“I am afraid that I am watching my anorexic daughter die,” the words released tears of concern. The woman next to her squeezed her hand. She understood her concern, just that weekend her son had given them a scare in his recovery process from his own problems. One by one ladies shared concerns too big for any of us to solve. No magic wand could make it all better, but by the end of our sharing and praying we didn’t need a magic wand. The body had done its work.

Weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15). Comfort with the comfort you have received (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). As different ladies shared their concerns for their children and grandchildren, we took our burdens and cast them on Jesus. After we finished praying we felt heartened and connected. How could that happen? No problem was solved. No answer received — that we could measure. Yet spirits were lifted and no one was left bearing their burden alone.

We were experiencing the beauty of the body of Christ at work, the fellowship of the saints connecting to their Head. God created us to need each other as well as to need Him. Like watching a parched plant revive after it has been watered, something happens when Christ in us flows and mingles among us. Someone has said that a burden shared is halved and a joy shared is doubled. How true!

What is burdening your heart? Who could help you carry that burden to our Father? Who has shared their burden with you? Don’t suppose that you need to fix it. Empathize with them and carry it to the Father.



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  1. Sue McGee Wind

    What a beautiful reminder for all of us to be real with each other and share what’s on our hearts and minds. If you put this on FB, I will share it so many others can read it.

  2. Ann Johnson

    Thanks for reminding me of the beautiful relationships I have with my Godly friends who will seek God with me for their needs and mine. God is good…. all the time.

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