One Good Reason to Trust God with Unanswered Prayer
What if I told you unanswered prayer may be a sign of God’s favor? You might argue that since biblical days many have taught otherwise. If you’re sick or God has closed your womb, then you’ve fallen from grace. What if I told you the Bible shows the reverse was true...
Have You Discovered the Joy of Giving?
I’ve noticed giving people are joyful people. That makes sense since the Scripture says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35 NIV). Ironically some of the most joyful giving comes out of lack or when giving involves sacrifice and stretches our faith.

Merry Christmas from the Wilsons and Lighthouse Ministries
Merry Christmas to you and your family! 2 Corinthians 8:9 sums up Christmas for me. Below are links to some Christmas inspiration including an article from Reflections Ministry, one by me, and my favorite Christmas song. I hope you enjoy them as we take time to...
What You Need to Know to Deal with Bullies
Bully “One who hurts or browbeats”[1] Having recently counseled people dealing with bullies got my husband, Larry, thinking about how prevalent they are. Here are some lessons he learned. My walk home from elementary school often included unpleasant encounters with...