What Is My Most Helpful Role?


My seminary professor said life is more of an art than a science. That’s certainly true when it comes to discerning the best way to help people.

Jesus demonstrated His artistry with people. Sometimes He did more than asked. Other times He did nothing. For help in discovering your role, consider the following.

  1. Be sober (2 Timothy 4:5).
    Concern and guilt can crowd out the Holy Spirit’s quiet leading. Helping others and showing God’s love in tangible ways brings us joy. Yet the best help originates in God. Jesus said He listened to and followed His Father. Many, including His disciples, pressured Jesus to travel quickly to His ill friend Lazarus. He resisted their pressure and responded to His Father’s direction. Because He did, they (and we) got to witness a greater miracle.
  2. Be a good steward (Luke 12:42-43).
    Listen to God and learn about yourself. The wise invest their time, energy, abilities and resources well. Distributing our treasures wisely brings big rewards for everyone.

A friend said his extended family looks down on the role he takes during the holidays. He spends more of his time engaging with his nephews and nieces and less time helping in the kitchen.

If we asked his family what’s most important, to help in the kitchen or to help build their children, they would understand the contribution he’s making. Investing his special relationship skills with his family is wise even if it brings sibling disapproval.

Concern and guilt can crowd out the Holy Spirit’s quiet leading. Share on X

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Glory to God, Update

  • Some couples who’d been in conflict are experiencing fresh affection and attraction.
  • Some singles who’ve made poor decisions out of loneliness are enjoying the company of God in wiser lifestyles.
  • Josh McDowell endorsed Debbie’s new book.


Michael Hyatt is offering free webinars this week to equip you for success in the new year. Click here to register.

Cartoon used by permission of The Saturday Evening Post

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  1. Melissa Henderson

    I believe my role changes in each situation. I have noticed one of my roles is to “Listen and not speak.” Sometimes, people just need a listening ear. 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Melissa, that is wisdom. James 1:19 tells us to be quick to hear and slow to speak.

  2. Ann Musico

    This was so timely and relevant to some things going on in our family. That one sentence about concern and guilt crowding out the Holy Spirit’s leading is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, isn’t it something how that those emotions can drown out the gentle voice of God if we aren’t careful?

  3. Fuller

    WhooHOOO! Thank you for a great post – -but ESPECIALLY for the “Glory to God” UPdates!!!! Praising for God’s work through the two of you!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Fuller! You are a true encourager!

  4. Lisa notes

    Sometimes it is hard to live into our role if it is counter-cultural. I’d rather avoid the kitchen too, but being a woman, it’s a difficult thing to do. 🙂 Nonetheless, I applaud your friend who is spending valuable time with his nephews and nieces because that is a Mary kind of thing to do instead of being only Martha!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Lisa, I’m not a kitchen person either! The Bible tells us not to allow the world to press us into its mold, but that takes real really leaning on the Lord to know how that looks. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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