A Worthy Focus for the New Year

Someone quipped they would wait six months to decide whether to welcome 2022. After the last two years, I get it. While no one knows what we’ll face in the coming year, we know the One who never changes. And He is worthy of our worship and our focus.

 And they sang in a mighty chorus:

‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slaughtered—
    to receive power and riches
and wisdom and strength
    and honor and glory and blessing’” (Rev. 5:12 NLT).

Please take a moment to savor Andrew Peterson’s “Is He Worthy?” below.

You enrich our lives. Thank you for considering Lighthouse Ministries in your year-end giving as we work together to restore relationships, build lives, and further God’s kingdom. If we can help you in 2022 with your important relationships or on your spiritual journey, please contact us.

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” ~ C.S. Lewis

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. ~ C.S. Lewis #NewYear, #RefreshingFaith Share on X

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Happy New Year,




Photo by Yana Gorbunova on Unsplash

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  1. Ann J Musico

    Thank you Debbie. I wish you and your family a year overflowing with God’s best blessings, peace, joy, health and love!! And yes – HE IS WORTHY!!!!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Ann. May God fill you with the same! And yes, He is worthy!!

  2. Nancy E. Head

    Great post, Debbie. Let’s welcome the New Year of our Lord. God bless!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Nancy. God bless you and yours!

  3. J.D. Wininger

    Amen Ms. Debbie! I finished your post with the mindset of, “If you ain’t right, get right. NOW!” Such an inspiring post ma’am. If we’re truly Christians (and not Christian in name only), then we should have no fear of what the future holds for us. It’s already been revealed to us in God’s word. Of the 2,000 or so promises in God’s word, not a single one has not been fulfilled exactly as He promised. Why then, should we worry about the “how we might get sick or die”? Instead, shouldn’t we be focused on doing the job He called us to do? Great post to help us “get our minds right” as we enter this New Year. God’s blessings to you, Mr. Larry, children, and your “furry children.”

    • Debbie Wilson

      Yes, J.D. The dark clouds threaten us with storms and rain. But the Son is shining and outlasts any storm. Many blessings to you!

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