The Importance of Focus: Lessons from a Bike

Growing up in New Orleans, my friend Sandi road bikes with her family on Sunday afternoons. Every week her mom would say, “Sandi, don’t hit the pedestrians.” And every week Sandi would run into one of them.

Photo by: Pedro Ribeiro Simões

Sandi didn’t want to hit the walkers. But, when she was peddling, she’d watch the people strolling next to her. Her bike followed her gaze.

In his book Thou Shall Prosper, Rabbi Daniel Lapin said a trainer for highway patrol motorcyclists shared an important lesson: focus on where you are going, not on where you are. A biker’s body and bike naturally follow his focus.

The same principle works in life. I’ve discovered my outlook follows my thoughts. When I brood over the negative, guess where my spirit goes?

Recently, I’ve had some opportunities to test this. One night I sensed a glum spirit in our son. “What’s wrong?” I said. He showed me a link that described a horrible autoimmune disease (masticatory muscle myositis) that our vet thinks our beloved standard poodle, Max, has. I read it and felt my spirit sink.

Thankfully, alarming reports don’t have to consume us. The apostle Paul endured numerous threats. Yet, even in prison, he chose to set his mind on the good things he knew to be true. “ Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things,” (Philippians 4:8, ESV).

When I first heard my vet’s thoughts, the Lord reminded me of the man born blind. Jesus said he was born blind so that the works of God might be displayed in him,” (Jn. 9:3, NASB). It is not helpful for me to dwell on what might happen to Max. I need to focus on “whatever is commendable.” For me, that’s talking to our vet, praying, and reminding myself that the Lord will be glorified through Max.

When we follow Paul’s example and focus on the good we know, we discover a peace that surpasses understanding—a peace that overcomes bad news and difficult circumstances.

Paul promises an even richer benefit than the peace of God: “practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you,” (Phil. 4:10, ESV). Did you get that? As we set our minds on Christ, God himself comforts and assures us He is with us.

Focus takes practice. Is your mind set on where you want to go or on what you want to avoid? Sandi learned to ride safely among pedestrians by redirecting her focus.

Please pray that I will keep my mind stayed on Christ. I’d appreciate your prayers for Max too. How can I pray for you?

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Debbie Wilson

Deborah W. Wilson


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  1. Ella

    Absolutely love this post. Seems to be a theme in my daily reading and Bible study. When God keeps repeating something we really need to pay attention. When our focus is Jesus and not ourselves or our circumstances our soul is refreshed. Thanks Debbie for always encouraging and sharing what God teaches you.

  2. Judy Bechtel

    Debbie, Hi! I will pray for Max. We recently lost on 1/4/2014 our beloved Boxer Scooby to insulinoma (pancreatic cancer) and know how you feel when you get a rough diagnosis. We did have 4 months during his illness that he did glorify God by continuing to bring joy to everyone he met, especially with his therapy work. I really appreciate your writings. They have definitely spoke to me a number of times and helped me keep my eye on God and his goodness I was introduced to them through your cousins Sandy and Don Conklyn (Lancaster, PA). I’ll ask for prayers for my husband. He lost his job in Oct. a month after Scooby’s diagnosis. Was a trying end to 2013. We’re almost at the end of severance and he still hasn’t found a full-time job. Prayers for the job as well as mental strength to weather the storm and stay God focused through a uncertain time. Thanks!


    • Debbie Wilson

      Judy, Thank you for sharing. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I don’t know if you saw the blog I wrote when we said good bye to our 14 year old lab. They are certainly gifts from God. I will pray for your husband and for you as you face this uncertain time. Are you familiar with and .net? Dan Miller and his group offer many resources to help people in their careers. Give my cousins a big hug for me!

  3. Ann

    Debbie I will certainly pray for Max and for you. I would appreciate your praying that I will be able to keep my eyes focused on Him so I don’t stray off into the ditch either! I wish I could say I set my mind on what I want to see – I do sometimes, but more often than not I realize it is laser focused on what I don’t want – and I have to stop and change direction. It’s a process and I’m getting better at it but I am definitely not there yet.

    • Debbie Wilson

      Ann, I’m with you. I’ll pray for you, and thank you for your prayers too.

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