by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 22, 2013 | Battles, Betrayal, Broken Relationships, Forgiveness, Freedom, Life Experiences, Life skills, Relationships
The thought of spending an evening exchanging pleasantries with the one who stabbed you in the back can tie your stomach in knots. After you forgive, how do treat someone who hasn’t changed? Here are two guiding principles. Don’t face this alone Remember Jesus’ words:... by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 15, 2013 | Anger, Battles, Betrayal, Broken Relationships, Forgiveness, Freedom, Healing, Infidelity, Life skills, Relationships
You’re attending an event. The person who wronged you will be there. You forgave them, but you don’t trust them. They show no evidence of change or remorse. Maybe they said they’re sorry “you’re hurt,” but they won’t admit their wrong. How do you handle the... by Debbie W. Wilson | Apr 1, 2013 | Battles, Betrayal, Broken Relationships, Forgiveness, Freedom
Today we look at the O in FREEDOM: Over and Over. Forgiveness is like cleaning a wound, the deeper the injury the more often you have to clean it, and the longer it takes to heal. Sometimes we have to forgive Over and over again. That’s why platitudes that heap guilt... by Debbie W. Wilson | Mar 25, 2013 | Battles, Betrayal, Broken Relationships, Forgiveness, Freedom
There comes a time in the process of forgiveness we must follow Nike’s slogan and just do it. The D in FREEDOM is Decide. Decide to forgive. We’ve discussed some of the benefits and barriers of forgiveness. Now Decide: To trust God’s character and forgive. To cancel... by Debbie W. Wilson | Mar 11, 2013 | Battles, Broken Relationships, Forgiveness, Freedom
“I feel sooooooo free…Part of me wants to jump up and down, and the other part just stands in awe that nothing is tying me down any more…The wounds still hurt, but they don’t own me anymore. I never thought so much pain on Thursday could lead to so much joy and... by Debbie W. Wilson | Aug 22, 2011 | Abuse, Battles, Betrayal, Broken Relationships, Life Experiences
Larry was small growing up, but his older brother, Ron, towered above his peers. Larry didn’t fear bullies because he knew Ron was feared by any potential tormentor. Did you know that you have a fearsome big brother who protects you? I shudder for those who pick on...