Have You Experienced the Power of Contentment?

As 2021 rolled to an end, I asked the Lord if He had a word for me to focus on this year. I smiled when I heard contentment.

Contentment defies the predictions of a long dark winter of shortages, inflation, and Covid. But, according to the Bible, contentment has never depended on our circumstances.

If contentment doesn’t come from circumstances, where do we find it?

When I think of contentment I think of my neighbor in California. Mrs. Meyers lost both legs and had to be moved into a nursing home. She left a house full of possessions and took only what could fit into a small room.

Instead of counting her losses, Mrs. Meyers found new riches in giving to others. Every day, after lunching with fellow residents, Mrs. Meyers maneuvered her wheelchair into the room of the only woman older than her. Mrs. Meyers played hymns on her harmonica for this woman too weak to join the rest for lunch.

Mrs. Meyers didn’t live in denial. She modeled contentment. Rather than indulge in pity parties, she invested in others’ happiness. Mrs. Meyers taught and directed the staff to perform plays for the whole nursing home. On her 100th birthday, she recited the Gettysburg address. Despite her many losses, she always greeted her guests with a cheerful smile and engaging conversation.

Contentment and a Winsome Spirit

A Christmas story I read this winter described the religious folks attending the community Christmas party as huddled together complaining over the ills in the world. Yikes! Is that how the world sees Christians?

A Christmas story described religious folks at the community Christmas party as those huddled together complaining over the ills of the world. Is that how the world sees Christians? #contentment #joy Share on X

In contrast, the book of Acts shows the disciples continually filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. And they were continually persecuted and thrown in jail. The result. Many believed and were added to the church.

Paul, one of those filled with joy despite being beaten and illegally imprisoned wrote,

But godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim. 6:6 NIV).

The fruit of the Spirit includes joy. The Psalmist wrote, “The Lord is my shepherd. I am never in need” (Ps. 23:1 GW).

May we set our minds on the One who satisfies our souls and enjoy godliness with contentment. Not only will we enjoy life, but we may also make people thirsty to know our Jesus.




Photo by Tim Bish on Unsplash

Sometimes I link with these great sites:

#InspireMeMonday, #InstaEncouraements, #TellHisStory and here #Recharge Wednesday, #Grace&Truth,

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  1. Ann J Musico

    Despite anything going on in the world – and there is much that is sad, frightening and discouraging – we have so much to be grateful for. Your neighbor in the nursing home sounds like a lovely person. My grandmother was very much the same way.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, there is a lot to pull us down. Contentment doesn’t come naturally for me. I’m thankful God provides those examples in our lives to show us we can experience God’s joy in those places. I’m trying to do a better job!

  2. J.D. Wininger

    Oh, what a wonderful blessing this morning Ms. Debbie. Even from your title, the words of Paul in Philippians 4:12 swelled up from my soul. Your post reminded me of the great joy we can have when we hide God’s word in our heart. As I thought about Mrs. Meyers, I could hear the sweetness of my mama in her voice, I could see mama’s love (which came from God) in her smile, and sense the joy she felt in helping others, and understand the peace her contentment brought. I pray all these gifts for you also my sweet and special friend. God’s blessings ma’am.

    • Debbie Wilson

      I look forward to meeting you mother one day! So thankful for people like that in our lives. You are a blessing, J.D.!

  3. Nancy E. Head

    We must bloom where we’re planted–and work not to become a weed. It takes a great deal of prayer and effort sometimes to overcome our own hopes and expectations to live as God has planned for us. You provide a wonderful example for us.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Nancy, “We must bloom where we’re planted–and work not to become a weed.” Well said. Too many time I’ve been a weed!

  4. Barb Fox

    You spoke encouragement and conviction in this beautiful short piece. The comment about fussy Christians wringing their hands, well, I think I’ve been in that room a few times. It’s not what we designed for, that’s for sure!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Barb, I have too! I think that’s why it stood out to me. Thanks so much.

  5. Leigh DeLozier

    Thanks for sharing the story of Mrs. Myers — it’s a perfect reminder to us of how beautiful the gift of contentment is for us and those around us. Not always easy, but beautiful.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Leigh, remembering Mrs. Myers makes me want to practice it more. Thanks so much for reading.

  6. Barbara Latta

    Despite everything Solomon had, he didn’t use his wisdom in the latter part of his life. His writings in Ecclesiastes reflect his discontent because he tried all kinds of things to find satisfaction. The world today does the same thing as we can see from the lives of some celebrities. Only our Lord can satisfy a human soul.

    • Debbie Wi

      Well said, Barbara. And as Paul demonstrated, the one satisfied in Christ can rejoice even in prison.

  7. Annie Yorty

    Debbie, thanks for the reminder that we have everything we need for godliness and contentment. God is good!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Annie!

  8. Lisa Blair

    The contrast between the early church and how the world sees us (the current church) is both telling and convicting, Debbie.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Isn’t that the truth. Thanks, Lisa.

  9. Lynn

    Mrs Meyer’s story is inspiring! Our purpose prevails–to be like Christ-like in all circumstances.

    • Debbie Wilson

      She was quite a woman. I’m so thankful I got to know her.

  10. Lisa notes

    I’m always amazed at how people in such dire circumstances can sometimes be the most content. Lessons to be learned!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, indeed!

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