Broken Treasure

If you haven’t met Amy Carroll yet, you are in for a real treat! Enjoy her words today as we celebrate the release of her book Breaking Up with Perfect.

As I rummaged through the damaged store, I hurried toward a colorful decoration that caught my eye. A hurricane had ravaged the seaside store’s merchandise, but there were a few treasures left.

Cover-669x1024-2My prize that day was a papier-mâché figure of Santa Clause directing a band of animal musicians. Since my husband was a band director, seeing Jolly Old Saint Nick with his conductor’s baton poised made my heart sing even though it was a balmy North Carolina summer outside.

I carefully carried the figurines to the cash register and made them mine.

Nearly skipping with joy down the sidewalk, suddenly I tripped and dropped my fragile treasures. My face fell with dismay as I peeked inside the bag only to see pieces of Santa and his friends lying jagged and free-floating at the bottom.

When I got home, I gently removed the pieces and lay them out on a table. One by one, I drew a thin line of glue on the narrow edges and began to put them back together.

The results weren’t altogether terrible.

Santa’s pedestal is webbed with cracks and the beaver is missing a leg, but unless guests get too close, they’ll never know the trauma Kris Kringle endured. He’s broken but still beautiful, and a smile stretches across my face each Christmas as I unpack him from his protective box.

Why do I struggle to believe that others could see me the same way?

All of us have a level of brokenness from our own sin nature or from sin leveled against us. We all have cracks of insecurity, shards of sin, and flaws of failure, but for most of my life I’ve wanted to hide mine. I’ve wanted to glaze over my brokenness with a façade of perfection.

If I had found only a perfect Santa acceptable, I would have either tossed him after his fall, or I would have hidden him away in the box with the other outdated, worn-out ornaments.

That’s ok with an object, but we’d never do that to an imperfect person. We’re all in the same boat! So why are we afraid others will do it to us? That maybe God will too?

So we keep others at arm’s length, never allowing anyone to get too close, or we hide behind our walls of shame or false perfection. We try to earn acceptance and love with our just-right words and our thought-out actions, feeling more and more lonely all the time, when in truth…

Authenticity is the antidote for isolation.

Jesus doesn’t despise us in our brokenness, tossing us away or hiding the fact that He loves us. He gently takes our pieces and glues them back together with His grace, compassion, and forgiveness. If we’ll only lay down our masks of perfection and surrender to His perfecting work, Jesus lovingly sets us out for the world to see and claims us as His own. 

I’ve been on a journey to break up with perfect, and I’m finding that my relationships with others are deeper than ever when I’m real about my flaws. In the process, I’m able to point to Jesus as the Perfect One, our ultimate hero, and I’m resting in the lavish love I’m finding in Him.

Amy Carroll wants to celebrate the release of her new book Breaking Up with Perfect  with you! Please leave a comment to enter to win a free copy. If you’re living life at warp-speed today, just say “I’m breaking up with perfect!” in the comments to enter.

Click here to comment. 

About Amy

Standing-UP-682x1024Amy Carroll’s passion is leading women to deeper delight through the matchless pleasure of rich relationship with God and others. Amy is a member of the Proverbs 31 Ministries’ speaker team, the author of Breaking Up with Perfect, and the director of Next Step Speaker Services.  She lives in NC with her 3 favorite guys and a little, red dachshund.  You can find her on any given day typing at her computer, reading a book or trying to figure out one more alternative to cooking dinner.  Visit Amy at her blog to join her in a journey toward more joy.

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  1. Beth Holleman

    Hallelujah! I’m breaking up with perfect!!!!! As Jackie Gleason used to say. . . “How sweet it is!”


    • Amy Carroll

      Yes indeed, Beth!

  2. Melissa

    Love that Jesus loves us at all times, even in our brokenness. I don’t have to be perfect. Jesus loves me, this I know………… 🙂

    • Debbie Wilson

      Amen, Melissa. God has given us the righteousness of Christ (2 Cor. 5:21). Can’t get any better than that!

  3. Bridgit Smith

    “He gently takes our pieces and glues them back together with His grace, compassion, and forgiveness. If we’ll only lay down our masks of perfection and surrender to His perfecting work, Jesus lovingly sets us out for the world to see and claims us as His own. ”

    Amy, I look forward to reading your book. It has brought me such joy as I have watched the transformation of “Breaking up with Perfect.”

    I have found in my life that procrastination masked my perfection. And now, I am watching my thirty year old daughter struggle with perfection, although it is masked differently than my own.

    Looking forward to reading your book!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Bridget, you are so right. Procrastination can mask perfection.

  4. Ann Johnson

    “I’m breaking up with perfect!”

    • Debbie Wilson

      You go girl!

  5. KarenAnn

    I’m breaking up with perfect! And looking forward to reading the book ;D

    • Debbie Wilson


  6. sally

    breaking up with perfect!!!

    • Debbie Wilson


  7. Myhriah

    Amy, what a perfect title for a book! I am definitely going to get a copy! I have been working to rid myself of perfectionism for a while. I even have art pieces I made that state it, because there making was an opportunity to challenge myself in letting my perfectionism go!
    I am definitely sharing this post! I know my audience will benefit from you as well.
    Myhriah Young

    You can see where I share at:
    My Facebook page:

  8. Miranda Miller

    I’m breaking up with perfect!!

  9. Suzy Jacques

    I’m breaking up with perfect!

  10. Misty Keith

    I am so breaking up with perfect. I need to let perfect go! Hope to win this book. It could help me a whole lot! :o)

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