Are You Pursuing the Pleasure Of God’s Company?

God recently provided three gentle reminders that He created me to enjoy Him and the life He’s provided. Are you enjoying the pleasure of God’s company?

The Discipline of Celebration

I was surprised and delighted to discover that Celebration is one of the spiritual disciplines. The book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook defines celebration: “to take joyful, passionate pleasure in God and the radically glorious nature of God’s people, Word, world, and purposes.”

This said two things to me: God wants me to delight in Him and His provisions, and I am to do so whether I feel like it or not. An interesting aspect of discipline is that once we choose a mindset and action, our emotions usually follow.

The Example of C. S. Lewis’ Spiritual Growth

In listening to the Hillsdale College lectures on C. S. Lewis, I learned that in Lewis’s early years, he earnestly applied himself to prayer. He pressured himself to think about his prayer until he attained a certain level of sincerity. This created an absurd burden on him that eventually made prayer intolerable. When he became a true believer, he looked back on those efforts and said, instead of contemplating prayer he should have been enjoying prayer.

Lewis had contemplated his sincerity in praying instead of enjoying speaking to God. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for loading people down with heavy religious burdens. Jesus invites us into a relationship, not to a religious work of self-effort.

William Evans’ Tips on Memorization

Last week I shared tips I gleaned on memorizing scripture from William Evans. This one struck me as particularly interesting and true.

“Take pleasure in your study. …We learn easiest when we enjoy.”

These examples remind me of Enoch, one of my favorites from Hebrews 11 included in Little Faith, Big God. I titled his chapter “Jesus Pursues the Pleasure of Your Company.”

“Enoch lived 365 years, walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.” Genesis 5:23-24 (NLT)

What makes this epitaph so interesting is that Genesis lists two Enochs in its early genealogies. The first one came from Cain’s ungodly line which boasted many accomplishments (first to raise livestock, first to play the harp and flute, expert in forging tools of bronze and iron, founded a city). Yet none of these are commended by God.

But God commended Enoch from the godly line of Seth. Why? Because he walked with God in faith.

“It was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying—’he disappeared, because God took him.’ For before he was taken up, he was known as a person who pleased God. And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” Hebrews 11:5-6 (NLT).

I end as I began, are you enjoying the pleasure of Christ’s company? If not, why not?

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NLT)

Strength Finder

“Delight yourself in the Lord.” Psalm 37:4 (NASB 1995)

What could help you better enjoy the Lord? Making it a discipline, shedding some harsh “ought to,” or pausing to receive God’s love each day?

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  1. Lisa Blair

    Delighting in God and knowing He delights in us is one of the most freeing revelations, Debbie.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      I agree, Lisa! What could be better than that?

  2. Ann Musico

    This is awesome Debbie and a needed reminder. A few weeks ago I had my haircut and my hairdresser seemed upset. When I asked she broke down and shared that her mom passed away. We hugged and talked and as it was a Friday, she asked what my plans were for Saturday. I told her my husband was away and I planned to spend the day with Jesus. She said, “well I’m not religious…” I told her neither am I but we have a relationship and tomorrow I get to spend all day with Him. She got quiet and said, you know that sounds good.

    We forget, I know sometimes I do, that relationships need attention including quality time. That includes our relationship with the Lord.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Ann, that is so sweet. I know you make her think, and I hope gave her a fresh look at Jesus.

  3. Joanne Viola

    Learning is exciting to me, and that is true when learning something new in Bible Study as well. It is amazing when God meets us right where we are in our daily situations and breathes His truth into our souls.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      Me too, Joanne. I love learning and am thankful God makes learning about Him a real joy.

  4. Yvone Ortega

    Debbie, thank you for this article about time enjoying the pleasure of God’s company. I love to add praise and worship music to that time with the Lord.

    • Debbie W. Wilson

      That is a wonderful idea, Yvonne. Thanks for sharing.

    • Author - Joan C. Benson

      Me too! Worship music takes me to His heart faster than anything!

  5. Author - Joan C. Benson

    Hi, Debbie,
    I appreciated this wonderful reminder. A pastor/prayer warrior named Dutch Sheets has a book entitled The Pleasure of His Company. So true. Today as I trudged through the store feeling the whirlwinds blowing among my dearest friends and family, the country, the world, I felt as if I could walk in the peace that passes all understanding despite all the storms … He is in the eye of the storm. It is there, I will take his hand and follow.
    God bless,

    • Debbie Wilson

      Joan, I appreciate your analogy, the eye of the storm. Yes, our world is in a literal storm (Hurricane Debby) and a figurative one. We need His mercy and peace. I’m thankful for the company He offers and the pleasure we can have in His presence.

  6. Melissa McLaughlin

    I appreciate your message, Debbie. Enjoying God and His provisions keeps our hearts warm to Him. For me, one of the best ways is to practice gratitude. My love for God is renewed when I thank Him for His overflowing blessings.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, I like how you mention practicing gratitude. It makes such a difference. And at times we must practice it because it isn’t our first response to life.

  7. Yvonne Morgan

    Thanks Debbie. Great message about enjoying time we God. It so important and I need to do more of it.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yvonne, a great reminder for me too. Thank you.

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