Why You Could Be Missing Out on Peace and Joy

December-Newsletter-cartoon-for-DebbieWhich seems stronger to you, peace or worry? I’d have to say sometimes peace and joy seem like delicate glass ornaments, while worry and fear are ugly trolls in spiked boots stomping on my delicate peace. I’ve even used worry as fairy dust to sprinkle over my concerns in hopes they’d disappear.

Can you relate? Do you go around bracing yourself against disappointment? Has your joy ever depended on things you can’t control, such as the following?

  • Someone else’s attitude?
  • How well family members get along?
  • How much money is left after the bills?
  • Finding (or receiving) the right gift?
  • Who shares your holiday?

In truth, trouble is a part of life. Jesus Himself said so. But that doesn’t mean we have to live with worry and fear.

What if We Could Find Rest from Our Concerns?

Despite the fact we live in a world with difficulty, we don’t have to live with stress. Jesus promises peace in the midst of trouble: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV).

The peace that Jesus offers is not a delicate glass ball. It’s a cannon ball! It demolishes fear and worry. We’re the fragile ones when we base our peace on the wrong assurances—the world’s promises. But we can change.

That is why I put together Give Yourself a Break: Discover the Secrets to God’s Rest. When we practice the principles in this ten-week Bible study we become more resilient and discover the peace and joy of abiding in God’s rest.

Each chapter addresses one of the following issues. Could you use a break from—

  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Difficult People
  • Renegade Thoughts
  • Messy Emotions
  • Worry
  • Regret
  • Temptation
  • Spiritual Attacks
  • The Pressure to Perform
  • Your Work

Cultivating the habit of spending time with Christ daily and learning from Him transforms our mindset and brings rest to our souls. Meeting with other believers encourages us in our faith. For those who are local, our women’s Bible study begins January 14. I invite you to join us as we go through Give Yourself a Break together. (Click here to learn more.)

Give Yourself a Break reminds us that we’re not alone, not responsible for everyone, and we have a Shepherd who bears our burdens. Jesus is the only source of true—and lasting—peace and joy. Don’t leave this priceless gift unopened this Christmas season.

And speaking of gifts, Larry and I thank God for you. Because of your prayers and generosity our ministry continues to offer the peace and joy of Christmas all year round.

Merry Christmas,

To order your copy of Give Yourself a Break, click here.

I enjoyed reading your favorite verses last week. You may comment here.

Email: LighthouseMinistries@mac.com

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  1. Earle Finley


    Refreshing thoughts over the Christmas Holidays, as we look back at the year and forward to the New Year with great hope. Merry Christmas to you, Larry, Ginny and Brant.

    With much love,

    Earle & Sara

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thanks, Earle, may you, Sara, and those you love enjoy your Christmas and 2015 also!

  2. Sandi

    What a timely message. Thanks for the encouragement and reminder of where our rest lies.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Thank you, Sandi! Merry Christmas.

  3. Gwen

    We got disconnected when I got a new e-mail address. Merry Christmas to all the Wilsons!

    • Debbie Wilson

      Merry Christmas to you and Richard also, Gwen! You can resubscribe in the box on the right to get them every week. Hope we can connect in the new year!

  4. Ann

    I really can relate to how you describe these qualities at the beginning – peace and joy being delicate glass ornaments and worry and fear wearing the spiked boots. I love reminding myself that peace is shalom and it covers EVERYTHING! The joy of the Lord is my strength – so it can’t be fragile! But I have to remind myself often – I think we become conditioned to believing fear and worry are BIG – when we only make them big. Wonderful reminder especially at this stressful, busy time of year. Wishing you and your family the most joyous Christmas imaginable! And a healthy and blessed new year.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, you are so right. We have to constantly choose peace and remind ourselves that any thing Jesus supplies is greater than anything the world or our flesh can dish out. May you and your family also enjoy a wonderful Christmas and new year!

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