way we really learn that is by walking with Him through the valleys. You are a testimony that our anchor holds fast. Merry Christmas, my friend.

  2. Pat

    Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. God’s Word is the answer to all our problems and God can’t bring it to mind at the perfect time unless we know it well. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and know your celebration will have Christ at the center.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, and merry Christmas, Pat!

  3. pat haley

    Because God is for me, I will rejoice knowing that the prayers of the saints along with the help of The Holy Spirit will turn” this thing which has happened to me” for my deliverance! Phil. 1: 18-19

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Pat!

  4. Leslie Oldham

    “Since God is for me who can be against me.”

    Debbie, the story of Balaam brings us hope. Although it may look like someone is trying to harm us God brings his blessing.

    I have experienced things that have rocked my world but I have trusted that God is in control and He knows what’s best me. In saying that let me also say that I know in my heart God is for me but my mind has questioned it many times. Each time my mind questions, my heart always brings me back to “Since God is for me, who can be against me,” and that brings peace in to my life and peace in to that moment of question.

    This season I know many families that are experiencing feelings of loss and are questioning God in their minds. My prayer is that their heart will bring them back to, “Since God is for me who can be against me” and they find peace in that moment.

    Merry Christmas!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Leslie, I join you in that prayer. May we all remember the steadfast love and care of our Lord. Merry Christmas!

  5. Melissa

    Since God is for me…. I do not need to fear. Health concerns have been part of my life for most of 2015. I have been afraid too many times. My trust is in God and I know He will provide answers. Merry Christmas! 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, I too have faced health issues this year. That is a wonderful application! I will not fear. God will lead us. Merry Christmas, my friend.

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