Enticing Packages or Real Treasure

Kids around the world dream of what they hope Santa will deliver under their tree on Christmas morning. As adults, we also have dreams, especially concerning the romantic relationships we hope will deliver a life time of love and pleasure. Adults don’t write Santa, but they may ask, “Please pray for me to know if this guy is God’s will for me, I only want to marry God’s choice.”

When someone says they only want God’s will in the choice of a mate, they are acknowledging that only God knows the future, only God knows the true character of this person and what they will be like, only God knows what will really satisfy, so they want access to that wisdom and want “His Will”.

On the surface their requests and comments appear good. But, as a counselor I’m required to probe a little deeper than a normal conversation might allow. Repeatedly, I discover the woman is sleeping with the fellow in question. Sometimes the guy is still married to another but separated. When I ask “do you believe you are living in accordance with God’s will?”, they usually hang their heads and say, “I know what I’m doing is wrong.”

“So”, I gently point out, “you don’t really want God’s will since you’re ignoring what you know to be His clear will, you want His blessing.”

Why do we think we can find God’s blessing outside of His revealed will? James 1:13-17 reminds us that allurements that promise to deliver blessings or meet our needs outside God’s will end in pain and death! Picture a beautifully wrapped package, you open it and find stench and death. In contrast: “Don’t be deceived, every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”. Did you catch that? Every gift that is good, not just in appearance, but in substance, comes from God who does not change His standards and values with the changes in culture.

God’s revealed will is the avenue to receive His blessing and to know and experience Him. If we walk moment by moment with Him, in accordance with His will revealed in His word; we won’t miss His will or His good and perfect gifts. God’s gifts may come in plain packages that do not entice our senses, but inside we find real blessing life, peace and joy.

The Psalmist wrote, “Because the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need.” When I keep my eyes on my Shepherd and enjoy my relationship with Him, my real needs are met and I won’t miss His good gifts or His blessing. I will never discover God’s good gifts by pursuing enticements that lay outside God’s will, no matter how much they promise to meet my felt needs. Romantic relationships can be wonderful in God’s timing and God’s way, but with or without them, only Jesus satisfies our deepest needs. If you think about it, have you ever regretted any time you’ve walked in obedience with Him? But I bet you’ve regretted 100% of time you’ve gone your own way contrary to His.

All of God’s good gifts are wrapped up in the gift of His Son, Jesus. All blessings are freely given to us in Him. This Christmas and everyday, let us not be distracted by all that teases our senses and miss God’s best gift.

Merry Christmas!

PS: Your gifts to Lighthouse Ministries are real treasures. They enable us to offer the hope of Christ and genuine help to individuals, marriages and families. Thank you so much!

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