Launching the New Year Right

Ten, nine, eight, … 2003 is passing and 2004 is beginning. How will you live it? Moses prayed “So teach us to number our days that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom,” (Psalm 90:12). What are you living for? Do your daily choices and desires reflect an eternal value system? Or is your life a repetitive circle of seemingly meaningless activities?

None of us knows how many days we have been allotted on planet earth. But we know that how those days are spent will echo through eternity. We also know God holds us accountable for how we’ve invested our lives and will reward us accordingly. Renewing our eternal perspective in light of the brevity of life gives us wisdom and clarity in daily living.

But we need more than wisdom. We need supernatural power to live truly wise lives. It would be cruel for me to tell a paraplegic to get out of her wheelchair and walk. But when Jesus tells the lame to walk, it’s a different story. Because when Jesus asks us to do something, He supplies the ability to do it.

If I asked you to jump out of your ski boat and walk across the water, it would be a bad joke. But when Jesus invited Peter to walk on water, he did!

Peter and the lame man could have responded to Jesus’ requests with explanations of why what He asked was impossible. Instead they chose to put their faith in Jesus and pick up their feet. Peter reminds us that we need Jesus for more than a good start. Remember he began to sink when he was distracted by his circumstances (Matt. 14:28-33).

To help us get the biggest bang out of 2004, I have listed some prayer requests for you to pray daily for yourself, your loved ones, and us! I’ve included some scripture reference by each one to buoy your confidence and remind us of Christ’s desire for each of us. You can focus on one throughout the day or pray them all each day. This is only a guide to spur your own personal prayers. Take time to connect with Christ daily.

God enables us to live victorious, powerful, wise lives. But as Peter had to step out of the boat, keep his focus on Christ and desire to walk on water to Jesus, so we must renew our focus and rely on God’s power for each step. When distractions come, as they surely will, may we anchor our thoughts and hopes on His immutable Word and character. We don’t know what opportunities and challenges lie ahead in 2004, but if we choose to live each day with an eternal perspective relying on Christ, we know that even in mundane tasks we can be eternally fruitful.

2004 Prayer Launchers

* That Jesus Christ would be our 1st love.
* For grace to love others as Christ has loved us. John 13:34; 15:12
* That we would walk by faith. II Corinthians 5:7
* For grace to know Christ better. Philippians 3:8
* That our lives and ministry would bear lasting fruit. John 15:16; Colossians 1:10
* That we would walk by the Spirit and not the flesh. Galatians 5:11
* That we’d be wise stewards of the time, talents and opportunities God grants. Matthew 25:14-29
* For courage to boldly proclaim Christ. Ephesians 6:19-20
* For good health and energy. III John 2
* For greater skill in using our spiritual gifts. II Timothy 1:6,7
* For provision for needs. Matthew 6:11
* For God to richly bless all who have blessed us. Philippians 4:17; Genesis 12:3
* For protection and victory in spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:10-20; Matthew 6:13
* For the Spirit’s anointing on our lives and ministry. Acts 1:8
* For Christ to be exalted in our lives and ministry. Philippians 1:20
* To live worthy of and pleasing to the Lord. Colossians 1:10
* Pray for our government leaders. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

God bless and Happy New Year,

Special Request: As you consider your year end or new year giving to the Lord, please consider a gift to Lighthouse ministries. Your gifts help those who could not otherwise afford Christian counseling receive help when they need it. And Fore the Lord is matching every new gift or every increase over former amounts given up to $10,000. Thank you for your consideration

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